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Can you join a Facebook group as a page?

Can you join a Facebook group as a page?

Facebook groups allow users to connect with others who share similar interests. Groups can be public or private, allowing members to share content and have discussions. Many businesses and organizations use Facebook pages to establish an official presence on the platform. A common question that arises is whether a Facebook page can join a Facebook group. The short answer is yes, Facebook pages can join groups under certain conditions.

Facebook Pages vs. Profiles

Before explaining how pages can join groups, it’s important to understand the difference between Facebook profiles and pages.


A Facebook profile is a personal account used to connect with friends and family. Profiles represent individual people. Each person is allowed only one Facebook profile. Profiles can join groups, add friends, post status updates, share photos, and more.


A Facebook page is different from a personal profile. Pages allow businesses, brands, celebrities, organizations, and other entities to establish an official presence on Facebook. Pages can be liked and followed by users. Unlike profiles, there is no friend limit for pages. Multiple people can administrate and post from a Facebook page.

The key difference is that profiles represent individual people, while pages represent entities like businesses. Both can interact in similar ways, but pages have additional tools optimized for promoting brands and organizations.

Can a Facebook Page Join a Group?

The ability for pages to join groups depends on the group’s settings. There are three possible scenarios:

Public Groups

Public groups allow any Facebook user to see the group’s content and join the group. For public groups, pages can directly join just like individual profiles can. The page’s administrators simply need to search for the group and click the “Join Group” button.

Private Groups Requiring Approval

Many private groups require a group admin to approve each new member. For these groups, a page can request to join, but will need to be approved by one of the group admins before officially becoming a member. The page’s administrators will receive a notification once approved.

Private Groups Requiring an Invite

Some private groups require new members to be directly invited by an existing member. For these closed groups, a Facebook page cannot directly join. However, if an individual group member invites the page to join, then the page can become a member. Often page owners need to make contact with group admins to receive a direct invite.

Benefits of a Facebook Page Joining a Group

There are several potential benefits for a Facebook page joining relevant groups:

Increased Visibility

Joining groups exposes a page to new audiences. Other group members can see the page’s name and profile picture within the group. This provides a way to organically increase visibility and awareness.

Engagement Opportunities

As a group member, pages can post and comment within the group, allowing them to engage directly with a highly targeted audience. This allows building connections through providing value to the group.

Market Research

Observing discussions and other member activity within a group provides valuable consumer insights. Pages can learn directly from their target demographics.

New Followers

If group members find value in a page’s contributions, they may be inclined to further follow the page after interacting within the group. This provides a potential source of new organic page followers.

Recruiting Prospects

Pages for businesses and organizations can use relevant groups to attract talent. For example, a company page could join career-oriented groups to recruit eligible job candidates.

Best Practices for Pages Joining Groups

Whenmanaged correctly, pages can derive significant value from group memberships. Here are some best practices to follow:

Choose Relevant Groups

Pages will get the most value from groups directly related to the page’s industry or niche. Join groups where the page can provide expertise and insight.

Add Value

Simply joining groups without contributing anything provides little benefit. Pages should actively engage by posting relevant content and commenting constructively.

Avoid Self-Promotion

Many groups discourage blatant self-promotion. Focus on providing value rather than directly promoting the page. Let the page’s knowledge and expertise speak for itself.

Designate Admins

Appoint 1-2 page admins to manage group activities for consistency. Groups conversations can move quickly, so having dedicated admins is optimal.

Monitor Discussions

Check group activity consistently to respond promptly. Being an active participant leads to better engagement and visibility.

Follow Group Rules

Each group has its own policies and guidelines. Pages should carefully follow all group rules to maintain an ethical presence.

How to Make a Facebook Page

For those without an existing page, making a new Facebook page is easy and free. Here is the process:

Step 1: Create a Facebook Business Account

From Facebook’s homepage, click “Create a Page” and select “Business or Brand.” This opens the Facebook business account creation page. Fill out the requested info and agree to Facebook’s terms.

Step 2: Choose a Page Category

Facebook will request what category best describes your page. Options include local business, company, website, entertainment, cause or community. Choose the one that fits best.

Step 3: Give Details About Your Page

Provide your page name, business category and contact info. Adding a profile picture and description help new visitors understand your page’s purpose.

Step 4: Get Started Interacting

Congrats, your new page is live! Begin posting content, responding to comments and joining relevant groups. Take time to optimize settings and review Facebook’s page best practices.

Creating and optimizing a full Facebook presence takes time. But the investment into an engaged page can yield major dividends for reaching customers.

Facebook Group Alternatives for Pages

While Facebook pages can interact within groups, they do have some limitations. For example, pages cannot create groups or message individual members directly. As an alternative, pages have a few options to build communities:

Facebook Events

Facebook events allow pages to host community meetups both online and in-person. Events have discussion boards where the page can engage with interested attendees.

Facebook Live Videos

Streaming live videos allows a page to speak directly to an audience in real-time. Viewers can comment and interact during the broadcast.

Facebook Groups Specifically for Pages

Some groups are specifically designed for page owners to network and cross-promote. For example, Facebook has an official “Facebook Pagess” group for this purpose.

Utilize Instagram and Messenger

Instagram and Facebook Messenger are also owned by Facebook. Pages can leverage features like Instagram Live and Messenger bots to foster community.

LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups operate similarly to Facebook groups for professional networking and discussions. Pages can create LinkedIn groups centered around their industry.


Relevant subreddits based around certain topics or niches can provide a community without requiring direct Facebook access. Pages can sponsor posts and manage their own subreddit.


Facebook groups provide valuable communities for learning, networking and engagement. While individual profiles can freely join most groups, pages have some restrictions depending on group settings. Public groups are open for pages to join directly. Private and closed groups require approval or a direct invite. When participating, pages should focus on adding value rather than self-promotion. With proper etiquette, pages can benefit from increased visibility, consumer insights, engagement opportunities and new followers. For those without an existing page, Facebook makes it simple to create a free page from scratch in just a few steps.