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Can you move a Facebook post to an album?

Can you move a Facebook post to an album?

Facebook allows users to share posts with text, photos, videos, and more. Over time, users accumulate many posts on their timelines. While some posts are meant to be ephemeral, others are more special and users may want to save them permanently. This raises the question – can you move a Facebook post to an album for safekeeping? Let’s take a look at how to preserve memorable posts on Facebook.

What are the options for saving Facebook posts?

There are a few options for saving Facebook posts long-term:

  • Download the post – You can download a copy of the post to your computer or device. This lets you save the content, but doesn’t keep it on Facebook.
  • Save to bookmarks – Facebook has a bookmark feature that lets you privately save posts to revisit later. However, bookmarks are only visible to you.
  • Share as a post – You can share the post to your own timeline or a friend’s timeline. This keeps the post visible, but can clutter timelines.
  • Add to an album – Adding the post to a photo album keeps it on Facebook in a dedicated space. This option preserves the post while organizing your profile.

Adding the post to an album is the best choice if you want to keep the post on Facebook in an organized way. Now let’s look at how to move a post to an album.

How to add a post to a Facebook album

Moving a Facebook post to an album is a simple process:

  1. Go to the post you want to move and click on the three dots in the upper right corner. Select “Move to Album” from the dropdown menu.
  2. In the pop-up window, select the album where you want to add the post. You can also create a new album here.
  3. Click “Move” and the post will be added to the album. It will still remain visible on your timeline as well.

Here are some tips for managing posts in albums:

  • You can add multiple posts to the same album. For instance, you could have an album for a specific event or time period.
  • When viewing an album, you can change the order of posts, add descriptions, or delete posts.
  • Remember the 200 photo limit per album. If you reach this limit, consider creating a new album.
  • Go to your photos page to manage all your albums and see album covers.

So moving posts to an album is an easy way to file them away while still having access on Facebook.

What types of posts can be added to albums?

You may be wondering – what types of posts can actually be moved into albums? The good news is that many common post types are eligible:

  • Photos – Of course standalone photo posts can be added to albums.
  • Photo albums – An entire photo album can be moved to another album.
  • Videos – Hosted videos can be moved to albums.
  • Statuses – Text-only status updates with no attachments can be added.
  • Life events – Posts like engagements, marriages, and new jobs can go to albums.
  • Check-ins – Your location check-in posts can be moved to albums.

Some post types that cannot be added to albums include:

  • Links – Shared links do not have an album-eligible format.
  • External videos – Videos hosted off Facebook cannot be added.
  • Events – Event posts live on the events page and cannot move.

So standard photo, video, status, and location check-in posts tend to have the most flexibility for albums.

Are there any limitations?

Facebook does impose some limits around moving posts to albums:

  • Only the original poster can move a post to an album. Others who shared the post cannot move it.
  • When you add a post to multiple albums, deleting it from one album will remove it from all albums.
  • The post will still exist on the timeline even after moving to an album. There is no way to selectively delete from the timeline.
  • When moving photo albums to a new album, the 200 photo limit applies to the destination album.

So while posting to albums is useful for organizing content, the original post will persist on the timeline. Users also can’t “split” posts into different albums selectively.

Can you add old posts to albums?

When users first start actively using the albums feature, they often want to be able to backfill albums with older posts from their timeline. So can you add old posts to Facebook albums?

Fortunately, yes – there is no limitation on post age when moving content to an album. The steps are the same as moving a new post:

  1. Navigate to the old post you want to add.
  2. Click the three dots and select “Move to Album.”
  3. Choose the destination album or create a new one.

This works the same no matter if the post is from last week, last year, or many years ago. The key is just being able to find the post on your timeline.

Some tips for finding older posts:

  • Use the search bar to search for keywords, locations, etc.
  • Filter your timeline by date ranges.
  • Browse your activity log, which goes back to your join date.
  • Check posts you’re tagged in if you can’t find the original.

So digging through your timeline is necessary to resurrect older posts, but the album feature will work regardless of post age.

Can you organize albums into collections?

As you begin adding more and more albums, they may become disorganized again. Can you organize Facebook albums into collections the way you group photos on a computer?

Unfortunately, standard Facebook albums cannot be formally organized into hierarchy. However, there are some workarounds:

  • Use descriptive album titles like “Vacation 2022 – New York”
  • Alphabetize or number albums sequentially as you make them.
  • Use cover photos to color code albums by theme.
  • Create an album called “Collections” and add album preview images to manually group.

These tactics can help you create visual organization even though true hierarchies are not supported natively.

Can pages and groups add posts to albums?

So far we’ve discussed personal profiles, but what about other Facebook entities? Can pages and groups also organize posts into albums?

The ability differs depending on the type of page or group:

  • Public pages – Can create albums and add any of their own posts.
  • Private groups – Can also make albums and organize posts.
  • Events – Cannot move their posts to albums.

Page and group albums follow the same rules as user albums. Admins should keep the 200 photo limit in mind as they track engagement and memories.

Note that you cannot move posts from a personal profile to a page album. The post has to originate from the page itself.

Should businesses use Facebook albums?

For businesses and social media managers, Facebook albums represent an opportunity. Here are some examples of using albums for branding:

  • Showcase products visually in dedicated albums.
  • Curate albums around events, launches, and campaigns.
  • Have a “Best of” album to pin favorite content.
  • Show behind-the-scenes footage in an album.

Well-organized albums look professional and provide an intuitive user experience. Be sure to display album covers on your page’s photos tab.

Some tips for business album management:

  • Actually move top posts to albums instead of just sharing again.
  • Delete redundant or outdated albums over time.
  • Cross-promote new albums to followers.
  • Measure engagement to see which albums resonate.

Running a tight ship on albums takes work, but the impact can be significant.


Facebook albums provide a way to organize your favorite memories and content in a dedicated space separate from the main timeline. While profiles, pages, and groups get an endless stream of posts every day, albums let you collect, curate, and showcase specific content themes long-term.

Any post can be moved to an album as long as it originates from the same account. The post will still live on the timeline, but now will also exist in the album. Facebook sets a 200 photo maximum per album, so large collections may need multiple albums. While true album hierarchies are not supported, strategic naming and covers can help visually group albums.

Overall, albums are a powerful Facebook feature that users and businesses alike can leverage for focus and organization. Curating memorable posts into albums ensures they have a safe, permanent home on one of the world’s largest social media platforms.