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Can you link an email to Facebook?

Can you link an email to Facebook?

Yes, it is possible to link an email address to your Facebook account. This allows you to use that email address to log in, reset your password, and receive notifications from Facebook.

Why Link an Email to Facebook?

There are a few key reasons why you may want to link an email to your Facebook account:

  • Easier login – Having your email linked provides another way to log in to Facebook without having to remember your username.
  • Password reset – If you forget your Facebook password, you can reset it by having a reset email sent to your connected email address.
  • Notifications – Linking your email means you can get notifications from Facebook sent to that email, such as friend requests, messages, and other updates.
  • Account security – Linking an email adds an extra layer of security to your Facebook account in case your username or password are ever compromised.

Overall, having an email connected to your Facebook account can provide more convenience and security. It gives you multiple ways to access your account while also enabling email notifications.

How to Link an Email to Your Facebook Account

Linking an email to your Facebook account is a very straightforward process. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Log into your Facebook account
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right and go to “Settings”
  3. On the left sidebar, click “Security and login”
  4. Under “Contact Information” you will see an option to “Add Email Address”
  5. Type in the email address you want to link and click “Add”
  6. Check your email inbox for a confirmation code sent by Facebook
  7. Enter the confirmation code on Facebook and click “Confirm”

Once you have entered the code, your email will be successfully linked to your account. The whole process only takes a minute or two.

Things to Keep in Mind

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when linking an email to Facebook:

  • You can link multiple email addresses to your account. However, you can only have one primary email.
  • Any emails previously used to register a Facebook account cannot be used. This prevents duplicate accounts.
  • The email you use should be active and accessible. If you can’t access the email anymore, you won’t be able to use it to reset your password.
  • Linking an email sends a confirmation to that inbox. So make sure you have access to the inbox for the email you are trying to link.
  • If you have two-factor authentication enabled, you may have to enter a special login code when using a linked email to log in.

So those are some key points to keep in mind when adding an email to your Facebook account. As long as you use a real, working email and can access the confirmation code, the process is quick and seamless.

Unlinking an Email from Facebook

What if you need to unlink an email address that you previously connected to your Facebook account? It’s just as easy to disconnect an email as it is to link one.

Here is how to unlink an email from your Facebook:

  1. Go to your Facebook “Settings”
  2. Click on “Security and login”
  3. Under “Contact Information” click on the “X” icon next to the email address you want to unlink
  4. Click on “Remove” to confirm you want to unlink the email

And that’s all there is to it! This will disassociate that email from your account. It will no longer be usable for logging in or resetting your password.

Again, just like linking an email, the process to unlink is quick and simple. You can unlink any email addresses that you no longer need associated with your account.

Primary vs. Secondary Emails

When you add multiple email addresses on Facebook, you will be asked to select one to be your “Primary” email. This primary email has a few key distinctions:

  • It will function as your username for logging into Facebook
  • It will be used for all password reset requests and security notifications
  • You cannot remove your primary email unless you first designate another email as the new primary
  • Your primary email will also be used for receiving other important notifications like Facebook News, notifications from friends, Page notifications, etc.

So your primary email is the main email associated with your account. It’s the one that you will use the most to log in, reset your password, and receive key notifications.

Other emails that you add will be “Secondary” emails. These have fewer capabilities:

  • You cannot use secondary emails to log into Facebook – only for password resets
  • You will not receive notifications on secondary emails
  • You can easily unlink secondary emails at any time

So in summary, your primary email is the main email for your Facebook account while secondary emails have limited uses. You can designate a new primary email at any time in your Settings.

Troubleshooting Linked Emails

In most cases, linking and unlinking emails on Facebook is a smooth process. But occasionally some issues can pop up. Here is some troubleshooting advice for common hiccups with linked emails:

Can’t find confirmation email

Double check your spam folder – sometimes the confirmation email from Facebook gets flagged. If not there, you can have Facebook resend the confirmation. Just go back to your email settings and select to send the confirmation code again.

Confirmation code expired

Codes do expire after a short period of time. If your code expired, just have Facebook send a new one.

Seeing error message when trying to link

If you’re getting an error message about not being able to link the email, make sure you don’t already have that email linked to another Facebook account. Email addresses can only be associated with one Facebook account.

Can’t unlink email

Usually this is because the email is your primary email. You have to first change your primary email to something else before unlinking.

Linked email not showing up as login option

It can sometimes take up to 24 hours for a newly linked email to function as a login option. Be patient and it should appear.

Not receiving reset emails or notifications

Check that the email itself is valid and entered correctly. Also double check your email settings on Facebook – you may have disabled certain notifications.


Linking your email address to your Facebook account can provide some useful benefits like easier login, enhanced security, and receiving notifications. The process for adding an email is quick and straightforward. Keep in mind the differences between primary and secondary emails. And if you ever need to remove an email, you can easily unlink it in your Facebook settings. With a properly linked email, you can have an easier time managing your Facebook account.