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Can you have 2 Marketplace accounts?

Can you have 2 Marketplace accounts?

Having multiple Amazon seller accounts is allowed but can get complicated. Amazon has rules around operating more than one seller account that you need to follow to avoid suspension. Here’s what you need to know about having two or more seller accounts on Amazon Marketplace.

Why Would You Want Multiple Accounts?

There are a few reasons sellers open a second Amazon account:

  • Separate businesses – You may have two legitimate separate businesses you want to sell under different names. For example, you sell handmade jewelry under your own name but also have a side retail arbitrage business you want to keep separate.
  • Manage sales channels – Some sellers use a second account just for Amazon sales while keeping their main ecommerce site on their primary seller account.
  • Split product categories – If you sell in multiple categories, you may want to split them across two accounts to better organize your listings.
  • Testing – Opening a second account can be useful to test out changes or new tactics without affecting your main account.

Amazon’s Rules on Multiple Accounts

While you are allowed to have more than one selling account, Amazon has laid out guidelines you must follow:

  • Each account must register separately and have its own email and bank account.
  • You need to identify any other accounts you own during registration.
  • Accounts must clearly represent separate businesses or sales channels.
  • Accounts can’t be used to artificially increase selling limits.
  • All accounts must follow Amazon’s selling policies.

The key is that your accounts must be separate entities and not used deceptively. Amazon may suspend sellers that use multiple accounts improperly.

Best Practices for Multiple Accounts

If you want to open a second account, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Be transparent – Disclose all your accounts to Amazon upfront and clarify the purpose of each.
  • Make them truly separate – Use different business information and bank accounts for each one.
  • Don’t co-mingle inventory – Keep inventory and shipments separate between accounts.
  • Monitor both closely – Pay equal attention to both accounts to stay compliant.
  • Seek permission if needed – Get Amazon’s pre-approval for any unconventional uses.

The key is keeping your accounts and operations completely separate to avoid triggering Amazon’s sensors for deceptive behavior.

Pros of Multiple Accounts

Used properly, having a second seller account can offer some benefits:

  • Organize separate businesses or sales channels.
  • Isolate risky product launches or tests.
  • Split up products to simplify account management.
  • Compare strategies between accounts.
  • Maximize total selling limits.

Cons of Multiple Accounts

However, there are also downsides to manage if you have multiple accounts:

  • Double the workload to manage accounts.
  • Need to carefully track inventory between accounts.
  • Amazon may scrutinize your accounts more closely.
  • No clear delineation between accounts for customer reviews/branding.
  • Limits still constrained as Amazon evaluates you overall.
  • More risk of policy violation and account suspension.

How Many Accounts Are Allowed?

Amazon does not disclose an exact limit on the number of seller accounts one person or business can have. Their guidance states you should only open additional accounts when you have a legitimate business need.

Most sellers that successfully operate multiple accounts have 2-3 total. Once you get to 4-5+ accounts, it becomes very difficult to manage properly. Amazon will also have more reason to scrutinize your selling activity.

It’s best to keep your account total reasonable based on your needs and ability to manage them distinctly.

Can You Have Two Seller Central Accounts?

Yes, it is possible to have two Seller Central accounts associated with two separate seller accounts. Each Seller Central account would manage one Amazon seller account.

The key requirements are that each Seller Central account must:

  • Use a different business email and password.
  • Have a different business name, address, and bank account connected.
  • Disclose the other account and clarify the rationale.
  • Abide by all of Amazon’s policies for multiple accounts.

You cannot have two Seller Central accounts for the same underlying Amazon seller account. But with two legitimate separate businesses, you can have two seller accounts and two Seller Central accounts.

Can You Have Two Seller Accounts on One Seller Central?

No, Amazon’s rules do not allow managing two separate seller accounts on the same Seller Central account.

The Seller Central account is tied directly to the underlying seller account. So each Amazon seller account must have its own separate Seller Central account for proper management and transparency.

If you try to add two seller accounts to one Seller Central, Amazon will require you to register a second Seller Central account for the second business.

Can you have two seller accounts with the same name?

No, Amazon does not allow multiple seller accounts to use the exact same business name and contact information. Each account must represent a distinct business identity.

Even if you have two legitimate separate businesses you operate, the accounts can’t be identical. The business names, addresses, bank accounts, and contact info must differ.

This enables Amazon to monitor and regulate each account independently. Identical accounts would allow sellers to manipulate Amazon’s systems and deceive customers.

So if you want to open multiple seller accounts, make sure to differentiate the business details for each one.

Should I Open a Second Seller Account?

Whether opening a second Amazon seller account makes sense depends on your specific situation and goals:

  • Do you have two clearly distinct businesses? Multiple accounts may help separate operations.
  • Are you struggling to organize a large number of products? Splitting accounts could streamline management.
  • Do you want to isolate risky tests or new products? A second account reduces impacts of failures.
  • Are you exceeding selling limits on your main account? Additional accounts provide more headroom.
  • Do you have the bandwidth to manage two accounts properly? Running multiple accounts adds work.

Weigh the benefits against the extra complexity. For most sellers, one well-run account is preferable to spreading yourself thin across multiple accounts.

Tips for Managing Multiple Seller Accounts

If operating multiple accounts makes sense for your business, keep these tips in mind:

  • Clarify account purposes – Document how each will be used differently.
  • Make accounts fully separate – Differentiate names, addresses, banks, emails.
  • Disclose connections – Be upfront with Amazon about your other accounts.
  • Isolate inventory – Never commingle products or shipments between accounts.
  • Assign logins carefully – Don’t allow single login accessing multiple accounts.
  • Segment operations – Keep processes, listings, ads isolated between accounts.
  • Cross-train staff – Ensure multiple people are familiar with each account.
  • Monitor metrics closely – Watch both accounts to catch any issues quickly.

With well-defined purposes and tight operational controls, multiple accounts can work successfully. But they require extra diligence to manage properly.

What Happens If You Have Two Accounts?

If you are transparent about operating two accounts from the start, properly segment them, and follow all of Amazon’s seller rules, there should be no negative consequences.

The risks come if you try to use multiple accounts deceptively to:

  • Artificially increase selling limits
  • Evade performance metrics like defect rate
  • Rank manipulate with cross-account activity
  • Circumvent suspensions or investigations
  • Impersonate separate businesses

Any sign of manipulating accounts or violating policies may lead Amazon to take action such as:

  • Requiring you to register all accounts under a single unified account
  • Terminating specific accounts
  • Banning you from selling on Amazon entirely
  • Withholding funds
  • Pursuing legal action if terms abused flagrantly

Stay compliant with all accounts and you can operate them successfully long-term.

Can Amazon Tell if You Have Two Accounts?

Yes, Amazon has advanced technology to detect related accounts and root out policy violations across sellers. Ways they may identify multiple accounts include:

  • Matching banking information, addresses, and contacts
  • Analyzing account creation factors like IP, device, geography
  • Reviewing sales patterns, feedback, and product overlap
  • Leveraging business identification information
  • Noticing similar language/typos/formatting in listings
  • Detecting coordinated activity across accounts

So while it may be tempting to try hiding extra accounts from Amazon, they will likely identify any connections eventually. The safer approach is being transparent from the start.

Should You Disclose Multiple Accounts?

Yes, Amazon requires you to identify all related selling accounts during registration. Failing to disclose accounts is considered a violation of their terms.

Being transparent about operating multiple accounts allows Amazon to evaluate your situation fully and ensure accounts are being used properly.

If Amazon discovers accounts you didn’t disclose, they may assume you intended to use them deceptively and take action. Effects could include:

  • Suspending or terminating undisclosed accounts
  • Removing selling privileges entirely
  • Withholding funds
  • Banning you from selling on Amazon

So it’s always safest to be upfront about all your accounts. You can provide more context on your legitimate reasons for having them.

Can You Merge Amazon Seller Accounts?

No, Amazon does not allow directly combining or merging two existing seller accounts. If you want to consolidate multiple accounts into one, you need to close the secondary accounts and shift inventory and listings to your primary account.

You would need to go through these key steps:

  • Register primary account for selling all products
  • Move any unique listings from secondary to primary
  • Shift any remaining secondary inventory to primary
  • Contact Amazon Seller Support to close secondary accounts
  • Channel all traffic to primary account
  • Update banking, contacts, etc. to primary info

It takes effort to integrate everything smoothly into one seller account without disruption. But consolidating accounts avoids the hassles of juggling multiple accounts.

Should You Combine Amazon Accounts?

If your reasons for having multiple seller accounts are no longer relevant, consolidating into one may be beneficial:


  • Simpler to manage one account
  • Easier branding and marketing
  • No issues with inventory separation
  • Maximize selling limits in one place
  • Lower risk of policy violations


  • More work upfront to migrate listings/inventory
  • May need to segment products again
  • Lose separation of sales channels

Look at your specific situation. Combining accounts works best once you outgrow the need for multiple accounts. But not if they still serve distinct purposes.

Bottom Line

Operating multiple selling accounts on Amazon is allowed but requires care:

  • Have legitimate reasons for each account
  • Keep accounts and operations fully separate
  • Disclose all accounts transparently
  • Follow Amazon’s terms and policies
  • Monitor accounts closely to avoid issues

With the right precautions and valid rationale, having two or more selling accounts can work. But a single well-run account is simplest for most Amazon sellers.