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Can you look up someone’s Marketplace on Facebook?

Can you look up someone’s Marketplace on Facebook?

Facebook Marketplace allows users to buy and sell items locally. It’s integrated into the Facebook platform, making it easy to access for the social network’s billions of users. With Facebook Marketplace, sellers can list items for sale and buyers can search for and purchase those items.

Can you search for a specific person’s listings on Marketplace?

Yes, it is possible to look up a specific person’s Marketplace listings on Facebook. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Go to the Facebook Marketplace page. This can be accessed via the left side menu on Facebook desktop or mobile app.
  2. In the search bar at the top, type in the name of the person whose Marketplace you want to view. Make sure to use their full name.
  3. Hit enter. This will bring up all active Marketplace listings for that person.

So for example, if you wanted to see what your friend John Smith has listed for sale, you would type “John Smith” into the Facebook Marketplace search bar. It would then display all the active listings posted by accounts with that name.

What can you see about someone’s Marketplace activity?

When you look up a person’s Marketplace, you’ll be able to see all of their active listings. This includes:

  • Item photos
  • Item description
  • Price
  • Location
  • Date posted

You can scroll through all of their listings. Listings remain active until the items sell or the seller deletes the posts. So you’ll be able to see both current and recent items they’ve posted for sale.

However, there are some limitations to what you can see about someone on Marketplace:

  • You can only view active listings. You can’t see inactive or expired posts.
  • You can’t see the full interaction history – how many people have messaged them, negotiation details, etc.
  • You can’t tell how quickly items are selling or how many items they’ve sold overall.
  • You can’t access buyer information or transaction details.

So while you can get a general sense of what they are selling, you don’t get their full selling history or metrics.

Can you do this for any Facebook user?

You are only able to look up the Marketplace listings of other Facebook users – not groups or businesses. And it only works for users who have a public profile.

If someone has their profile set to private, you won’t be able to access their Marketplace even if you search for them. You’ll just get a notification saying there are no results. So whether or not you can view a person’s Marketplace depends on their privacy settings.

Are there any restrictions on accessing someone’s Marketplace?

Facebook does not place any specific restrictions around searching for a person’s Marketplace activity. There are no usage limits or anything preventing you from repeatedly looking up someone’s listings.

However, general Facebook terms discourage using the platform to harass or compromise someone else’s privacy. So while you are technically able to search for a person’s Marketplace as much as you want, Facebook could intervene if they determine you are abusing the feature to stalk or harass someone.

In practice though, occasionally looking up someone’s Marketplace activity should not raise any issues.

Why would you want to look up someone’s Marketplace?

There are a few legitimate reasons why someone may want to look up another person’s Marketplace listings on Facebook:

  • See if a friend is selling anything you want to buy
  • Get a sense of someone’s hobbies and interests based on what they are selling
  • Look for specific items from sellers you know and trust
  • See if there are local deals to be had from people in your network

Essentially it allows you to see what interesting items people directly connected to you have for sale. And since Marketplace emphasizes local sales, it lets you shop from secondhand sellers in your own community.

Are there any concerns with looking up someone’s Marketplace?

There are a few privacy-related concerns to keep in mind when looking up someone’s Marketplace activity:

  • They may not want people they know viewing their sales activity.
  • You may inadvertently see items they’d prefer to keep private.
  • Repeated searching could come across as invasive or harassment.

To avoid problems, it’s best to use discretion when viewing a friend or acquaintance’s listings. If you see them selling something sensitive, just move on without drawing attention to it.

Best practices for searching Marketplace

To keep Marketplace browsing appropriate and hassle-free, follow these best practices:

  • Only search people you have an existing relationship with.
  • Avoid repeatedly looking up someone’s activity if it doesn’t yield new results.
  • Don’t call out or embarrass someone over their listings.
  • Respect it if someone expresses discomfort about their Marketplace being viewed.

As long as you’re considerate, there likely won’t be issues. But if in doubt, it’s safest to just search Marketplace anonymously without looking up specific people.


Facebook Marketplace is designed to facilitate community sales and purchases. As such, people’s listings are intentionally public to network buyers and sellers locally. Searching for a specific person’s activity can yield some great finds and bargains.

But always keep privacy and discretion in mind when viewing a friend or acquaintance’s Marketplace. Refrain from harassing behavior, and stick to only interacting with their listings in a positive way. With the right approach, Facebook Marketplace lets you shop small and shop local from people in your own community.