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Can you have two hosts on a Facebook event?

Can you have two hosts on a Facebook event?

Facebook events allow users to create and manage events, invite guests, and promote the event to friends. When creating an event on Facebook, you select one host who is the primary organizer and administrator for the event page. This raises the question – can you have two hosts for a single Facebook event?

The short answer is yes, it is possible to have two hosts for a Facebook event. Facebook allows you to add co-hosts who will have the same capabilities as the original event host. Co-hosts can manage invitations, posts, and other event settings just like the main event host. Here is a more detailed look at how co-hosts work for Facebook events and how to add them.

What are Facebook event co-hosts?

Facebook event co-hosts have the same administrative rights as the original event host. Co-hosts can:

  • Edit the event name, date, time, location and other event details
  • Invite friends and manage the guest list
  • Post and delete posts on the event page timeline
  • Respond to guest posts and comments
  • Add, edit or delete photos and videos from the event page
  • Send event updates and messages to guests
  • Promote the event and invite friends-of-friends
  • Access event insights about guest responses
  • Manage special event features like ticketing, fundraising and groups

Essentially co-hosts have the same abilities as the original event creator. Both hosts and co-hosts can collaborate in managing all aspects of the Facebook event.

How many co-hosts can you have?

Facebook allows you to add up to 15 co-hosts to a single event. Here are the specifics:

  • 1 main event host + 15 co-hosts = 16 total hosts
  • No limit on the number of general event guests
  • Only hosts and co-hosts can access the event organizer tools

So you are limited to a maximum of 16 total hosts, including the original event creator and up to 15 added co-hosts. This allows sufficient collaboration flexibility for most events.

Who can be added as a Facebook event co-host?

You can only add other Facebook users and Pages as co-hosts for your event. Here are the options:

  • Individual Facebook friends
  • Facebook Groups you manage
  • Facebook Pages you administer

Both individual users and managed Pages/Groups make sense as co-hosts. You cannot add email addresses or other non-Facebook entities as co-hosts. All co-hosts must have their own Facebook account or Page.

How to add co-hosts to a Facebook event

Adding co-hosts to your Facebook event is simple:

  1. Go to your Facebook event page
  2. Click on the Manage Event option on the left sidebar
  3. Select the + Add Co-Host button
  4. Type in the name of the Facebook friend or Page you want to make a co-host
  5. Select the friend from the dropdown results
  6. Click Add next to their name to confirm adding them as co-host

You can repeat steps 4-6 to continue adding more co-hosts as needed.

Tips for using Facebook event co-hosts

Here are some tips for effectively leveraging co-hosts for your Facebook event:

  • Add co-hosts who actively help plan and coordinate the event – don’t just add random friends
  • Discuss event management duties and divide them between hosts
  • Make sure all hosts are on the same page about the event details and vision
  • Use Facebook messaging to easily communicate and collaborate between hosts
  • Add hosts early in the event creation process so everyone is involved
  • Consider adding a few back-up co-hosts in case someone drops out

Carefully choosing committed and responsive co-hosts will make it much easier to distribute the workload and manage a successful event together.

Pros of having multiple Facebook event hosts

Some of the key benefits of adding co-hosts to your Facebook event include:

  • Shared workload – Co-hosts can divide up event planning and management duties
  • Broader outreach – More hosts means more friends/followers to promote to
  • Backup support – Co-hosts provide redundancy if the original host can’t manage the event for any reason
  • Expanded skillsets – Different hosts bring diverse abilities and experiences
  • Unity of vision – Hosts align on the purpose and goals of the event from the start

The right mix of hosts and their talents can significantly improve the event experience for organizers and guests alike.

Cons of having multiple Facebook event hosts

However, there are also a few potential downsides to having multiple hosts for a Facebook event:

  • Too many chefs in the kitchen if hosts aren’t aligned
  • Confusion for guests if hosts post contradictory information
  • Delays and miscommunications between hosts
  • Wasted time if duties are unclear or overlap
  • One host ends up doing most of the work anyway

Disorganization and misalignment of hosts can create more problems than solutions. Make sure to define roles clearly and keep hosts informed to avoid issues.

Can you delete a Facebook event co-host?

Yes, as the original event host you can remove any co-hosts at any time:

  1. Go to Manage Event and select the co-host’s name
  2. Choose the option to Remove Co-Host
  3. Confirm the removal to delete them as a host

The user will immediately lose access to the host admin tools. Use this if a co-host is no longer able to assist with the event or is not working out for any reason.


Facebook events do allow multiple co-hosts to share management of a single event. The original event creator can add up to 15 co-hosts, who will have the same administrative rights and abilities for the event. Co-hosts provide many benefits like broader promotion and shared workloads, but hosts should align clearly on responsibilities to avoid confusion. With the right coordination, co-hosts can make any Facebook event easier and more successful.