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Can you post video story on PC?

Can you post video story on PC?

In the age of social media, video has become an extremely popular way to share updates, stories, and experiences. Platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and Facebook all have features that allow users to post short video stories that disappear after 24 hours. While these video story features originated on mobile apps, many people now want to know if they can also post video stories from their desktop or laptop computers.

The short answer is yes, it is possible to post video stories on a PC for some social platforms, though the experience may vary across sites. In this article, we’ll look at how to post video stories from a computer for some of the top social platforms that support ephemeral video stories.

Posting Video Stories on Instagram from PC

Instagram launched video stories in August 2016, and it quickly became one of the app’s most popular features. The Instagram story camera is built for mobile, but you can access and post to stories from Instagram’s website on a desktop computer. Here’s how:

  1. Go to and log into your account on the desktop site.
  2. Click on the “+” icon in the top left and select “Story”
  3. Click the camera icon to open up the story camera.
  4. Take or upload a photo/video for your story (max 15 seconds).
  5. Customize with filters, text, stickers as you normally would on mobile.
  6. Click “Your Story” when finished to post it.

While functionally you can post video stories from Instagram’s desktop site, the experience isn’t as seamless. The story camera lacks some of the features of the mobile app camera, and you lose the convenience of quickly shooting video hands-free. But for basic video story creation, it works in a pinch if you don’t have access to your phone.

Limitations of Instagram Stories on PC

Some downsides to keep in mind about Instagram Stories on desktop:

  • Can’t record video directly from webcam – have to upload existing clips.
  • No access to some newer creative tools like Layout.
  • Can view stories but not reply via DM on desktop.

Overall, while limited compared to mobile, using Instagram’s desktop site allows you to maintain your Instagram Stories presence even without access to your phone.

Posting Snapchat Video Stories from Computer

Snapchat popularized social media stories when it launched in 2011, and video Snaps have always been a core part of the app. For a long time, Snapchat was mobile-only, but you can now use Snapchat on a desktop web browser to view stories and send chats. However, capabilities are still limited compared to mobile.

Here’s what you can do with Snapchat on PC/Mac:

  • View snaps and stories from friends and accounts you follow.
  • Send text and video/image chat messages.
  • Edit your profile and add friends.

Notably missing from the desktop experience is the ability to create Stories. The Snapchat camera only exists on mobile, so you can’t film or upload Snaps or add them to your Story from the desktop site. You can only view Stories posted by others.

So unfortunately, Snapchat currently does not allow users to post video Stories from a computer – that functionality remains mobile-only for now. The web experience focuses more on messaging than creativity.

Posting Facebook Stories from PC

Facebook launched their own version of ephemeral 24-hour stories in March 2017. On mobile devices, you can post photo and video stories to Facebook from the Stories section at the top of your feed in the Facebook app.

On desktop, the process works much the same way:

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Click on the “Stories” bookmark icon on the left side menu bar.
  3. Click the “+” in the top right to create a new story.
  4. Upload a photo or short video clip (up to 20 seconds).
  5. Customize with stickers, text, etc.
  6. Click “Share” to post your video story.

Facebook Stories lacks some of the creative tools available on mobile, like hands-free recording, AR filters, and more. But you can easily manage and create basic video stories for Facebook from a desktop or laptop computer.

Watching Facebook Stories on PC

In addition to posting Stories, Facebook’s desktop site makes it easy to watch stories from friends and Pages you follow. Just click on the Stories bookmark on the left sidebar to start viewing them. You can react and respond to stories you see as you would on mobile.

So Facebook provides a complete Stories experience on PC, though limited in creation compared to mobile. Still, it’s a handy way to maintain your Story presence if you don’t have phone access.

Video Stories on YouTube from Desktop

YouTube launched its own take on ephemeral stories, called YouTube Stories, in mid-2018. However, unlike other platforms, Stories never became a major feature on YouTube, and posting YouTube Stories was only ever possible from mobile.

There is no option to create or upload story videos from YouTube’s desktop site. You can only view existing Stories by going to an account’s Stories playlist on desktop.

So unfortunately, YouTube currently does not support posting Stories from a computer, only viewing. The feature remains mobile-focused.

TikTok Video Stories from PC

As of 2023, TikTok has not yet launched any version of ephemeral stories on its short-form video platform. All videos posted to TikTok remain visible on a user’s profile unless manually deleted.

Some speculate TikTok may add a Stories feature in the future to compete with other social platforms. But as of now, there is no way to post either persistent or ephemeral video stories from either mobile or desktop TikTok. All videos must be posted as standard TikToks.

Other Social Platforms Without Video Stories

Aside from the major social networks covered above, here are some other notable platforms that do not have any version of ephemeral video stories available on either mobile or desktop at this time:

  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr
  • Reddit

These sites focus more on permanent sharing, commenting, and messaging than impermanent stories. While their features vary, none allow posting either persistent or auto-deleting videos to a distinct “Stories” section akin to Instagram or Snapchat.

Third-Party Apps to Post Social Media Stories on PC

While some platforms don’t support posting Stories from desktop natively, there are a few third-party apps that can help:

Facebook Stories Creator

This Google Chrome extension allows uploading videos to Facebook Stories from your computer. It adds a Stories option to Chrome’s upload dialog box. Simple drag-and-drop video into Facebook to post a Story.

Instagram Story Downloader

Lets you download videos and images from Instagram Stories to re-upload as your own. Available as Chrome extensions or standalone websites. Useful for repurposing others’ content to your own Stories.

Social Story Post Scheduler

Tools like Buffer allow scheduling social media posts, including Instagram and Facebook Stories, from a computer for later publishing. Useful for planning and managing Stories on desktop.


While ephemeral social media stories originated on mobile, several major platforms like Instagram and Facebook now provide at least basic capabilities for creating and posting video stories from a desktop web browser. However, the Story creation tools are often limited compared to mobile, with no option for hands-free recording videos directly within the site.

Other platforms like Snapchat and YouTube still restrict Stories to mobile devices only. And some networks like Twitter have no story functionality at all yet.

So the ability to post video stories from a PC varies greatly across social platforms. In some cases, third-party tools can help fill the gaps in desktop story creation abilities. But overall, the Stories format still remains a primarily mobile-first feature for most social apps. The desktop experience is usually optimized more for viewing than creating stories.