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Can you keep your Facebook groups private?

Can you keep your Facebook groups private?

Facebook groups are a popular way for people to connect over shared interests, organize events, communicate about specific topics, and more. When creating a Facebook group, group admins can choose between making it public, closed, or secret. Public groups are open for anyone to join, closed groups require admin approval to join, and secret groups don’t show up in searches and require an invite to join.

With over 2.8 billion monthly active users on Facebook, privacy is a major concern for many group admins and members. The platform has dealt with numerous data and privacy issues over the years, so some group admins and members prefer to keep their groups as private as possible. This article will explore whether it’s possible to keep Facebook groups completely private and hidden.

Can you make a Facebook group completely private?

The short answer is no, it’s not possible to make a Facebook group 100% private and hidden from the platform itself. Even secret groups still show some information to Facebook such as the group’s name, members, and admin. However, there are different privacy settings and strategies group admins can use to keep groups as private as possible on Facebook.

Facebook’s group privacy settings

Facebook offers three different privacy settings when creating a group:

  • Public – Anyone can see the group, its members, and their posts.
  • Closed – Anyone can find the group and see its members, but only members can see posts. Non-members need admin approval to join.
  • Secret – The group doesn’t show up in searches. Only members can see posts. Users need an invitation to join and be approved by an admin.

Secret groups are the most private group type on Facebook. They provide the most control over membership and limit visibility of the group on the platform. However, even secret groups aren’t completely hidden from Facebook.

What Facebook can still see in secret groups

Here is what information Facebook can still access in secret groups, even though the groups are not visible to non-members:

  • The group’s name and description
  • The members list and admin(s)
  • When new members join or leave the group
  • Any rule violations or reported content
  • Basic metadata about posts and comments

So while secret groups don’t appear in searches and restrict posts to members only, Facebook still has visibility into the group’s existence, membership, activity, and content moderation.

Strategies to maximize privacy in Facebook groups

While you can’t make a Facebook group 100% hidden from the platform itself, group admins can take steps to keep their groups as private as possible:

Use a secret group

Choosing the secret privacy setting during group creation prevents the group from being visible to non-members in searches or recommendations. This makes it much harder for outsiders to find or request to join the group.

Turn off group tagging

Group tagging allows members to tag the group’s name which can expose the group name outside of the group. Turn this setting off.

Limit group discovery in News Feed

Admins can prevent members’ posts from showing in non-members’ News Feeds. This limits group visibility.

Disable group invite links

Generate invite links allow easy sharing but make joining easier. Only allow people to join by admin approval.

Hide group members list

Members lists expose members identities. Hide the list to non-admins to protect members’ privacy.

Moderate posts and comments

Review and limit certain content types to keep group activity and data as private as possible.

Limit third-party app access

Apps like Social Insider and Social Rank can access group data. Don’t connect them to maximize privacy.

Remind members not to share public links

Messages, images, and other content can sometimes be accessed via public links if shared outside the group. Caution members against doing this.

The limitations of Facebook group privacy

While these tips can help group admins restrict visibility and access to their groups, a Facebook group will never be 100% private or hidden from Facebook itself. Some key limitations include:

  • Facebook owns all group data and content, regardless of privacy settings
  • Facebook uses group data for advertising purposes and to train AI systems
  • Bugs or policy changes could lead to accidental data exposure
  • Legal requests allow government access to data, including secret groups
  • Groups and content can always be screenshotted or shared outside the group by members

Due to Facebook’s policies and data practices, there’s always some risk when relying on their platform to maintain privacy. Even strict group settings and rules can’t fully prevent leaks or protect against Facebook’s internal usage of group data.

Should you use Facebook groups if privacy is a priority?

Facebook groups can provide immense value through community building, networking, collaboration, and more. However, if privacy is a top priority, Facebook may not be the best platform choice due to the inherent limitations.

Here are some questions for group admins to consider when evaluating Facebook groups vs. privacy needs:

  • How sensitive is my group’s purpose, membership, or content?
  • Could my group or members be endangered if identities or data were made public?
  • Am I willing to accept Facebook’s terms and conditions for how they can use the data?
  • Do the benefits of running a group on Facebook outweigh the privacy risks for my specific situation?

There are often alternatives to Facebook groups that may better suit privacy needs, such as:

  • Messaging apps like Signal or Telegram
  • Private forums and social networks
  • Email lists, newsletters, group chats
  • In-person or offline groups and meetings

The level of privacy risks acceptable for a group depends on its purpose, membership, content, and more. But Facebook groups will never be fully hidden or private.


While Facebook groups offer settings like “secret” groups to maximize privacy, it’s impossible to make a Facebook group 100% private or hidden from Facebook itself. The platform always retains access to data about the group’s membership, activity, content moderation, and more. Admins can restrict visibility and access from non-members, but limitations remain. If complete privacy is a requirement, alternatives to Facebook groups may be better options to explore. Understanding Facebook’s data policies and limitations allows group admins to make informed decisions about the platform’s suitability for their community’s privacy needs.

Key Takeaways

Facebook group privacy settings What Facebook can still see Strategies to maximize privacy Limitations
Public, Closed, Secret Group name, members, activity, moderation, metadata Use secret setting, limit discovery and access, moderate content, caution about sharing Facebook owns all data, bugs or policies could expose, members can leak

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make a secret Facebook group completely invisible?

No, there is no way to make a Facebook group 100% invisible or private from Facebook itself. Even secret groups have data visible to the platform.

What are the risks of using Facebook groups for privacy?

Key risks include Facebook owning the data, using it for ads/AI training, accidental exposure from bugs/policies, government requests, and members leaking info outside the group.

Should I avoid Facebook groups if I want total privacy?

Most likely yes – alternatives like private forums, messaging apps, email lists may be better options if complete privacy is required for a group’s purpose.

What if my Facebook group has very sensitive information?

For highly sensitive groups, it would be risky and inadvisable to rely on Facebook for privacy. An offline or non-Facebook platform would be more secure.

Could Facebook expose my secret group at any time?

While unlikely, Facebook could technically change policies or have a glitch that accidentally surfaces data from secret groups that should be private. There is always some risk.