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Can you just join a Facebook group?

Can you just join a Facebook group?

Joining a Facebook group is a simple process that most people can do fairly easily. The main requirements for joining most Facebook groups are having a Facebook account and searching for or being invited to the group. While some groups have more specific membership requirements or a review process, the vast majority allow users to join instantly just by clicking a button.

What are Facebook groups?

Facebook groups are communities within Facebook where members can share content and interact around specific topics. Groups are created and managed by individual users or organizations. When you join a Facebook group, you become a member of that community and gain the ability to post content, comment on other posts, and participate in discussions.

Groups can be public, closed, or secret:

  • Public groups – Anyone can see the group, its members, and their posts.
  • Closed groups – Anyone can find and request to join the group, but posts are only visible to members.
  • Secret groups – Only members can find and see posts within the group.

Group admins ultimately decide who is allowed to join their groups. The default setting for most groups is either public or closed. According to Facebook, there are over 1.8 billion people in Facebook groups, with over 150 million users joining a group every day.

Why do people join Facebook groups?

There are many reasons people join Facebook groups, such as:

  • To connect with people who share similar interests, hobbies, occupations, life experiences, etc.
  • To get advice, recommendations, and support from a community.
  • To stay up to date on specific topics through group discussions.
  • To find deals, sells items, or trade with other group members.
  • To organize events, fundraisers, or group activities.
  • To share photos, videos, and other media related to their interests.
  • To promote their business, organization, or cause to a targeted audience.

In short, people join Facebook groups to engage with niche communities and crowdsource information from other members. The wide variety of active Facebook groups on every topic imaginable makes it easy for users to find at least a few that align with their needs and interests.

How do you find Facebook groups to join?

There are a few ways to find Facebook groups:

  • Search for keywords or phrases on Facebook – This allows you to browse groups related to specific hobbies, interests, locations, professions, health conditions, etc.
  • Get recommendations from friends – Other Facebook users may tag or invite you to groups they think you would like. Group recommendations show up on your Facebook feed.
  • Discover groups mentioned across Facebook – When you come across groups mentioned in comments, posts, or ads, you can click on the name to view the group.
  • Browse subgroups and related groups – Once you’ve joined a group, explore subgroups and recommendations for similar groups to discover more options.
  • Use Facebook search tools – Advanced Facebook searches and filters can help you find high-quality active groups focused on particular topics.
  • Look for links and pins to groups on external sites – Groups may be shared on relevant websites, blogs, forums, etc. to reach targeted audiences.

Taking the time to search for and thoroughly vet groups can help you join communities that are genuinely active, informative, useful, or enjoyable for you.

How do you join a Facebook group?

Joining a Facebook group is simple if you meet the membership requirements:

  1. Find the group you want to join by searching on Facebook, getting a recommendation, or following a link.
  2. Visit the group’s page and look for a “Join Group” or “Request to Join” button.
  3. Click the button and accept any group rules or questions if prompted.
  4. Wait for the group admin to approve your request if the group is set up that way. Most public groups allow instant joins.
  5. Once approved, engage with the group by introducing yourself, exploring recent posts, and contributing relevant content or comments.

Here are some tips for smoothly joining new Facebook groups:

  • Answer any membership questions thoughtfully and thoroughly to increase chances of approval.
  • Read group rules and descriptions so you understand the community before participating.
  • Consider customizing your notification settings to control the frequency of updates.
  • Take some time to observe discussions and get a feel for the group before actively posting.
  • Lead with value by sharing high-quality content or asking insightful questions instead of promotions.

What are requirements for joining Facebook groups?

While every Facebook group sets their own membership criteria, most have the following basic requirements:

  • Have an active Facebook account – This is mandatory for all groups. Accounts must be personal profiles as pages cannot join groups.
  • Answer joining questions or agree to rules – Groups may screen potential members by having them answer questions or confirm they have read the guidelines.
  • Get admin approval – Closed and secret groups require admin approval before new members can see posts or participate.
  • No banned members – Users who have previously been removed or banned from a group are typically prohibited from rejoining.

Additional requirements that some groups enforce include:

  • Minimum age or location specifications
  • Relevant interests, education, or professional credentials
  • Account in good standing with no prior violations or suspensions
  • Fees or in-person meetings for premium or local groups
  • Manual verification of identity documents

Understanding a group’s rules and intended audience will help determine if you meet the qualifications to join. Some groups are very open while others have strict vetting processes for members.

What happens when you join a Facebook group?

Once you successfully join a Facebook group, here are some of the things you gain the ability to do as a member:

  • View all posts and comments within the group
  • Add your own posts, photos, videos, and links to the group
  • Comment on existing posts and engage in discussions
  • Get notifications about new posts and group activity
  • Invite friends to the group
  • Participate in polls, events, chat rooms, and other group features
  • Communicate with fellow group members via posts or private message
  • Customize notification settings for the group

Joining a group subscribes you to updates, but you can control your notification preferences. And of course, you can always leave a group if you no longer wish to be a member. In general, joining groups unlocks all the interactive community features not available to the general public.

Can you get rejected from joining a Facebook group?

Yes, it is possible to get rejected from joining some Facebook groups. Here are some reasons your request may get declined:

  • The group has specific membership criteria you do not meet.
  • You have a history of violating community rules or harassing members.
  • The group is at maximum capacity and not accepting more members.
  • Your answers to screening questions do not satisfy the administrators.
  • The group is private or secret and only wants certain people allowed in.
  • Your Facebook profile seems fake, spammy, or otherwise suspicious.
  • You were banned or removed from the group in the past.

Group administrators can reject anyone for any reason since they establish their own membership standards. If you get declined, it may be worthwhile to clarify the group rules and criteria and try requesting again later. You can also directly message the admins to politely inquire about the rejection reason and see if they would reconsider.

What happens if you get banned from a Facebook group?

Here is what happens if you get banned from a Facebook group:

  • You are immediately removed from the group’s member list and can no longer access posts.
  • The group no longer shows up under your list of joined groups.
  • You cannot re-join the group unless the ban is lifted.
  • You stop getting notifications from the group.
  • You may lose the ability to contact group members through private message.
  • Your past posts and comments remain visible in the group.
  • You cannot interact with the group in any way as long as the ban is in effect.

Getting banned from a group typically occurs due to rule violations like harassment, spam, hate speech, or other inappropriate behavior. Admins issue bans to maintain community standards. The duration depends on the severity and context of the situation. Temporary bans or permanent ones are both options admins can leverage.

Can you appeal if you get banned from a Facebook group?

If you get banned from a Facebook group and believe it was in error, you can try to appeal the decision by taking the following steps:

  1. Politely message the group administrators explaining the situation and reason you think the ban should be overturned.
  2. Acknowledge whatever rules you may have unknowingly broken and offer assurances it will not happen again.
  3. Provide any context or mitigating circumstances that could justify lifting the ban.
  4. If possible, have other group members in good standing vouch for your character to the admins.
  5. Ask the admins to reconsider reinstating you or lessen the ban duration.
  6. Accept the final decision gracefully even if your appeal does not succeed.

Unfortunately, appeals do not always work if admins feel strongly about removing someone from the community. But remaining positive and polite gives you the best chance at potential reinstatement down the line.

Can you get your Facebook account disabled for joining groups?

Generally, simply joining Facebook groups will not get your account disabled. However, participating in banned groups promoting violence, hate speech, misinformation, or illegal activity can put your account at risk for the following restrictions:

  • Content removal
  • Temporary or permanent group bans
  • Disabled commenting abilities
  • Disabled posting abilities
  • Full account suspension for a set time period
  • Permanent disablement of the account

Facebook aims to crack down on dangerous groups and those that violate community standards. So while joining mainstream groups is normal, associating with prohibited extremist groups could get you banned site-wide.

Can you get reported or sued for joining Facebook groups?

It is highly unlikely that simply joining a common interest Facebook group would lead to civil or legal liability. However, joining certain banned or private groups promoting illegal activities could potentially lead to rare consequences like:

  • Being reported to Facebook for review which may result in account restrictions
  • Being reported to law enforcement if plans of violence or criminal plots are discussed within the group
  • Subpoenas requesting your personal information if investigations occur into illegal group activities
  • Lawsuits by parties harmed through actions organized within banned groups

Most Facebook groups are harmless communities centered on shared interests, so these scenarios would almost never apply to everyday groups. But intentionally joining prohibited groups comes with inherent risks vs joining mainstream groups.

Should you join Facebook groups as your personal profile or business page?

Facebook recommends individual users join groups with their personal profile instead of a business page for several reasons:

  • Groups are designed for personal connections and discussions vs promotions.
  • Businesses cannot contribute as meaningfully to many group conversations.
  • Pages are restricted in how they can interact within groups.
  • Promotional posts or overt selling often violates group rules.
  • Personal profiles build rapport through common interests vs transactional business ties.

Having employees join relevant groups using their personal accounts allows them to participate more naturally in the community and share insights vs sales pitches. Business pages can then be promoted organically through providing value vs formal advertising.

Should you stay in Facebook groups you no longer use?

Here are some pros and cons of staying in Facebook groups you no longer use actively:


  • Groups may become relevant again as your interests change.
  • Leaving groups takes effort and can clutter your news feed if you’re in many low-value groups.
  • Inactive groups send fewer notifications, allowing you to ignore them.
  • Leaving groups removes your access in case you want to check back later.


  • Inactive groups take up space and create clutter within your groups list.
  • Ongoing notifications may be annoying even if you don’t engage.
  • You appear inactive to connections within stagnant groups.
  • Timelines and feeds get filled with irrelevant content.

Ultimately, pruning stagnant groups you no longer engage with helps streamline your Facebook experience. But it’s okay to remain in groups that may be temporarily inactive but provide value when discussions pick back up.


Joining Facebook groups is a common activity that opens up features for interacting with niche communities. While requirements vary between groups, the joining process typically just involves finding and requesting to join groups that interest you. As long as you follow group rules and engage constructively, you unlock all the benefits of membership. Just be thoughtful about which groups you join and mindful of any potential risks from restricted groups.