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Can you make money on Facebook Gaming?

Can you make money on Facebook Gaming?

Facebook Gaming has become an increasingly popular platform for gamers to stream and watch live gameplay. With over 700 million people already using Facebook each month, Facebook Gaming provides a huge potential audience for aspiring streamers. This has led many gamers to wonder: can you actually make money by live streaming games on Facebook?

The short answer is yes, you can absolutely earn money on Facebook Gaming. However, it does require dedication and work to build a sizable audience that will generate decent revenue. In this article, we’ll break down the various ways gamers can monetize their Facebook Gaming channels and estimate how much money top streamers are earning.

Monetization options on Facebook Gaming

There are two primary methods for making money directly through Facebook Gaming:

Facebook Stars

Facebook allows viewers to support their favorite streamers by purchasing “Stars,” which are effectively virtual goods that viewers can gift to streamers during live streams. Facebook takes a 30% cut of Star revenue, while the remaining 70% goes directly to the streamer.

Stars cost:

Stars Price (USD)
100 $1.40
500 $6.99
1200 $16.99
5000 $69.99

As you can see, Stars allow fans to easily tip their favorite creators during live streams. Even small Star gifts can add up over time, especially for streamers who go live frequently.

Facebook Ad Monetization

Gamers with at least 100 followers and 10,000 post engagements in the last 60 days can apply for Facebook’s Level Up program. If accepted, this gives streamers access to ad breaks, which allows short ads to run during streams. Revenue from these ads is split 55% for Facebook, 45% for the streamer.

In addition to Stars and ad revenue, streamers can generate income through:

– Sponsorships and brand partnerships
– Fan subscriptions
– Donations through third-party services like Streamlabs
– Merchandise sales
– YouTube ad revenue if also uploading stream VODs

However, Facebook Stars and ad monetization tend to be the most lucrative monetization methods directly tied to Facebook Gaming activity.

How much money can you make?

The earning potential on Facebook Gaming depends heavily on the size of your audience and frequency of streams. As a benchmark, Facebook cites that many partners in its Level Up program earn $5,000-$10,000 per month. However, top streamers likely earn significantly more.

To estimate how much money top Facebook streamers make, we can look at Facebook Gaming’s monthly leaderboards for Stars earned. Here are the top 5 streamers in December 2022:

Streamer Stars Earned
Echo Arena 7,209,500
El Goblino 6,685,500
Jeel 5,107,000
Attendance 4,970,500
Trymacs 3,772,500

To estimate earnings:

– The top streamer earned over 7.2 million Stars
– With 70% of Star revenue going to the streamer, that translates to over $50,000 in revenue from Stars alone
– Ad revenue likely brings that total even higher for top creators

So at the upper end, it’s possible for the very top Facebook streamers to earn $70,000+ per month when combining Stars, ads, sponsorships, and other monetization methods. However, most streamers will start out earning much less than that per month.

Tips for making money on Facebook Gaming

If your goal is to make streaming on Facebook Gaming a lucrative side hustle or even full-time job, here are some tips:

Commit to a consistent schedule

It’s important to stream regularly so fans know when to tune in. Stick to a predictable schedule and don’t take weeks off unexpectedly.

Interact with viewers

Viewers are more engaged when you actively chat with them and respond to comments in real-time. This helps build a loyal audience.

Stream popular games

You’ll get more traffic initially by playing trending games like Fortnite or Call of Duty. Later on you can branch out into less saturated titles.

Produce engaging stream content

Whether it’s carrying out challenges, collaborating with other streamers, or providing useful gameplay tips, make your stream stand out from the crowd.

Promote your stream

Leverage social media and other platforms to promote when you’ll be streaming. Collaborate with other creators for cross-promotions.

Apply for monetization once eligible

Make sure to apply for Stars and Facebook’s Level Up program as soon as you meet the thresholds. More monetization options means more earning potential.

The challenges of making streaming a business on Facebook

While it is possible to make a career out of Facebook Gaming, it is extremely competitive. Some challenges streamers face in monetizing include:

– Facebook’s smaller gaming audience compared to Twitch or YouTube Gaming
– Much smaller discoverability compared to other platforms
– Difficulty attracting Sponsors/brand deals early on
– Inconsistent incomes each month before gaining a large following
– Time commitment of 30-50 hours a week required for many full-time streamers

As a result, it can take over a year of consistent streaming for most gamers to reach a point where streaming income is reliable enough to make a living. Passion and persistence for live streaming are vital.


At the top end, successful Facebook streamers can earn significant incomes of $50,000+ per month through Stars, ads, sponsorships and other monetization methods. However, it takes a lot of work to reach that point. Most gamers will start out earning small amounts of extra income per month, with the potential to scale up over time by building a consistent viewer base and leveraging all monetization options. While making a career out of Facebook Gaming is challenging, it can be rewarding financially and allow you to turn your gaming passion into a job if you find streaming success.