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Can you have multiple images in a Facebook ad?

Can you have multiple images in a Facebook ad?

Yes, you can have multiple images in a single Facebook ad. Facebook allows advertisers to include up to 10 images or videos in one ad creative. Using multiple images in a Facebook ad can help make the ad more visually compelling and keep viewers engaged.

Having several images also gives you more flexibility to showcase different products, tell a story, or highlight the key features and benefits of what you’re advertising. The multiple images essentially act like a slideshow within the ad unit.

Benefits of Using Multiple Images in Facebook Ads

There are a few key advantages of using multiple images in your Facebook ads:

1. Keeps viewers engaged

Having a variety of visuals makes your ad more dynamic and interesting. Viewers are more likely to stay engaged as they scroll through the images rather than just seeing a single static image. The different images add visual variety within the ad unit.

2. Highlights more features and products

You can use the multiple images to showcase different views or uses of a product. For example, if you sell athletic apparel, you may want one image of the clothing on a model, another in use during exercise, and a third showcasing a detailed feature.

For advertisers with multiple products, several images allow you to promote a range of inventory within one ad and avoid creating separate ads for each item.

3. Allows you to tell a story

Using a sequence of images lets you tell a story or demonstrate a process step-by-step. You can take the viewer through a logical flow to explain your product, brand or message. This helps viewers better understand what you’re advertising.

4. Can improve relevance

More images mean more opportunities to include visuals that resonate best with your target audience. You can tailor images to appeal specifically to your ideal customer. Relevant visuals also help convey what makes your brand special.

5. Additional real estate for branding

Each image provides more space to showcase your logo, product visuals, or other branded elements. Even if you use stock photos, you can overlay your branding on the images. More images essentially give you more ad real estate to reinforce your brand identity.

Best Practices for Using Multiple Images in Facebook Ads

Here are some tips for getting the most out of using multiple images in your Facebook ads:

Choose high quality, professional images

Pixelated, amateurish images reflect poorly on your brand. Take the time to select or create images that look great at the ad’s dimensions. Shoot photographs on a quality camera and edit them to look crisp and visually appealing.

Ensure consistency across images

While showing some variety, the images should feel cohesive and align with your overall brand look and style. Using the same filters, color tones, and editing style can help tie images together. Consistent branding across images also helps.

Tell a sequential story

As mentioned above, arranging images to tell a step-by-step story engages viewers and communicates your message clearly. Numbering the images can make the sequence even more obvious.

Limit text overlays

Let the images tell the story. Avoid cluttering images with too much text, which can be distracting. Use only brief, essential text overlays when necessary to supplement the visual story.

Match images to ad objective

Carefully select images that further your ad goal and message. Product photos can work for ecommerce or lead gen objectives. Lifestyle imagery may be better for brand awareness ads. Choose accordingly.

Optimize for placements

Image orientation, aspect ratio, and dimensions should fit seamlessly into Facebook’s key placements like the mobile news feed. Square 1:1 images can work well.

Experiment with different combinations

Test different versions with more product shots, lifestyle photos, etc. to see what imagery resonates most with your target audience. The optimal visual mix likely depends on your specific niche, products, and customers.

Facebook Ad Specifications for Multiple Images

If you want to use multiple images in a Facebook ad, be sure to follow Facebook’s specs:

  • Up to 10 images can be included in a single ad
  • Image file format must be JPG or PNG
  • Maximum image file size is 5MB
  • Recommended image dimensions are 600 x 315 pixels (1.91:1 aspect ratio) or 600 x 600 pixels (1:1 aspect ratio) for feeds
  • Images must be in landscape orientation if using a 1.91:1 aspect ratio

Keep in mind the main image will be used as the primary photo in placements where only one image may be shown, like the mobile news feed. So make that first image count!

The 10 image limit allows you to create a detailed visual story while staying within Facebook’s guidelines.

Examples of Facebook Ads Using Multiple Images

Here are a few examples of Facebook ads from brands leveraging multiple images successfully:


Oreo used a series of fun, playful images in their Facebook ads to show situations where people feel an urge to eat Oreos. The images reinforce the tagline “That Oreo Feeling”:


KitchenAid incorporated instructional images in their Facebook ad to demonstrate how to use their stand mixer attachment to make homemade spiralized vegetables:

Charlotte Tilbury

This Facebook ad from makeup brand Charlotte Tilbury features a model applying different products. The sequence of images takes the viewer through the step-by-step makeup routine:

Tools for Creating Facebook Ads with Multiple Images

Here are some useful tools for assembling Facebook ads with multiple images:

Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark is a free graphic design tool that lets you easily combine images, add text overlays, and customize templates to create multi-image Facebook ads.


Like Spark, Canva offers templates and simple drag-and-drop tools to design Facebook ads with multiple images tailored to all placements.


Crello is another free graphic design app with templates and intuitive editing features to assemble visually appealing Facebook ads with multiple images.


PicMonkey is an easy-to-use photo editing program that lets you layer images, crop, arrange, and add graphics to design multi-image Facebook creatives.


While not a graphic design program, AdEspresso is a Facebook ad optimization platform that allows you to create ads with up to 10 images using their template.


Using multiple images in your Facebook ads is an impactful way to catch attention, demonstrate features and products, tell a story, and convey your brand. Take advantage of Facebook’s 10 image per ad allowance to create dynamic, engaging marketing messages. Follow Facebook’s specifications for image formats and arrangements. Experiment with different image mixes tailored to your campaign goals and target audience. With compelling visual content, your multiple image Facebook ads can effectively promote your brand.