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Can you make a community page on Facebook?

Can you make a community page on Facebook?

Yes, you can create a community page on Facebook. Facebook Pages allow businesses, brands, organizations, and public figures to create an official presence on Facebook. Community pages function similarly, but are specifically for communities, neighborhoods, groups, or other collective entities. With a Facebook community page, you can connect with local residents, share community updates, promote local events, and more.

What is a Facebook community page?

A Facebook community page is a public profile that represents a specific community. It allows community members to connect, share information, and engage with each other on Facebook. Community pages can be created for:

  • Neighborhoods
  • Homeowner associations
  • Apartment complexes
  • Local groups or clubs
  • Fan clubs
  • Alumni groups
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Advocacy groups
  • Faith communities

Community pages function similarly to individual profiles or business pages, with features like posting updates, sharing photos, creating events, and more. But they specifically bring together people within a particular community.

Who can create a Facebook community page?

To create a Facebook community page, you must:

  • Have a personal Facebook profile
  • Be an official representative of the community

You don’t need any special permissions to create a community page beyond having a personal profile. However, Facebook recommends having multiple administrators for each page to help manage content and engagement.

The person who creates the page will be the primary administrator. You can add additional admins later on. Admins should be official representatives of the community, such as HOA board members, community group leaders, etc.

How to create a Facebook community page

Follow these steps to create your community’s Facebook page:

  1. Log into your personal Facebook account.
  2. Click on the downward arrow in the top right corner and select “Create Page.”
  3. Under the “Community or Public Figure” section, click on “Get Started.”
  4. Select a category that best describes your community.
  5. Fill out the remaining details:
    • Page name
    • Page username
    • Page category
    • Privacy settings
  6. Click “Continue” and follow prompts to add a profile picture and description.
  7. Agree to Facebook’s terms for pages and click “Create Page.”

Once you click “Create Page,” your community page will be live on Facebook.

Setting up your Facebook community page

After creating your page, here are some tips for setting it up:

  • Add a cover photo and profile picture that represent your community visually.
  • Write a detailed description of your community.
  • Set visitor posting abilities based on your preferences.
  • Create your first post welcoming community members to the page.
  • Invite fellow admins to help manage the page.
  • Start sharing community updates, local events, photos, polls, and other content.

Choosing profile and cover images

The profile picture appears next to your page name and throughout the Facebook interface. The cover photo appears at the top of your page.

Choose images that are recognizable to your community and reflect the location, landmarks, culture, or residents.

Writing your page description

Use the description to provide an overview of your community for visitors. Include details like:

  • Location
  • Neighborhood or complex name
  • Demographics
  • Local attractions or amenities
  • Purpose of the community page

Aim for 3-5 concise sentences that give visitors a clear picture of your community.

Configuring visitor posts

You can adjust settings to allow or disallow visitors to your page from posting content. Consider your purpose for the page:

  • If you want to encourage community engagement, allow visitor posts.
  • If you want to solely share updates from page admins, disallow visitor posts.

You can always change this later on if needed.

Writing your first post

Your first post should welcome visitors to the new community page. Let them know the purpose of the page and what types of updates they can expect to see.

Encourage them to like the page, invite friends, comment on posts, and participate however else you want them to engage with the community through this page.

Adding page admins

Add other official community representatives as page admins to help manage content and engagement. Click “Add Admin” under your page’s settings to designate additional admins.

Growing your Facebook community page

With your page created and configured, focus on attracting followers and engaging your community. Here are some tips:

  • Post consistently. Share daily or weekly updates to keep followers interested.
  • Respond to comments and messages. This shows you’re managing the page actively.
  • Use hashtags relevant to your community like #neighborhoodname.
  • Share visual content like local photos, videos, or graphics.
  • Create polls and questions to prompt engagement.
  • Promote local events, activities, and resources.
  • Highlight positive community news and successes.
  • Share the page link on your other social media accounts.
  • Encourage community members to invite friends to like the page.

Listen to your followers’ needs and tailor content accordingly. Keep posts positive, useful, and relevant.

Facebook community page ideas

Not sure what type of content to share? Here are some Facebook community page ideas:

  • Spotlights on local residents or businesses
  • Photos of local landmarks, scenery, or architecture
  • Historic community photos
  • Upcoming neighborhood events or meetings
  • Community polls or questions
  • Public service updates or announcements
  • Local area news and weather alerts
  • New local businesses or offerings
  • Community fundraisers or volunteer needs
  • Holiday event announcements
  • School updates or extracurricular events
  • Neighborhood award or recognition announcements

Mix in a variety of post types – links, images, videos, questions, etc. Avoid overly self-promotional posts and keep the focus on community engagement.

Facebook community page ideas

Maintaining a lively Facebook community page takes effort. Follow these tips for managing a successful page long-term:

  • Designate multiple page admins to share the responsibility.
  • Set a regular posting schedule, such as 2-3 times per week.
  • Use Facebook Insights to analyze your best-performing content.
  • Solicit ideas and input from community members.
  • Join relevant Facebook Groups to find inspiration.
  • Turn off commenting if discussions become unruly.
  • Reward active participants with acknowledgment.
  • Develop thick skin for occasional negativity.
  • Stay flexible and adjust approaches if needed.
  • Have fun connecting your community!

With consistent effort, creativity, and commitment to your members, your Facebook community page can thrive for years to come.


Facebook community pages offer a robust platform for bringing neighborhoods, associations, clubs, and other local groups together online. By following the steps above, you can create a page, customize settings, share engaging content, and attract followers from within your own community. Maintain an active presence by posting regularly, responding promptly, and providing value to members through useful updates. Approach it as an ongoing conversation rather than a static notice board. With attention and care, your Facebook community page can become a vital hub for outreach, enrichment, and connection.