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Can you have multiple users on one Facebook account?

Can you have multiple users on one Facebook account?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of Q4 2021. With so many people using Facebook, it’s common for multiple people to want to access the same account, whether it’s couples, families, or groups of friends.

So can you actually have multiple users on a single Facebook account? The short answer is no, Facebook’s terms of service prohibit sharing accounts between multiple users. However, there are some limited workarounds that allow a sort of pseudo multi-user access.

Why Facebook prohibits account sharing

According to Facebook’s Terms of Service, “You will not share your password, let anyone else access your account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account.” This policy is in place for a few key reasons:

  • Security – Sharing accounts makes it easier for the account to be hacked or compromised.
  • Accurate data – Facebook uses account data to serve customized ads and content. Shared accounts distort this data.
  • Accountability – With shared accounts, it’s difficult to hold any one person responsible for violations of Facebook’s policies.

Facebook wants each person to have their own account tied to their identity, for better security, ad targeting, and accountability. So officially, no you cannot have multiple users on one Facebook account.

Workarounds for pseudo multi-user access

While you can’t officially have multiple users on one Facebook account, there are some workarounds that can provide a sort of pseudo multi-user access:

Shared login credentials

The most straightforward workaround is simply to share the login email and password with multiple people. This gives everyone access to the same account. However, it violates Facebook’s terms and could result in the account being disabled if detected.

Profile switching apps

There are apps like Multilogin that allow you to quickly switch between multiple Facebook profiles without logging in and out each time. This makes it easy to access different profiles from the same device.

Facebook’s “Log in with Facebook” feature

Many websites and apps allow you to “Log in with Facebook” to create an account. Multiple people could use the same Facebook account to underpin separate accounts in other services.

Facebook’s Portal devices

Facebook’s Portal smart displays recognize different household members and serve them personalized content, even though they are logged into the same shared Portal account.

Creating pages/groups instead of profiles

Rather than having multiple profiles, you could create a Facebook page or group and add multiple administrators. Admins can all post and access the page equally.

So while you can’t officially have multiple users on one Facebook profile, workarounds like these allow a sort of pseudo multi-user ability.

Risks of sharing Facebook accounts

While the workarounds above allow multiple people to access a Facebook account, this still violates Facebook’s policies. There are also a number of risks associated with sharing accounts that you should keep in mind:

  • Account banning – If Facebook detects illicit account sharing, the account could be disabled or banned entirely.
  • Security issues – Shared accounts are more susceptible to hacking, phishing, and compromise.
  • Privacy problems – You’ll have access to each other’s private messages, info, photos, etc.
  • Confusion for friends – Friends may be confused who they are talking to on a shared account.
  • Ad and feed issues – You’ll get a mix of ads and content tailored to different users.
  • Compromised recommendation – Facebook’s algorithms may present distorted or inaccurate recommendations.
  • Difficulty separating – Untangling a shared account if users later want to separate can be complicated.

In most cases, it’s safer, more private, and provides a better user experience for each person to have their own Facebook account.

Best practices for pseudo multi-user access

If you do decide to employ workarounds to allow multi-user access to a Facebook account, here are some best practices to follow:

  • Use a strong, unique password – This helps keep the account secure.
  • Enable two-factor authentication – Adds an extra layer of security to the account.
  • Create separate profiles – Use Facebook’s profile switching option to maintain separate profiles.
  • Agree on account usage rules – Set ground rules about posting, messaging, privacy, etc.
  • Split up friends/connections – Have each user manage a separate group of friends.
  • Use Groups/Pages rather than Profiles – Reduces some of the privacy and content issues.
  • Periodically change the password – This can help mitigate any potential misuse.
  • Monitor closely for issues – Watch for any inappropriate access or account lockouts.

Keeping these tips in mind can help reduce (but not eliminate) the risks of pseudo multi-user access. But the safest approach is still to maintain separate Facebook accounts for each user.

Pros of separate Facebook accounts

Given the risks and limitations above, in most cases it makes sense for each user to have their own Facebook account. Here are some of the major benefits of separate accounts:

  • Increased security – Accounts are less susceptible to hacking when not shared.
  • More privacy – You control access to your own private information and messages.
  • Compliance with Facebook’s rules – Reduces risk of account banning for terms violations.
  • Personalized experience – Your feed, ads, preferences are tailored to just you.
  • Own identity & friends – You can build relationships under your own identity.
  • Avoid confusion – Friends know exactly who they are interacting with.
  • Clean separation if needed – Accounts can be easily separated in the future.
  • Full feature access – Some Facebook features don’t work well with shared accounts.

Having separate accounts aligned to each user’s real identity provides the best and most secure Facebook experience in the long run.

How to set up additional Facebook accounts

If you’ve decided to take the route of separate Facebook accounts for each user, here is how to go about setting up additional accounts:

Step 1 – Sign up

Go to and click “Create new account”. Follow the prompts to enter the person’s name, email/phone number, password, birthday and gender to create the account.

Step 2 – Build the profile

Add a profile photo, fill out details in the About section, and customize other profile settings to personalize the account.

Step 3 – Find friends/family

Use Facebook’s Find Friends tool to connect with other Facebook users you know. Search for them by name and send friend requests.

Step 4 – Join groups & pages

Based on the person’s interests, search for relevant Facebook groups and pages to join. This populates their feed with engaging content.

Step 5 – Install apps

Visit the Facebook App Center to add fun and useful apps like games, productivity tools, news digests, and more.

Step 6 – Enhance security

Turn on two-factor authentication for added security. Also customize the privacy settings to control who can see what information.

Step 7 – Create shortcuts

Add shortcuts to the person’s browser or device home screen to make accessing Facebook quick and convenient.

Following these steps makes it easy to set up fully distinct and personalized Facebook accounts for each user. And it avoids the risks and limitations that come with shared accounts.

FAQs about multiple users on Facebook

Is having two Facebook accounts against the rules?

Having two Facebook accounts itself is not against Facebook’s rules. Many people have multiple accounts for different purposes. But you cannot maintain two accounts that represent the same individual person.

What happens if multiple people use the same Facebook account?

If Facebook detects that multiple people are logging into the same account, they may disable or permanently delete the account for violation of their terms. The account is also more vulnerable to hacking and misuse.

Can couples share a Facebook account?

Officially couples cannot share a Facebook account. Doing so violates the terms of service. While some couples do share accounts, it leads to a poor user experience and risks account deletion if caught.

Can I use the same Facebook account on multiple devices?

Yes, you can use the same Facebook account across multiple devices like phones, tablets, and computers. Facebook offers apps for most platforms and browsers for easy access.

Is it OK for family members to share accounts?

Facebook discourages family members from sharing accounts. Children under 13 especially should not use adult family member’s accounts, but instead have separate child accounts with parental controls.

Can I convert a personal account to a business account?

Yes, you can convert an existing personal Facebook account to a business Page if you want to use it for marketing or branding purposes. Simply go to Facebook’s business settings to convert it.

The bottom line

Sharing Facebook accounts between multiple users is officially prohibited by Facebook’s terms of service. While some workarounds allow pseudo multi-user access, this approach has many risks and limitations.

The safest course of action is for each user to have their own fully separate Facebook account tied to their identity. This provides the best security, privacy, user experience, and compliance with Facebook’s policies.

Setting up additional Facebook accounts is straightforward. And it avoids the pitfalls that come from trying to use one account for multiple people. Having individual accounts lets each user get the most out of Facebook and control their own experience.