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Can you leave seller feedback on Facebook Marketplace?

Can you leave seller feedback on Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace is a popular platform for buying and selling items locally. One of the key features that distinguishes Marketplace from other sales platforms is its integration with Facebook profiles. This allows buyers and sellers to view each other’s profiles and mutual friends before transacting. However, unlike platforms like eBay or Etsy, Facebook Marketplace does not have a built-in review or feedback system for rating transactions.

Does Facebook Marketplace have a review or feedback system?

No, there is currently no way for buyers to leave seller feedback or reviews on Facebook Marketplace transactions. The platform does not have a rating system or allow reviews to be left about sellers or buyers.

After completing a Marketplace transaction, there is no option for the buyer to rate the seller or leave comments about their experience. The transaction is considered complete once the payment and item exchange have occurred.

Some users have requested Facebook add a rating system to Marketplace to help hold sellers more accountable and give buyers more confidence when purchasing items. However, Facebook has not implemented this feature, citing privacy concerns as one potential reason.

Why doesn’t Facebook allow Marketplace feedback?

There are a few possible reasons why Facebook has not added a rating or feedback system for Marketplace transactions:

  • Privacy concerns – Facebook wants to protect users’ privacy by limiting unsolicited reviews or comments.
  • Risk of abuse – Reviews could be used for harassment or extortion.
  • Difficult to monitor – With millions of transactions, it would be hard to effectively monitor reviews.
  • Informal platform – Marketplace is meant for casual local sales vs an online storefront.
  • Transaction focus – Facebook wants to facilitate transactions rather than provide a review platform.

Facebook has kept the Marketplace experience focused strictly on buying, selling, and payment. Reviews don’t fit into that streamlined model. And while feedback could give buyers added security, it could also open the door for new problems if not properly monitored.

What buyer protection exists on Facebook Marketplace?

While there are no seller ratings, there are some other forms of buyer protection on Facebook Marketplace:

  • Facebook profiles – Buyers can view sellers’ profiles and see if they have any mutual friends or local connections.
  • Payment via Facebook – Using Facebook’s payment system provides some fraud protection and allows for disputes.
  • Item location – Listings must include a general location, preventing fully anonymous sellers.
  • Report system – Buyers can report fraudulent sellers or items to Facebook.

These measures aim to give buyers some reassurance when transacting with strangers online. But there are still inherent risks, like getting a damaged or inaccurate item. Without reviews, it’s solely the buyer’s responsibility to vet sellers, items, and payments.

What are some risks of buying without seller feedback?

Here are some of the risks buyers face when purchasing from sellers they can’t review on Marketplace:

  • Poor product quality or inaccuracies
  • Items that are broken, damaged, or don’t work properly
  • Potential scams or bait-and-switch tactics
  • Seller does not ship item after payment
  • Seller misrepresents details like size, condition, etc.
  • No recourse if item is not as described

Without past feedback on sellers, it’s hard to determine who is trustworthy. Even seemingly legitimate profiles could be scamming buyers. Having reviews would provide transparency into any shady behavior.

How can buyers protect themselves without ratings?

Since there are no guarantees when buying on Facebook Marketplace, here are some tips for buyers to protect themselves:

  • Vet sellers – Look at profile info, friends, photos, posts, join date, etc. Does it seem real and established?
  • Ask questions – Request additional photos, details, measurements, proof of function, etc.
  • Video call – Have a video chat with the seller to get a better feel.
  • Meet in person – View and test the item in person before purchasing.
  • Use payment protection – Pay through Facebook or services that offer buyer protection.
  • Review return policy – Understand refund or return options before paying.

Buyers ultimately have to do their own vetting of sellers by looking for red flags, verifying details, and using common sense precautions. Reviews would provide an added layer of protection, but their absence puts the onus fully on buyers to determine trustworthiness.

Can you provide private feedback to sellers?

Since Facebook does not have a formal feedback system, there is no way to leave public ratings viewable by all Marketplace users. However, you can provide private feedback directly to sellers:

  • Message the seller – Use Facebook Messenger to send a message with your feedback.
  • Comment on posts – Leave feedback comments on sellers’ Marketplace listings.
  • Write on timeline – Post feedback about the transaction on the seller’s public timeline.

This type of direct, private feedback allows you to share your experience and may influence that particular seller’s behavior. But it doesn’t have the broader effect of a public rating system other buyers can see.

Some sellers will appreciate constructive critiques that help improve their service. But unwanted negative feedback could also provoke hostile responses in some cases, which is part of why Facebook avoids unfettered public reviews.

Are seller ratings likely to come to Marketplace?

There are no official indications that Facebook plans to add seller ratings any time soon. However, some experts speculate it could happen eventually for a few reasons:

  • Buyer demand – Feedback and rating systems are common on other sales platforms.
  • Encourages quality – Ratings incentivize sellers to provide good products and service.
  • Provides transparency – Reviews help buyers make informed decisions and build trust.
  • Increased competition – Other sites like Instagram and Nextdoor now offer classifieds.

On the other hand, a rating system brings many complexities surrounding privacy, monitoring, and competition. There are also fears it could enable new avenues for harassment.

Facebook has said a Marketplace rating system is not currently a priority. But if enough users request the feature, the benefits end up outweighing the concerns, and competitive pressure grows, seller feedback could arrive at some point down the road.


Facebook Marketplace currently does not have a formal rating or review system for buyers to leave feedback about sellers. This is largely due to privacy concerns, risk of abuse, and the informal nature of the platform. Without ratings, buyers take on more responsibility to vet sellers, items, and payments themselves before transacting.

Providing some form of seller feedback and ratings could benefit Marketplace users by building trust and transparency. But Facebook has not shown interest in adding public reviews at this time, citing the desire to focus solely on facilitating transactions. While unlikely in the near future, seller ratings could potentially be rolled out down the line if enough users want the feature.

For now, buyers will need to rely on checking seller profiles, asking questions, using payment protection, and taking other precautions when making purchases without feedback available. And sellers can only receive direct, private feedback from buyers via Facebook messages, posts, and timelines.