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Can you manage more than one business page on Facebook?

Can you manage more than one business page on Facebook?

With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become an essential platform for businesses to connect with customers. Many businesses and organizations find it beneficial to have multiple Facebook pages to represent different brands, locations, or initiatives. But is it possible to manage more than one Facebook business page from a single ad account? The short answer is yes, you can manage multiple Facebook business pages from one ad account if you take the proper steps to set it up.

Why Have Multiple Facebook Business Pages?

Here are some common reasons businesses choose to create and manage multiple Facebook pages:

  • Separate pages for different brands or divisions of a parent company
  • Pages for each physical location or geographic region
  • Unique pages for specific products, services, or campaigns
  • Pages tailored for different audiences or interests

Maintaining distinct pages allows you to customize content, messaging, visual branding, and advertising for each entity. It also enables users to follow and engage with the aspects of your business they care about most.

Steps to Manage Multiple Pages from One Ad Account

If you want to oversee multiple Facebook pages through a single ad account, here is the process:

  1. Create each business page individually. You’ll need to set up each page with its own name, profile image, contact info, etc.
  2. In Facebook Business Manager, add the pages you want to manage. You can access Business Manager from your account dropdown menu.
  3. In your Business Manager, go to the Business Settings and select Pages. Click “+ Add” to search for and select the pages to add.
  4. Adjust the page roles and permissions as needed. You can add other admins, editors, advertisers, etc. to help manage each page.
  5. Link your ad account to the pages. Under “Assets” in Business Manager, choose the desired ad account and select the pages to link it to.
  6. When running ads, you can now easily switch between the connected pages in the dropdown menu.

And that’s it! Once your pages are linked to the same ad account, you can seamlessly toggle between them to post content, monitor analytics, and run advertising campaigns.

Things to Keep in Mind

When managing multiple Facebook pages through one ad account, keep these tips in mind:

  • Monitor notifications carefully to avoid confusion between pages. Set up custom filters if helpful.
  • Be strategic about using the same ad account – consider separating pages that promote competing products or services.
  • Make sure your team knows which pages they are assigned to manage and which admin has the highest permissions.
  • Analyze data both combined and separately to optimize results across all pages.
  • Adjust budgets, bidding, creatives, etc. individually per page for the most relevant performance.

Benefits of Managing Multiple Pages

Consolidating your Facebook pages into one ad account unlocks these benefits:

  • Easier oversight of all your pages and ad campaigns in one place.
  • Ability to analyze cross-page reporting data.
  • More efficient workflows for you and your team.
  • Better coordination of initiatives and promotions across pages.
  • Central management of billing and payments for all pages.

Ultimately, managing multiple Facebook business pages from one ad account saves time and effort while enabling cohesive strategies across your brand’s online presence.

Potential Issues to Troubleshoot

Occasionally, you may encounter certain issues when managing multiple Facebook pages from the same ad account. Here are some potential problems and troubleshooting tips:

Pages show as “Disconnected” in Ads Manager

This usually occurs if the business manager account associated with the ad account does not have admin access to the page. Make sure all the pages are added in Business Manager with the appropriate admin role.

Ads run under the wrong page

Double check which page is selected in the dropdown menu when creating/editing ads. Set up different ad accounts if you want to entirely separate pages.

Changes on one page accidentally impact another

Be careful when copying/pasting across pages or making bulk actions. Rely on unique page IDs to isolate settings.

Unable to switch between pages in Ads Manager

Try refreshing the page. If the issue persists, confirm all pages are connected to the ad account in Business Manager with active admin roles.

Best Practices

To maximize success and efficiency when running multiple Facebook business pages, employ these best practices:

  • Document detailed guidelines for posting and engagement tone/voice for each page.
  • Build custom audiences for ads at the page level rather than account level.
  • Take advantage of bulk editing options to update changes across all pages.
  • Set up automated rules and workflows to save time on repetitive tasks.
  • Regularly audit page roles and settings to remove old accounts or unnecessary access.
  • Share access to a social media calendar to coordinate cross-page posting.

Tools to Help Manage Multiple Pages

Platforms like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Buffer allow you to link multiple Facebook pages and schedules posts across all of them. Social media management tools streamline processes like content approval workflows, collaboration between team members, and scheduling recurrent posts in advance.

Facebook itself also offers multi-page management features beyond Business Manager. Page publishers can allow multiple contributors, while Facebook Creator Studio enables managing messages and comments across all pages in one view.

Scaling Your Facebook Presence

Running multiple business pages from a single Facebook ad account unlocks more flexibility and convenience to extend your brand’s reach. Start by auditing your goals for each potential page and how they fit together strategically.

With thoughtful setup of Business Manager and Ads Manager, plus clear communication with your team, managing multiple Facebook pages can drive greater efficiency. Automate tasks where possible, leverage cross-page reporting, and optimize budget allocations.

Soon you’ll be scaling your Facebook presence and engaging audiences in new, targeted ways – all from one centralized and streamlined ad management workflow.


Managing multiple Facebook business pages from one ad account is achievable with the right strategy and tools. Link the desired pages in Business Manager, coordinate permissions and roles, tailor ad campaigns for each page, and take advantage of cross-page reporting. Multi-page management allows expanding your brand’s Facebook presence while optimizing efficiency, spending, and results.