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Can you have text on Facebook ads?

Can you have text on Facebook ads?

Yes, you can absolutely have text on Facebook ads. Text is a key component of most Facebook ads. There are several important ways that text is used in Facebook ads:

Ad Copy

The main text in a Facebook ad is known as the “ad copy.” This includes the headline, body text, and any other text that appears within the ad creative. The ad copy delivers your core message and is what convinces users to take your desired action, whether that’s visiting your website, signing up for your email list, making a purchase, etc. Effective ad copy is clear, concise, and tailored to your target audience.


Your Facebook ad headline appears at the top of your ad. It’s typically very short – 1 to 2 lines of text. The goal of your headline is to grab attention and get users interested in your ad. Some best practices for Facebook ad headlines include:

  • Keep headlines under 30 characters
  • Highlight your value proposition or key benefit
  • Use numbers and specificity
  • Try different formats like questions and commands

Body Text

The body text makes up the bulk of your Facebook ad copy. This is where you explain your offer, product, or service in more detail. Effective body text:

  • Clearly articulates what you’re offering
  • Uses simple, easy-to-read language
  • Is short and scannable (aim for 2-4 sentences or 50 words max)
  • Contains a strong call-to-action

Ad Format

The ad format you choose also impacts how text appears in your Facebook ads. Different ad formats allow for different amounts of text:

Ad Format Text Options
Single Image or Video Headline, body text, call-to-action button
Carousel Headline, body text, call-to-action button for each carousel card
Stories Overlaid text and stickers

So the ad format you select will determine how much text you can include. Ad formats like single image/video and carousel give you the most text real estate to work with.

Ad Text Guidelines

When creating text for your Facebook ads, you need to follow Facebook’s ad policies and guidelines. Some key guidelines around ad text include:

  • Text must be clear and easy to understand
  • No false, misleading claims or exaggerations
  • No use of superlatives like “best” or “top-ranked” without proper proof
  • No profanity or offensive language
  • Proper spelling and grammar

Following these guidelines helps ensure your ads comply with Facebook’s rules. Ads with improper text may get rejected or disapproved.

Image Text

You can also include text within your Facebook ad images and videos. This image text can help reinforce your message and branding. Some best practices for text in ad creative include:

  • Make sure image text is easy to read
  • Use high-contrast colors
  • Don’t overload creative with text
  • Ensure any textmatches ad copy

Well-executed image text complements your ad copy and gives users a more cohesive experience.

Text Length

When it comes to ad text length, shorter is generally better on Facebook. Long blocks of text tend to get ignored. Some guidelines around Facebook ad text length:

  • Headlines: 25 characters max
  • Body text: 2-4 sentences or 50 words max
  • Total ad copy: 125 characters max

Carousel ads allow for more total text since each carousel card has its own 125 characters. But the goal should always be concise, scannable text that conveys your message clearly.

Text Position

Where you position text also matters for Facebook ads. You want to make sure your ad copy is prominent and easy-to-read. Some tips for text positioning:

  • Place headline at top so it’s seen first
  • Make sure body text stands out against background
  • Avoid overlaying text over busy images
  • Put call-to-action in a contrasting color

Take time to get your text layout right. The visual presentation of text impacts results.

Formatting and Styling

You have some flexibility when it comes to formatting and styling text in Facebook ads. Options include:

  • Bold – Draws attention to important words
  • Italic – Can highlight or emphasize text
  • ALL CAPS – Should be used sparingly
  • Line breaks – Improve scannability
  • Bulleted lists – Help break up blocks of text

Use these formatting options selectively to make your ad copy more visually appealing and easier to consume.

Ad Preview

Always preview how your ad looks on both desktop and mobile before launching. This lets you see how your text renders on different devices and make any changes needed.

A/B Testing

Test different versions of text to see what resonates best with your target audience. Try different headlines, wording, formatting, etc. Analyze the results to guide your ad copy optimization.


Carefully proofread all ad text before launching your campaign. Fix any typos, grammar errors or unclear messaging. Remember, Facebook ads are a reflection of your brand.

Text Tips by Objective

The ideal ad text also varies based on your campaign objective:

Objective Text Tips
Traffic Use numbers, superlatives, commands to drive clicks
Engagement Ask questions, encourage comments and shares
Conversions Focus on value proposition, details, credibility
Brand Awareness Highlight key brand differentiators
Video Views Hook viewers in the first 3 seconds of video

Align your copy to what you want users to do after they see your ad.


Text is a critical element of Facebook ads. Effective ad copy follows best practices around length, formatting, style, and positioning. It grabs attention, conveys your key messaging, and motivates the desired action in your target audience. By putting thought into your ad text, you can significantly boost your Facebook ad performance.