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Can you make your name unsearchable on FB?

Can you make your name unsearchable on FB?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms for connecting with friends, family, and even strangers around the world. However, the vast reach of Facebook also means that a lot of information about users is publicly available and can show up in search results.

This includes your name – unless you take some steps to make your name unsearchable on Facebook. Here are some common questions around managing name searchability on Facebook and how you can remove yourself from public search results.

Why would you want to make your name unsearchable on Facebook?

There are a few key reasons why someone may want to remove their name from Facebook search results:

  • Privacy – To prevent random strangers or acquaintances from looking you up and viewing your profile information.
  • Security – To make it harder for cybercriminals or scammers to find and target you on Facebook.
  • Professional reputation – To keep a separation between your personal and professional lives if you use Facebook mainly for personal connections.
  • Harassment concerns – To stop an ex-partner, bully, or other unwanted connection from easily finding and contacting you on Facebook.

Making your name unsearchable limits the visibility and reach of your profile, giving you greater control over who can interact with you on Facebook.

How can you make your name unsearchable on Facebook?

There are a few different options to remove or limit name searchability on Facebook:

Change the privacy settings for your profile

Adjust your profile privacy settings so that only friends can search for your profile. To do this:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings & Privacy”.
  2. Go to the “Privacy” section and click on “How people find and contact you”.
  3. Under “Who can look you up using the email address or phone number you provided?”, select “Friends”.

This will prevent non-friends from searching for you via email or phone number.

Remove your profile from public search engines

You can prevent your Facebook profile from showing up in search engine results like Google and Bing. To do this:

  1. Go to “Settings & Privacy” then click on “Privacy”.
  2. Go to “How people find and contact you”.
  3. Disable the “Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile?” option.

This will remove your profile from being indexed by public search engines.

Change your name on Facebook

You can change your name on your Facebook profile to make it unsearchable. Some options include:

  • Using a middle name or nickname instead of your first name.
  • Reordering your first and last names.
  • Adding punctuation like periods between first/middle/last names.

This will break search associations with your original name. Just keep in mind you are still searchable by friends under your new name.

Deactivate or delete your Facebook account

If you want to remove all name searchability, you can deactivate or delete your Facebook account completely. This will remove your profile and name from Facebook search results.

Keep in mind deactivating your account saves all your information in case you want to reactivate. Deleting is permanent and will erase all your Facebook data.

Can you be completely unsearchable on Facebook?

While the steps above can help limit name searchability, it is difficult to be completely unsearchable on Facebook. Reasons it may be impossible to remove all searchability include:

  • You are still findable by friends on Facebook under your new name.
  • Name mentions in friends’ posts and photos may show up in searches.
  • Facebook’s algorithms may still surface your profile in People You May Know suggestions.
  • Your profile may appear in search suggestions as you start typing your name.

Fully removing yourself from search requires deleting your account and asking friends to untag you from posts. But remnants of your name may still persist on Facebook if complete removal of data is not achieved.

What are the pros and cons of being unsearchable on Facebook?

Pros Cons
Greater privacy and control over who can access your profile Harder for friends and family to find you and connect
Reduced risk of scams, cyberbullying, harassment from strangers Can miss out on friend requests and messages from genuine connections
Keeps personal and professional identities separate Have to be careful about revealing name to avoid searchability
Prevents info about you from showing up in public search engines More difficult to find and connect with new friends and contacts

Overall, limiting name searchability gives you more control over privacy and security. But it can also isolate you from positive connections. Finding the right balance depends on your specific priorities and comfort level with visibility on Facebook.

What steps should you take to manage name searchability?

Here is a summary of steps to consider in managing your name visibility on Facebook:

Audit your current privacy settings

Review all your privacy and security settings to understand your current visibility. Make adjustments as needed to profile, searchability, tags.

Change your display name if needed

Alter your name on your profile to limit associations with your personal identity offline.

Remove yourself from public search engines

Disable options for search engines like Google to index your Facebook profile.

Understand tradeoffs

Weigh pros and cons of visibility versus privacy. Find right balance for your needs.

Be cautious about mentions

Ask friends to limit tagging you in posts. Monitor mentions that may reveal your new name.

Search yourself periodically

Check searchability of your name over time and make additional adjustments if needed.


Making your name completely unsearchable on Facebook is difficult, but you can take steps to reduce searchability and gain more control over your privacy. Key options include changing privacy settings, altering your display name, removing yourself from public indexes, and asking friends to limit name mentions. Overall, managing name visibility involves balancing the benefits of privacy with the potential downsides of being disconnected from your network.