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Can you log into a memorialized account?

Can you log into a memorialized account?

When a person passes away, their social media accounts often get memorialized. Memorializing an account prevents anyone from logging into it anymore. The profile remains visible for people to see as a memorial, but no one can access the actual account anymore.

What does it mean to memorialize an account?

Memorializing an account essentially locks the profile and prevents anyone from logging in. The memorialized profile remains visible to the public (unless it was private before memorialization), but users can no longer access the account to make posts, update information, or send messages. The account becomes frozen in time.

Specifically, memorializing an account involves a few key changes:

  • The profile gets labeled as a “memorial account” or something similar.
  • Logging into the account gets disabled.
  • New friend/follower requests get disabled.
  • Profile pictures may be removed or changed.
  • Some memorialized accounts no longer appear in public listings like “People You May Know.”

The exact details vary between platforms, but the main idea is preventing anyone from accessing the account while still allowing people to view the profile as a memorial.

Can you log in to a memorialized Facebook account?

No, you cannot log into a Facebook account that has been memorialized. When a Facebook account gets memorialized, logging in gets permanently disabled. Even if you know the password, you’ll see an error message saying the account is memorialized if you try to access it.

The only way to log into the account again is if the memorialization gets reversed. Facebook may allow verified immediate family members to request reversing memorialization in certain circumstances. However, this is not guaranteed. Once an account has been memorialized for a certain period of time, Facebook will no longer allow reversing it.

Can you log in to a memorialized Twitter account?

No, logging into memorialized Twitter accounts is not possible. Like Facebook, Twitter disables logins completely when an account gets memorialized. Trying to log in will bring up a message that the account has been memorialized.

Twitter does allow immediate family members to request reversal of memorialization. However, there is a time limit – accounts memorialized for over 6 months cannot have the memorialization reversed. So depending on when the account was memorialized, logging in may no longer be possible even if memorialization gets reversed.

Can you log in to a memorialized Instagram account?

Logging into memorialized Instagram accounts is not possible. Instagram disables all account access when an account is memorialized. The profile remains visible to the public, but logging in is permanently disabled.

Instagram does not allow reversing memorialization under any circumstances. Once an Instagram account has been memorialized, it remains memorialized permanently. There is no way for anyone to log into the account again.

What happens when you try to log into a memorialized account?

When you try logging into an account that has been memorialized, you’ll see an error message explaining that the account is now a memorial account and cannot be accessed. The exact wording varies between social media platforms.

On Facebook, you may see a message like:

“Logging in to this account is disabled. This is a memorialized account.”

On Twitter, the error may say:

“This account has been memorialized and is now read-only.”

On Instagram, you’re likely to see something like:

“This account has been memorialized and is not accessible.”

The message makes it clear that logging in is impossible due to the account’s memorialized status. Trying your password will not bypass the error message – the login is simply disabled by the platform.

Who can memorialize an account?

Accounts can be memorialized by authorized family members or by the social media platform itself. Here’s how it typically works:

  • Family member request – Immediate family members can request that an account be memorialized if they provide proof of death.
  • Platform memorialization – If a user dies and no family member requests memorialization, the platform may independently memorialize the account.

To memorialize an account, authorized individuals generally have to provide documentation like an obituary or death certificate. Once the documentation is verified, the platform will memorialize the account and disable logins.

Can a memorialized account be deleted?

Memorialized accounts can potentially be deleted, but the process and policies vary between platforms.

Facebook – Allows deleting memorialized accounts upon verified request from immediate family members.1

Twitter – Allows authorized immediate family to request deletion after 30 days of memorialization.2

Instagram – Claims to not allow deletion of memorialized accounts under any circumstances.3

So in summary:

  • Facebook – Deletion is possible for family
  • Twitter – Deletion may be possible after 30 days
  • Instagram – Deleting is not allowed

However, policies can evolve so it’s worth checking directly with each platform for updated guidance.

What happens if you try to hack a memorialized account?

It’s important not to try hacking into memorialized accounts without authorization from the platform – this can result in your account being banned or suspended. Technically, hacking memorialized accounts may even violate cybercrime laws in some jurisdictions.

Ethical issues aside, hacking memorialized accounts is extremely difficult from a technical perspective. The login is completely disabled, so even obtaining the correct password will not allow access. Hacking techniques like phishing or brute forcing simply won’t work in these situations.

If you do manage to somehow gain unauthorized access, the platform will quickly detect the intrusion and take punitive action. You are likely to have your account rapidly banned if you expose hacking activities.

Should memorialized accounts be deleted?

Pros of Deleting Cons of Deleting
Removes data/privacy concerns Loses historical records and memories
Prevents account hacking Hurts mourning process for some
Allows full closure Goes against wishes of some users

There are reasonable arguments on both sides of whether memorialized accounts should be deleted:

Pros of deleting

  • Removes data/privacy concerns of having info remain public
  • Prevents account hacking risks
  • Allows some people fuller closure

Cons of deleting

  • Loses historical records and memories of the person
  • Can hurt mourning process for some friends/family
  • Goes against wishes of users who wanted account memorialized

There is no consensus on the best approach given these trade-offs. Overall, the decision should strike a balance between mourning needs and privacy/security concerns.

Key factors to consider:

  • User’s known wishes
  • Family preferences
  • Type/amount of personal data
  • How widely shared content was

Setting a time limit (e.g. deleting after 1 year) may be a reasonable compromise in some cases.


Logging into memorialized social media accounts is not possible on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These platforms disable login access completely when memorializing an account, while still allowing the public to view the profile. Unauthorized attempts to log in or hack memorialized accounts can result in account bans and penalties. The decision to delete a memorialized account instead of keeping it visible involves balancing factors like mourning, privacy, and security.


1. Facebook Help Center. Memorialized Accounts.

2. Twitter Help Center. Memorializing accounts.

3. Instagram Help Center. Memorializing Accounts.