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Can you mass delete group posts on Facebook?

Can you mass delete group posts on Facebook?

Facebook groups allow users to connect with others who share similar interests and engage in discussion around specific topics. As a group admin or moderator, you may find the need to delete multiple posts at once to keep your group focused or remove spam/inappropriate content.

Can you delete multiple Facebook group posts at once?

Yes, Facebook does provide a way for group admins and moderators to mass delete posts in their groups. This can be done through the group’s moderation tools on desktop and mobile.

On Desktop

To mass delete posts on the desktop version of Facebook:

  1. Go to your group page and click “Members” at the top
  2. Click “Moderation Tools” on the left sidebar
  3. Select “Manage Posts” to bring up a list of all posts in your group
  4. Check the box next to each post you want to delete to select it
  5. Click “Delete” at the top to delete all selected posts

On Mobile

The process is similar on mobile:

  1. Go to your group and tap the Members tab
  2. Tap “Moderation Tools” and select “Manage Posts”
  3. Tap the circle icon next to each post to select it for deletion
  4. Tap “Delete” at the top to delete all selected posts

What’s the limit for mass deleting posts?

According to Facebook, group moderators can select and delete up to 100 posts at a time with the bulk delete option.

If you need to remove more than that, you’ll have to repeat the steps above to delete posts in batches of 100.

Are there any shortcuts to delete in bulk?

Unfortunately there is no shortcut to instantly mass delete a large number of posts. The only way is to manually select up to 100 posts at a time and delete them.

However, there are some browser extensions like Social Book Post Manager that can help streamline the process of selecting and deleting multiple posts.

What type of posts can be mass deleted?

You can use the bulk delete option to remove any type of post from your Facebook group, including:

  • Regular text and photo posts
  • Shared links
  • Videos
  • Documents
  • Events

Comments on posts cannot be mass deleted – you would need to delete each comment separately.

What happens when you mass delete posts?

When you mass delete posts:

  • The selected posts are immediately and permanently removed from the group
  • Group members who posted the deleted content will not be notified or informed
  • A blank space is left where the deleted posts used to be
  • The posts do not go to a Trash folder and cannot be recovered

Can you mass delete posts made by a specific person?

Unfortunately there is no way to specifically target and delete multiple posts from one person only. Even using the search bar to search their name will only bring up one post at a time.

Your only option is to manually go through and select the individual posts made by that member that you want to remove.

What about deleting all posts older than a certain date?

Again, Facebook does not have an option to mass delete all posts older than a certain date or time period.

You would need to manually scroll through your group’s post list and delete older posts as you come across them. This can be tedious if your group has a lot of discussions over time.

Some potential workarounds:

  • Sort posts from Oldest to Newest first, then delete in batches
  • Try searching for dates/words associated with older posts
  • Use a third party Facebook management tool (if available)

But there is no native Facebook feature to bulk delete by age or date.

Can you mass delete posts by keyword or filters?

No, Facebook’s native moderation tools do not allow deleting posts based on keywords, texts or filters.

The only way to mass delete is to manually select individual posts. You can use search to find posts containing certain keywords/phrases, but there is no option to bulk delete the results.

Some potential workarounds:

  • Search keywords and delete batches of search results
  • Install browser extensions to search/filter posts (e.g. Social Book Post Manager)

But natively, Facebook only allows selecting and deleting up to 100 posts at once.

How can you avoid needing to mass delete posts?

Here are some tips to avoid needing to mass delete posts in your Facebook group:

  • Set clear rules that prohibit spam, self-promotion, and low-quality posts
  • Appoint active moderators to monitor and quickly remove any rule-breaking content
  • Enable post approvals so you can screen posts before they go live
  • Limit who can create posts to group admins/mods if needed
  • Act swiftly to remove inappropriate posts before they pile up
  • Regularly archive old discussions to clear outdated content

Following group guidelines and moderating actively can reduce the need for bulk deletions. But when required, bulk delete is a useful tool.

Can you undo a mass post deletion?

No, when you mass delete posts in Facebook groups there is no way to recover or undo it. The deletions are permanent.

Some points:

  • Deleted posts do not go to a Trash folder, they are gone for good
  • There is no Facebook feature to “undo” or revert a bulk deletion
  • The only way is if group members re-post the deleted content again

So be sure you really want to permanently remove the posts before bulk deleting. Review the selected posts before confirming deletion.


In summary:

  • Facebook allows admins/mods to mass delete up to 100 group posts at once
  • This can be done through the Manage Posts moderation tool
  • There is no shortcut to delete more than 100 posts
  • All types of posts can be bulk deleted except comments
  • You cannot target posts by user, date or filters – only manual selecting
  • Bulk deletions are permanent actions that cannot be undone

When used properly, mass deleting posts is a useful moderation feature to maintain your ideal group environment. Be sure you review selected posts before confirming any bulk deletions.

Platform Can Bulk Delete Posts? Max Deletions at Once
Facebook Yes 100 posts
Reddit No N/A
Discord Yes 100 messages

This table summarizes the bulk deletion capabilities on some major social platforms. Reddit currently does not allow moderators to mass remove posts – they must be deleted individually. Discord, like Facebook, lets server mods delete up to 100 messages at once.

The ability to mass delete content is an important moderation tool on today’s social platforms. It allows keeping communities focused, clean and enjoyable. While Facebook limits bulk actions to 100 posts at a time, it still provides valuable control to group administrators.

More Tips for Managing Facebook Groups

Here are some additional tips for effectively managing your Facebook groups:

Use Moderators

Appoint active admins and moderators to help monitor posts and conversations. This prevents any inappropriate content from slipping through the cracks.

Customize Profanity Filters

Set up custom banned words that will automatically flag use of offensive language in your group.

Freeze Threads

Temporarily freeze conversations to cool down heated discussions or prevent pile-ons.

Moderate Members

Ban or restrict frequent rule-breakers from posting or commenting.

Archive Old Posts

Archive stale/inactive threads to declutter the group feed.

Sort Comments

Prioritize relevant responses by sorting comments differently (Newest, Most Liked, etc).

Slow Mode

Throttling rapid posts can improve quality of discussions.

Combining bulk deletion with these other mod tools will help you nurture the ideal group community.

We’ve now covered how to mass delete Facebook group posts, when you might need to, limitations, and best practices. Let us know if you have any other questions!