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Can you link a URL on Facebook story?

Can you link a URL on Facebook story?

Yes, it is possible to include links in Facebook Stories. When creating a Story, tap the sticker icon and select the ‘Link’ sticker. This will allow you to paste in any URL you want. When viewers see your Story, they can tap on the link sticker to open the website.

Facebook Stories allow users to post photos and short videos that appear in a slideshow format and disappear after 24 hours. Stories have become a popular way to share quick updates, behind-the-scenes content, and more personal moments with friends and followers.

While Stories have a more visual focus than regular Facebook posts, there are still opportunities to include links. Using the dedicated Link sticker, you can add clickable URLs to your Facebook Stories.

Link stickers make it easy to drive traffic to your website or share an article, video, product page, or any other content you want. Including links in your Stories can help increase engagement as followers tap to learn more or make a purchase.

Benefits of Linking in Facebook Stories

Here are some of the benefits of using link stickers in your Facebook Stories:

  • Drive traffic to your website or blog
  • Share products and encourage sales
  • Increase follower engagement
  • Promote contests, giveaways or events
  • Direct viewers to more information
  • Boost brand awareness

Adding a clickable link gives your Story viewers a simple call-to-action. Even if your primary goal is to entertain and engage your audience, a link gives them the option to easily learn more if they want.

How to Add a Link to Facebook Stories

Adding a link to your Facebook Stories only takes a few quick steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap on your Profile Picture or the “+” sign
  2. Take or upload a photo/video for your Story
  3. Tap the sticker icon (smiley face) and select “Link”
  4. Paste in the URL you want to link to
  5. Drag the sticker to position it
  6. Tap “Done” and share your Story as usual

That’s all there is to it! The URL sticker will be live and clickable for anyone who views your Story.

Tips for Using Link Stickers Effectively

To get the most out of linking from Facebook Stories, keep these tips in mind:

  • Choose short, memorable URLs when possible
  • Use links to highlight sales, deals, and time-sensitive offers
  • Link to your latest blog post or video to help drive traffic
  • Make sure links relate directly to your content or captions
  • Check that your links work before publishing your Story
  • Place stickers strategically so they are visible but don’t distract
  • Use link stickers consistently to increase engagement over time

Types of Links to Use in Facebook Stories

You can share all types of links through your Facebook Stories. Some common options include:

  • Blog posts or articles: Share your newest content
  • YouTube videos: Promote your latest video
  • Products: Highlight items for sale
  • Events: Drive registrations or ticket sales
  • Contests/giveaways: Increase entries
  • Shopping links: Encourage purchases
  • Special offers/sales: Promote limited-time deals

Anything you would normally link to on Facebook can be adapted for Stories. The key is keeping your links relevant and natural based on the Story content.

Ideal Frequency for Using Links in Stories

How often you include links in your Facebook Stories will depend on your goals and audience. Here are some best practices:

  • Link in at least 50% of Stories to increase traffic and engagement
  • Avoid linking in every single Story as it may seem excessive
  • Use links more frequently when promoting sales or special offers
  • Link to your newest or most important content to maximize reach
  • Find a balance between entertaining content and promotional links
  • Analyze link click-through rates to gauge what resonates most

In general, aim to link out in the majority of your Stories. Pay attention to which types of links perform best and adjust your strategy accordingly.

DrivingTraffic with Facebook Stories Links

Adding links is key to driving traffic from your Facebook Stories. Here are some of the top ways links can help direct viewers:

  • Link to blog content – Inform and engage your audience
  • Promote videos – Increase video views and channel subscribers
  • Offer coupon codes – Motivate users to shop
  • Point to contests and sweepstakes – Get more entries
  • Highlight new products – Boost ecommerce sales
  • Share event listings – Drive registrations and attendance

Consistently using link stickers for website traffic, offers, and more can have a big impact. Even a small percentage of your audience tapping on links each day can result in major growth.

Tracking Link Clicks

In order to optimize your linking strategy, it’s important to track performance. Here are some ways to monitor link clicks:

  • Facebook Insights – Check Stories link clicks and reach
  • Bitly – Shorten links with Bitly to track clicks
  • UTM parameters – Tag links to track in Google Analytics
  • Link click software – Use tools like Buffer or Hootsuite
  • Back-end analytics – Review site traffic sources

Reviewing link click stats helps you identify high-performing content to share more of, low-performing links to improve, and types of links your audience doesn’t respond to.

Story Link Examples

Let’s look at some real-world examples of effective link stickers in Facebook Stories:

Promoting a Blog Post

A lifestyle blogger shares a photo of their latest blog header in a Story. They add a Link sticker that goes to their new blog post for anyone who wants to read more.

Product Launch

An ecommerce company creates a video Story showcasing a new product line. They include a Link sticker to the category page to make it easy to shop the new items.

Special Offer

A clothing retailer uploads an outfit photo to Stories. They mention a limited-time sale and add a Link sticker to the promo page so users can redeem.

Event Invite

A non-profit uses Stories to create awareness for an upcoming fundraising event. Their video includes a Link sticker to Eventbrite for simple ticket purchases.

YouTube Tutorial

An influencer shares a beauty tutorial teaser in a Story. A Link sticker directs fans to the full YouTube video for all the tips.

Best Practices for Linking in Stories

To recap, here are some top tips for adding links to your Facebook Stories:

  • Use relevant links that relate to your Story content
  • Shorten overly long or complex URLs when possible
  • Test links before publishing to ensure they work
  • Place stickers strategically so they are easily noticed
  • Link frequently but not in every single Story
  • Promote time-sensitive offers and new content
  • Track link performance using Facebook Insights
  • Optimize linked content based on click-through rates

Link Limitations

While linking is very useful in Stories, there are some limitations to be aware of:

  • Only one link can be added per Story
  • Stickers may be hidden if a viewer taps fast
  • Links can’t be added to Facebook Story ads
  • Desktop viewers have to hover over stickers to access links

Even with these limitations, strategically adding one clickable link per Story can be an impactful tactic. Just focus on high-value links that will resonate most with your audience.

Analyzing Link Click-Through Rates

Evaluating the click-through rate for your Story links provides valuable performance data. Here are some best practices for analyzing link clicks:

  • Check Insights to compare links within individual Stories
  • Segment links by type (blog, video, offer etc) to see trends
  • Calculate click-through rate by dividing clicks by reach
  • Compare click-through rates week-over-week and month-over-month
  • Aim for a minimum 1-2% click-through rate on Stories
  • Identify your highest and lowest performing link types
  • Let data guide your decisions on which links to use more frequently

Regularly monitoring analytics will help you refine your Stories linking strategy for optimal results.

Tips to Increase Link Clicks

If your Facebook Stories aren’t generating enough link clicks, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Use strong call-to-actions to encourage tapping
  • Place stickers in empty areas instead of over images
  • Only use links that are highly relevant and valuable
  • Promote links frequently to increase exposure
  • Leverage links to promote limited-time offers
  • Use stickers creatively to capture attention
  • Re-engage audience by linking to previous popular content

Optimizing your links, sticker placements, and overall strategy can help maximize clicks. But ultimately, quality shareable content is what will drive link engagement.

Story Linking Tools

Using link management tools can make adding links to Facebook Stories more efficient. Here are some top options:


  • Shorten long, complex links
  • Customize URLs for branding
  • Track clicks and engagement


  • Create a landing page with multiple link options
  • Offer viewers choices on mobile-friendly page


  • Auto-update bio links when new content is published
  • Easy link management from one dashboard

UTM Parameters

  • Tag links to track in Google Analytics
  • See source, medium, campaign, and more

The right tools allow you to enhance links, track their performance, and streamline the process of sharing them through Stories.

Linking Best Practices Summary

To summarize, here are the key best practices for linking in Facebook Stories:

  • Use stickers strategically – Place them where they will be visible
  • Link frequently – But not in every single Story
  • Shorten long URLs when possible
  • Track engagement metrics – Optimize based on click-through rates
  • Make links relevant – Match them directly to Story content
  • Promote time-sensitive content – Special offers, new releases etc.
  • Call viewers to action – “Swipe up”, “Learn more” etc.
  • Fix broken links before publishing
  • Analyze traffic sources – Focus on what works best

By following these tips, you can maximize the impact of links within your Facebook Stories and connect with audiences in new ways.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I include more than one link in a Facebook Story?

No, Facebook currently only allows one link per Story. You can get creative and link out to a landing page with multiple buttons and options though.

Do links in Stories expire?

Links will remain clickable as long as the Story is visible to your audience. Once Stories expire after 24 hours, links will no longer work.

Can I use links in Facebook Story ads?

Unfortunately links are not enabled for Stories ads at this time. They only work in organic Stories.

Are link stickers available on desktop?

Yes, but desktop viewers have to hover over the sticker in order to reveal the link. On mobile, viewers can simply tap.

Do Instagram Story links also work for Facebook?

Links need to be added separately in Facebook Stories. The same sticker approach works for both platforms though.


Adding clickable links is an excellent way to boost engagement, drive traffic, and create call-to-actions within your Facebook Stories. While Stories are a more visual medium, strategic use of link stickers can open up new opportunities.

Focus on sharing links that are highly relevant, valuable, and time-sensitive. Track performance with Facebook Insights and analytics tools to optimize based on what resonates most with your audience. With compelling content and effective links, Facebook Stories can connect you with viewers in deeper ways.