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Can you join a Facebook group without being friends?

Can you join a Facebook group without being friends?

Facebook groups have become an incredibly popular way for people to connect over shared interests, learn new things, and participate in communities related to their hobbies or professions. With over 1.8 billion monthly active Facebook users worldwide, Facebook groups represent a massive online gathering place for all sorts of niche communities and fandoms.

But what if you come across a Facebook group that looks interesting and you want to join it? Do you need to already be Facebook friends with the group admin or other members in order to participate? Let’s take a closer look at how joining Facebook groups works.

Joining Open and Closed Facebook Groups

Facebook groups come in two main varieties: open groups that anyone can join, and closed groups that require approval from a group admin or moderator before you can become a member. Here’s a quick rundown of how each type works:

  • Open groups – These public groups are visible in Facebook search results and anyone can join them simply by clicking the “Join Group” button. You do not need to be friends with anyone in the group already.
  • Closed groups – These private groups do not show up in Facebook search. You can request to join a closed group, but your request must be approved by a group admin before you are added as a member. Often you need to answer a few screening questions as part of the request process. The admin reviews your answers and profile before deciding whether to let you in.

So in summary – yes, you can join any open Facebook group without already being friends with anyone in the group. For closed groups, you may need to provide additional information and be approved by an admin, even if you don’t personally know anyone in the group. The admin is looking to maintain the privacy and quality of the group by screening new members.

Finding Facebook Groups to Join

Now that you know you don’t need to be friends with anyone to join most Facebook groups, where can you find groups to join? There are a few ways to locate groups that match your interests:

  • Check suggestions in your Facebook news feed – Facebook’s algorithm will sometimes suggest new groups for you to join
  • Search for keywords – Try searching Facebook for keywords related to your interests, like “photography” or “small business owners”
  • Get recommendations from friends – Check which groups your Facebook friends have joined and ask them for recommendations
  • Visit group admin profiles – If you know group admins, look at what other groups they manage
  • Use Facebook search tools – Try Facebook’s advanced search to find high quality active groups related to your hobbies
  • Look in group member profiles – If you’ve joined one group, check which other groups those members belong to

Using these tips, you can often find great active groups to join that are aligned with your interests, even if you don’t personally know anyone in the group yet. Just be sure the group is public and open before clicking that “Join” button.

Joining Large Public Facebook Groups

Some of the most popular Facebook groups have millions of members. Can you join these mega-groups without already having lots of Facebook friends in them? Absolutely!

Most very large public Facebook groups, like fan groups for TV shows, books, hobbies, etc. are open groups that anyone can join. For example, at the time of writing, here are some of the biggest public open Facebook groups and their membership numbers:

  • Dog Lovers – 19 million members
  • Gardening Wisdom – 6.4 million members
  • Marvel Fans – 6.2 million members
  • Harry Potter Fans – 6.1 million members

These groups are essentially online communities the size of small countries! Even though you likely don’t know members personally, you can still join and participate in these mega-groups as long as they are public and open.

Benefits of Large Facebook Groups

What are some benefits of joining a massive public Facebook group for something you’re interested in?

  • Make new friends with the same interests
  • Stay up to date on a hobby or fandom
  • Get advice and feedback from a huge engaged community
  • Discover related events, websites, products, or services
  • Feel part of a group even if you don’t know members offline

While large groups don’t provide the close connections of a smaller niche group, they can be a great source of news and casual socializing around a shared interest.

Joining Local Facebook Groups

In addition to interest-based groups, location-based Facebook groups can also be very useful to join. Groups for your city, neighborhood, or region can help you connect with people and activities in your local area.

To find local groups to join, try searching Facebook for your city, town, or neighborhood name plus keywords like “news,” “events,” “community,” “discussion,” etc. You can also browse the lists of groups that your local friends have joined.

Even though these places are close geographically, you still don’t need to be friends with the group members already in order to join. Local groups are usually open to anyone who lives in the area. Here are some examples of local groups you might want to join:

  • Seattle Music Lovers
  • Parents of Portland Toddlers
  • Atlanta Job Search Network
  • Austin Home Improvement Tips

Joining local Facebook groups is a great way to find out about events, businesses, and news happening right in your community. Don’t be shy about joining just because you don’t already know people in the group – making new local connections is one of the big benefits of local groups!

Getting Involved in Closed or Private Facebook Groups

As we covered earlier, open Facebook groups allow anyone to join instantly, while closed groups require admin approval. You may come across some closed niche interest groups or local community groups that seem intriguing but you don’t know anyone in them.

Should you still try to join closed groups where you don’t know current members? Here are some tips:

  • Read the group description and rules thoroughly before requesting to join. Make sure you fit the group’s purpose.
  • Answer any screening questions completely and thoughtfully. Be honest about why you want to join.
  • Introduce yourself and explain your interest in the group topic when submitting a join request.
  • Highlight any relevant experiences, passions or connections related to the group focus.
  • If possible, try to network first with group members offline at local events.

While not a guarantee, taking these steps shows admins you plan to contribute valuably to the group. This can help boost your chances of getting approved to join closed groups where you don’t yet know members.

When Is a Group Too Private to Join?

Occasionally you may come across Facebook groups so private that joining without an invitation is next to impossible. These include:

  • Secret or hidden groups – these won’t show up in any Facebook search results
  • Strict vetting processes like requiring personal references from existing members
  • Groups focused on controversial, illegal, or hateful topics
  • Groups where you clearly don’t match the intended member base

In cases like these where a group is very clearly ultra-private, invite-only, or promoting objectionable content, it’s best not to attempt joining. Seek out more open groups that are a better match instead.

Facebook Group Etiquette for New Members

Once you’ve successfully joined a new Facebook group where you don’t know other members, you’ll want to make a good first impression. Be sure to follow proper Facebook group etiquette as a new member:

  • Read all group rules and descriptions before participating
  • Introduce yourself in a new member welcome thread if one exists
  • Engage frequently by commenting, posting, reacting, and sharing
  • Add value rather than spam – share informative links, ask on-topic questions, etc.
  • Don’t self-promote products or services excessively
  • Use appropriate language and tone for the group culture
  • Respect confidentiality if exclusive content is being shared

Following these Facebook group etiquette tips helps you integrate smoothly as a new member without friends in the group. And who knows – you may even make some new Facebook friends through your thoughtful group participation!

Troubleshooting Facebook Group Joining Issues

In most cases, joining Facebook groups you’re interested in goes smoothly. But occasionally technical issues may arise that prevent you from joining a group.

Here are some common Facebook group joining problems and how to resolve them:

Group Doesn’t Have Join Button

If you can’t see the “Join” or “Join Group” button on a Facebook group, it likely means the group is closed or private. Closed groups require admin approval to join. Try submitting a request to the admin instead using the “Ask to Join Group” link.

Request Says Pending But No Response

If your join request has been stuck in pending status a while with no admin response, try commenting on the request politely checking in. Also make sure to check your Facebook notifications and messages in case the admin has tried to contact you.

Join Request Declined

If your group join request was declined or rejected, don’t take it personally! Admins need to be selective to maintain their group’s purpose. First review any reason the admin provided in the declined notification. You can also politely message the admin asking if they have any suggestions to improve your request.

Group Shows as Full

Some Facebook groups cap their membership at a certain number. If you try to join a group but get a notice that it’s full, the only option is to wait and see if a spot opens up. Consider finding similar alternative groups to join in the meantime.

Technical Errors When Clicking Join

Rarely a technical glitch may prevent you from joining a group even when it’s open. Try basic troubleshooting steps like refreshing the page or logging out and back into Facebook. Check to see if any current Facebook bugs match your error.

With a bit of patience and troubleshooting, you should ultimately be able to join any open groups aligned with your interests – even without already knowing members. Facebook groups provide a fantastic way to make connections, learn, and engage around your passions, location, career and more.


In summary, you do not need to be friends with anyone in a Facebook group in order to join. For open groups, you can immediately click to join and be added as a member. For closed groups, you may need to answer screening questions or be approved by an admin, but friendship is not a requirement.

Finding groups relevant to your hobbies, fandoms, location, and career aspirations is easy by searching Facebook, getting tips from friends, and checking profiles of other members. You can join niche interest groups, massive public fan groups, local community groups, and more without existing friend connections.

Private vetting processes, invisible groups, objectionable content, or clear member mismatch are signs a specific group may be too closed-off to easily join. Otherwise, most Facebook groups are open to making new connections!