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Can you post on other pages from a business page on Facebook?

Can you post on other pages from a business page on Facebook?

Quick Answer

Yes, Facebook Pages allow admins to post content not just to their own Page, but also to other Pages that they manage. This is a useful feature for businesses and organizations that have multiple Pages on Facebook.

Posting to Other Pages You Manage

When you are logged into your Facebook business Page, you will see a dropdown menu at the top left next to the Page name. This menu allows you to switch between all the Pages you manage.

To post to another Page:

1. Click on the dropdown menu next to your Page name.

2. Select the other Page you want to post to from the list.

3. The screen will switch to display the selected Page.

4. Create your post as usual by typing into the status update box at the top of the page.

5. When you click “Post”, the content will be published on the currently displayed Page, not your original business Page.

You can easily switch back and forth between your managed Pages to share posts between them. The posts will always be published to whichever Page is currently active.

Benefits of Cross-Page Posting

There are a few benefits to having the ability to post to multiple Pages from the same account:

– Efficient management of multiple Pages – You can manage and post to all your Pages from one place, without having to switch between different accounts.

– Ability to reuse content – You can easily publish the same post to different Pages to maximize its reach. This is useful for promotional posts or website links you want to share across your brand’s presence.

– Cohesive messaging – Posting the same updates creates consistency between your different Pages and properties. Fans will feel like they’re engaging with one brand voice.

– Save time – Cross-posting eliminates the need to create duplicate posts for every Page. You can draft it once and share it everywhere.

What Types of Pages Can You Post Between?

The Pages dropdown menu will display any Facebook Pages that you are an admin of. This allows you to post between:

– Multiple business Pages you manage

– Your personal profile and business Pages

– Groups that you administrate

– Event Pages created for specific occasions

Essentially any Facebook presence that you have admin access to will be available for cross-posting. You just need to use the dropdown menu to navigate between them.

Switching Between Business Managers

Large brands may manage hundreds of Facebook Pages across multiple ad accounts. These are usually organized using Business Managers.

If your Pages are associated with different Business Managers, you’ll need to switch between these accounts to access all your managed Pages.

To change Business Managers:

1. Click your account avatar in the top right.

2. Choose “Use Another Account” from the dropdown menu.

3. This will display a list of your Business Managers. Select the one you want to switch to.

4. Once logged into that Business Manager, you can now cross-post between its associated Pages via the Page dropdown menu.

Business Managers allow bigger organizations to segment their managed Pages. But admins can still easily navigate between accounts to post to all their properties.

Posting Between Profiles and Pages

You may want to share content from your personal Facebook profile to one of your business Pages. For example, sharing a post about your brand from your own profile to drive engagement.

To do this:

1. Create the post as usual from your personal profile.

2. Use the dropdown menu to switch over to the business Page.

3. Copy and paste the text to re-share the post on your Page.

You can also do the reverse – posting content from your Page to your personal profile. The dropdown menu makes it simple to publish updates across both your brand presence and personal account.

Posting from Facebook to Instagram

If your Facebook Pages and Instagram business profiles are connected, you may also be able to cross-post between these networks.

To post from Facebook to Instagram:

1. Create your post on Facebook as usual.

2. Check the box next to “Share to Instagram” before publishing.

3. This will automatically share the post to your connected Instagram account too.

You can also go the other way – sharing Instagram posts to your Facebook Page. Just look for the “Share to Facebook” option when posting on Instagram.

Cross-posting between Facebook and Instagram makes it easy to distribute your content to fans and followers on both platforms.

Connecting Your Facebook and Instagram Accounts

To unlock cross-posting between Facebook and Instagram, you first need to link your accounts:

– Your Facebook Page and Instagram profile must use the same email address. This links the two together in the background.

– From Instagram, you can then connect to an existing Facebook Page that uses that email.

– Facebook offers a confirmation screen to officially connect them.

– Once connected, you’ll gain access to the sharing options on both platforms.

If your accounts use different emails, you may need to add the Facebook address as a secondary email to your Instagram profile before connecting them.

Things You Can’t Cross-Post to Facebook

While Facebook does allow extensive cross-posting, there are a few limitations:

– Can’t post to private Groups – Only public and private Groups that you admin can accept cross-posts.

– Can’t post to other brand Pages – You can only post to Pages that you have admin access to.

– Can’t post to other user accounts – Facebook doesn’t allow posting directly to other personal timelines.

– Can’t auto-post from Instagram – If your Instagram account is linked to multiple Facebook Pages, you have to select the Page each time you share.

– Age and regional restrictions – Some post types like Facebook Dating or Marketplace are restricted.

So you largely can only cross-post between your own Pages and Profiles. But this still provides valuable options for managing your brand’s Facebook presence.

Best Practices for Cross-Posting

When sharing content across your Pages and accounts, keep these best practices in mind:

– Customize posts for each audience – Don’t blanket post identical updates everywhere. Tweak messaging appropriately for each of your Pages.

– Adjust posting frequency – Be careful of overposting the same content too frequently. Adjust volume based on the audience.

– Monitor engagement – Track reactions and comments on each cross-posted update. Learn which content resonates where.

– Follow each Page’s posting guidelines – Maintain any established posting strategies already defined for each of your Pages.

– Provide unique value – Make sure followers on each Page gain something from the cross-posted content. Don’t just duplicate for duplication’s sake.

Avoid Spamming with Cross-Posts

While cross-posting can be beneficial, be careful not to overdo it. Duplicate content posted too often will feel like spam to your audiences. Monitor how the same followers are engaging across your Pages and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Using Third-Party Social Media Management Tools

Manually cross-posting between Facebook Pages and accounts can become time-consuming. Many social media marketers turn to management tools like Hootsuite, Buffer and Sprout Social to save time.

Key features of these tools include:

– Connecting multiple social profiles under one dashboard

– Scheduling posts to go out across different connected accounts

– Publishing and engaging with content in bulk

– Automating repetitive posting tasks

– Monitoring engagement and analytics in one place

Tools like these make cross-posting to Facebook much easier. They provide one unified platform to manage a brand’s entire presence.

Social Media Scheduling for Cross-Posting

In particular, the scheduling features of social media tools come in handy for cross-posting.

You can draft a post once then schedule it to be shared across your Pages on different days at optimal times. This allows you to easily recycle content while keeping the distribution randomized.

Scheduling is an excellent time-saving solution for cross-posting frequently without becoming overly repetitive.


Cross-posting is a built-in feature of Facebook that lets you easily share updates across multiple Pages and Profiles. This allows seamless management of all your brand’s Facebook properties from one place.

While cross-posting has many benefits, be sure your strategy drives value for each audience and doesn’t become spammy. Follow Facebook best practices along with a scheduling tool for the best results.

With strategic implementation, cross-posting can help unify messaging across your brand identities and expand your content reach. Poll your communities for feedback and continually optimize your efforts over time.