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Can you hide friends on Facebook from your spouse?

Can you hide friends on Facebook from your spouse?

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. Platforms like Facebook allow us to stay connected with friends and family from all over the world. However, this connectivity can also lead to complications in romantic relationships when one partner becomes suspicious about the other’s online friends and activities.

Can you actually hide Facebook friends from your spouse?

Yes, Facebook does provide certain privacy settings that allow users to hide their friends list and restrict access to posts. So it is possible to hide Facebook friends from a spouse if you tweak these settings.

Here are some ways you can hide friends on Facebook from your spouse:

  • Adjust your privacy settings to hide your friends list. Go to “Settings & Privacy” > “Settings” > “Privacy” and edit the “Who can see your friends list?” option.
  • Limit the audience for your posts. When making a post, use the audience selector to exclude your spouse from seeing it.
  • Unfriend or block your spouse. This will prevent them from seeing your profile and activities.
  • Create a restricted friends list. Add friends you want to hide to this list and limit access to it.
  • Use the legacy Contact Info setting to show limited profile info.
  • Prevent search engines from indexing your profile to make it difficult to find.

So by tweaking your privacy settings, limiting your audience, and using Facebook’s tools, you can hide friends to a certain extent. However, this doesn’t completely guarantee that your spouse won’t find out.

Why would you need to hide Facebook friends from a spouse?

There are a few reasons why someone may want to hide their Facebook friends from their spouse:

  • To avoid jealousy or accusations about emotional or physical cheating.
  • To maintain connections with ex-boyfriends/girlfriends or former love interests.
  • To keep in touch with friends or relatives your spouse doesn’t approve of.
  • To plan surprises or gifts for your spouse that you don’t want them to find out.
  • To have privacy and independence within the relationship.

Hiding Facebook friends doesn’t necessarily mean someone is being unfaithful. Sometimes people just want to avoid unnecessary conflict and drama. However, excessive secretiveness can understandably raise suspicions.

Is it unethical to hide Facebook friends from a spouse?

Hiding friends on Facebook from a spouse falls into an ethically grey area. Here are some perspectives on whether it is wrong or unethical:

  • It is unethical as it violates trust and transparency in the relationship. Shared passwords and openness is expected.
  • It is justified if the spouse is controlling and snoops excessively on Facebook.
  • It is fine as long as no emotional or physical cheating is happening.
  • It is acceptable to maintain reasonable privacy and independence in a relationship.
  • It depends on the couple’s agreed upon relationship boundaries.

So ethical judgements come down to the nature of the relationship, agreed upon boundaries and whether hiding activities constitutes a breach of trust. Completely restricting a partner’s access can seem suspicious.

How can you tell if your spouse is hiding Facebook friends?

Here are some signs that your spouse may be hiding Facebook friends from you:

  • Their friends list is much smaller than you’d expect.
  • You are unable to tag them in photos with certain friends.
  • They abruptly close Facebook when you walk in the room.
  • They get defensive if you ask to see their profile or friends.
  • You don’t recognize some friends in their photos.
  • You notice flirty wall posts with unknown people.
  • They have multiple Facebook accounts.

Of course, some of these signs could just indicate a desire for general privacy. But if multiple signs are there, it may point to deliberate hiding of Facebook friends.

How to catch a cheating spouse on Facebook

If you strongly suspect your spouse is cheating based on their Facebook activities, here are some tips:

  • Secretly friend/follow them from a fake profile to view their posts and friends.
  • Check their Facebook search history when they are logged in.
  • Use a keylogger on your shared computer to access their Facebook password.
  • Check their Facebook activity log for suspicious access locations.
  • Look for flirty messages in their inbox/sent folder.
  • Check if they have linked accounts you don’t know about.

However, these tactics venture into unethical territory themselves. Couples therapy and open communication are healthier ways to rebuild trust.

Should you confront your spouse about hidden Facebook friends?

If you have clear evidence that your spouse is hiding friends on Facebook, you may want to confront them. But first consider:

  • Do you have solid proof of true infidelity, or just circumstantial signs?
  • Is your spouse generally trustworthy despite this issue?
  • Have you had previous jealousy issues that pushed them to hide friends?
  • Are you willing to openly discuss relationship problems?
  • Are you prepared for potential denials, explanations, or counter-accusations?

If you have strong evidence of unfaithful behavior and are ready for a serious conversation, it may be worth confronting. But without solid proof, a confrontational approach may backfire.

Tips for confronting a cheating spouse

If you decide to confront your spouse about hidden Facebook friends, keep these tips in mind:

  • Have a discussion, not an argument. Stay calm and open to explanations.
  • Present the facts, but don’t make accusations you can’t fully prove.
  • Listen and reflect on their side of things too.
  • Focus on rebuilding trust and restoring intimacy in the relationship.
  • Consider involving a marriage counselor to mediate.
  • Agree on boundaries and transparency expectations moving forward.
  • Work together to improve underlying problems in the marriage.

With patience and care, confrontation can lead to resolution and relationship growth. But if infidelity and deceit continue despite best efforts, separation may be healthiest.

Can you get in legal trouble for hiding Facebook friends from your spouse?

Generally, there are no legal repercussions for hiding friends on Facebook from a spouse, unless it involves:

  • Custody disputes – Evidence that a parent is hiding friends to conceal relationships from the court may impact custody rulings.
  • Divorce proceedings – Hidden friendships that point to infidelity could affect asset division or alimony.
  • Defamation – Making libelous or false claims about a spouse to cover up hidden friendships.
  • Domestic abuse – Concealing controlling or dangerous friendships relevant to abuse cases.

Outside of those situations, hiding Facebook friends from a suspicious spouse does not constitute a crime on its own. However, it may still factor into divorce disputes.

Should you delete inappropriate Facebook friends when in a relationship?

Having inappropriate friends on Facebook while in a committed relationship can cross relationship boundaries. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Would their presence make your partner uncomfortable? Why?
  • Are they an ex you still have unresolved feelings for?
  • Do they post offensive, controversial or sexual content?
  • Do you interact frequently or flirtatiously with them?
  • Does the friendship have importance and value despite its optics?

Based on these factors, it may be wise to unfriend or block inappropriate connections. But for harmless childhood friends or distant work contacts, deleting may not be necessary. Set clear expectations with your partner.

How to come clean about inappropriate Facebook friends

If you’ve realized certain Facebook friends cross the line for your relationship, here are some tips for coming clean:

  • Emphasize you are being fully transparent and have nothing to hide.
  • Explain how the questionable friendships developed.
  • Delete/block the inappropriate friends in front of your partner.
  • Offer to share passwords or friend your partner from your account.
  • Promise to avoid questionable friendships going forward.
  • Check in regularly to rebuild lost trust.

Focus on how removing these friends makes room for healthier connections and a stronger relationship.


Hiding Facebook friends from a spouse may offer more privacy, but it can damage trust in a relationship. Set clear expectations together on social media use to avoid hurt feelings and suspicions. And remember – virtual connections never outweigh real intimacy built through honesty and communication.