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Can you pay Facebook to get verified?

Can you pay Facebook to get verified?

Getting verified on Facebook is something that many users strive for, as it gives your profile and page more legitimacy and authority. The blue verification badge that comes with being verified lets people know that your account is authentic and that you are who you say you are. For businesses and public figures, verification can help build trust and engagement with their audience on Facebook.

However, Facebook’s verification system is not available for purchase – you cannot simply pay money to get verified. Verification is only granted by Facebook to accounts that meet their criteria for authenticity and notability. So what does it take to get that coveted blue badge on Facebook?

What is Facebook verification?

Facebook verification is a process that authenticates profiles and pages on the platform. When a profile or page gets verified, it will display a blue badge icon next to the name to indicate that Facebook has confirmed it is the authentic presence of the public figure, celebrity, brand or entity it represents.

Verification helps distinguish authentic profiles and pages from impersonators or fake accounts. It gives credibility to public figures, organizations and businesses on Facebook. The blue check mark signals to users that the account is legitimate.

Facebook will verify accounts belonging to:

  • Notable public figures and celebrities
  • Businesses and brands
  • Media companies and publishers
  • Government agencies and organizations
  • Some other organizations and individuals that meet eligibility requirements

Why get verified on Facebook?

Here are some of the key benefits of getting verified on Facebook:

  • Authenticity – The blue verification badge conveys legitimacy and lets users know you are the real public figure, brand or business you claim to be.
  • Trust – Verification makes you appear more trustworthy and credible to users who see your profile or page.
  • Reputation – The check mark can improve your professional reputation on the platform.
  • Reach – Verified accounts have greater visibility and reach in some areas, like Facebook search.
  • Engagement – Followers may be more likely to engage with a verified profile or page than an unverified one.
  • Monetization – Creators and influencers may have more opportunities for brand partnerships and sponsorships.

In summary, verification can be advantageous for establishing authority and legitimacy on Facebook as an individual, brand or organization.

Can you pay to get verified on Facebook?

No, Facebook does not allow users to simply pay or apply for verification. The blue verification badge is only granted by Facebook based on their internal criteria.

There is no option to request verification or fill out an application. Facebook proactively verifies accounts belonging to notable public figures, brands and organizations. Normal users without a substantial public following generally do not qualify.

Facebook has a verification policy that accounts must meet specific notability requirements. Their policy states that they do not accept payment in exchange for verification. Attempting to pay Facebook or any third party agency to get verified goes against their policy. It could even result in the account losing current verification or being suspended.

Some key facts about Facebook verification:

  • Verification is free – users cannot purchase verification services from Facebook.
  • There’s no application – accounts are verified proactively based on notability.
  • You cannot request to get verified through Facebook support.
  • Third parties cannot verify your account on your behalf.
  • Buying followers or artificially inflating your popularity will not lead to verification.

Facebook has full discretion over which accounts get verified. Trying to buy verification or scam the system are violations likely to get your account penalized.

What are Facebook’s verification requirements?

Facebook has published eligibility standards and criteria that accounts must meet to qualify for verification. Here are some of the key requirements:

  • Authenticity – The account must represent the real identity and presence of the public figure, brand or entity it claims to be.
  • Notability – The individual or brand must have a substantial degree of public recognition and notoriety to be verifiable.
  • Complete profile – All profile info must be filled out with accurate details about the account owner.
  • Activity – The account should have recent, consistent activity in line with what users would expect from the brand or public figure.
  • Singular representation – An individual or brand should only have one verified profile page or account on the platform.
  • Secure account – Verified accounts must enable two-factor authentication for security.

Facebook also states that accounts with a substantial degree of popularity or having prominent positions in government, media, or the arts and entertainment industry are more likely to meet notability requirements.

Essentially, Facebook will verify accounts determined to be of high interest to the public due to their reputation, influence or position as a notable brand, organization or individual.

How to get verified on Facebook

Since users cannot request verification themselves, here are some best practices to potentially qualify and get Facebook’s attention:

  • Build your public reputation and become noteworthy in your field through achievements.
  • Grow your audience and following on Facebook and other major platforms.
  • Maintain an authentic, active social media presence that accurately represents your brand.
  • Use your name consistently across platforms and profiles.
  • Update your Facebook profile with current, accurate info about yourself or brand.
  • Avoid buying fake followers or inflating popularity artificially.

Essentially, focus on organically building your fame, influence and reputation as an individual or brand. Having a substantial engaged audience and presence on Facebook and beyond makes verification much more attainable.

Facebook proactively verifies accounts of individuals and organizations when they determine the account meets their criteria. There is no guarantee verification will happen even if you meet the requirements, as Facebook makes decisions on a case-by-case basis.

Can pages get verified without profiles?

Yes, it is possible for Facebook pages to be verified without having a verified personal profile connected to them. Facebook may verify pages representing notable businesses, brands, organizations and publishers even if the individual admins behind those pages are not public figures.

For example, the official Facebook page for Coca-Cola is verified with a blue badge, but the actual employees running the page do not need to be verified individually. Facebook is verifying the presence of the brand itself on the platform, not the personal profiles managing the page.

Having a verified profile can be beneficial for establishing additional legitimacy and trust as the face behind a page. But it is not required in all cases for a brand’s Facebook page to earn verification in its own right.

Verification on Facebook Business Manager

Facebook Business Manager is a separate platform that allows you to manage your business presence across Facebook apps. Business Manager profiles can also obtain verification independently from Facebook pages or personal profiles.

To get verified in Business Manager, your business must:

  • Be an official commercial entity that provides goods or services.
  • Have a presence on Facebook’s platforms like a Facebook Page or Instagram Business Profile.
  • Have that presence be eligible for or already verified by Facebook.

Verification of your Business Manager account conveys the legitimacy of your business managing promoted content or ad campaigns on Facebook’s platforms. It provides additional identity confirmation beyond just having a verified Facebook page.

What if you get unverified?

In some cases, Facebook may remove verification from an account if it no longer complies with requirements, such as:

  • Impersonating or misrepresenting the identity of the account holder
  • Having incorrect or outdated profile information
  • Changing names or branding in a confusing way
  • No longer being broadly notable or commanding substantial public interest
  • Violating Facebook’s terms of service or community standards

If your account loses verification, you can try appealing the decision through Facebook support. But you should focus on meeting the platform’s standards by maintaining an authentic, active and professional presence.

Other social media verification

Verification badges are common on other major social platforms like Twitter and Instagram, with similar requirements for authenticity and notability.

Like Facebook, getting verified on other platforms is not as simple as paying money or filling out an application. Companies like Twitter, Instagram and YouTube determine verification based on their own criteria.

However, individuals and brands verified on Facebook may have an easier time meeting requirements on other platforms too. Having Facebook’s blue check mark can contribute to your case for verification across social media.


Facebook’s blue verification badge can provide valuable legitimacy, but it is not purchasable or available on demand. Normal users without substantial public recognition will likely not qualify. Brands and public figures must strategically build their audience and reputation online to earn verification based on Facebook’s standards.

While there is no way to guarantee verification, even for notable entities, focusing on representing your authentic self or brand to the public is the first step. With Facebook’s identity verification requirements in mind, building your presence professionally across platforms is key for recognition.