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Can you go live with a pre-recorded video on Facebook?

Can you go live with a pre-recorded video on Facebook?

Facebook Live allows users to broadcast live video streams to their followers in real-time. However, there are ways to go “live” with a pre-recorded video on Facebook as well. Here are the key things to know about going live with a pre-recorded video on Facebook:

Prerecorded Videos Cannot Be Streamed Directly

Facebook does not allow users to directly stream a prerecorded video using the Live video function. The Live platform is intended for broadcasting live, in-the-moment video. So you cannot simply upload a prerecorded video and broadcast it as if it were live.

You Can Use a Prerecorded Video as Part of a Live Stream

While you cannot directly stream a prerecorded video, you can incorporate a prerecorded segment as part of a live broadcast. For example, you could be broadcasting live and then play a prerecorded video clip as part of your video stream. This allows you to integrate prerecorded content into your live broadcast.

Use a Multi-Camera Setup with a Prerecorded Camera Feed

One way to integrate a prerecorded video into a live stream is to use a multi-camera setup with both live and prerecorded camera feeds. You would have one camera broadcasting live video. Then you would have a second camera set up playing back prerecorded video that gets incorporated into the live stream.

The seamless integration gives the appearance of a completely live, multi-camera broadcast. Meanwhile, part of the video feed is actually prerecorded footage no one can tell is not live.

Use Screen Capture Software to Stream Prerecorded and Live Video

Another option is to use screen capture software like OBS Studio or StreamYard. These programs allow you to capture both live footage from a webcam as well as prerecorded video from your computer screen.

For example, you could have your webcam capturing live footage of you talking. Then the screen capture software is capturing prerecorded video playing in the background. This combines into one live video broadcast containing both live and prerecorded elements.

Stream from an External Encoder with Multiple Inputs

For professional live streaming setups, you would use a dedicated external encoder hardware device. Encoders can accept multiple video inputs, allowing you to seamlessly combine live and prerecorded footage.

The external encoder mixes everything into one broadcast that streams directly to your Facebook page. Viewers are unaware some of the footage is prerecorded since it is masterfully blended with the live feed.

Considerations When Going Live with Prerecorded Video

If you want to incorporate prerecorded videos into your Facebook Live broadcasts, keep the following important considerations in mind:

  • Make sure any prerecorded footage is relevant and adds value for viewers of your live video.
  • Blend the transitions between live and prerecorded footage so the switch is smooth and seamless.
  • Avoid playing lengthy prerecorded videos that dominate your entire broadcast.
  • Focus on keeping your live interactions authentic and not overly dependent on prerecorded content.

Benefits of Incorporating Some Prerecorded Content

When used thoughtfully, going live with some prerecorded video integrated can have several benefits:

  • Improves overall video production quality.
  • Allows you to incorporate relevant B-roll footage.
  • Provides flexibility to share meaningful prerecorded content.
  • Gives you a backup if technical difficulties occur with the live stream.
  • Creates a more polished, professional broadcast.

Rules and Restrictions on Reusing Live Video

If you want to reuse a Facebook Live video after it has concluded, there are some limitations to be aware of:

  • You cannot download Live videos after they are finished. However, you can download the video while it is still live.
  • You cannot reuse or rebroadcast a Live video in its entirety. However, short clips can be reused.
  • Clips can be reused across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Full Live videos can only be reused on Facebook.
  • There are limits to how many times the same clips can be reused on Facebook.

So while you cannot rebroadcast full videos, you can repurpose and reuse short clips from the Live videos in future content.

Pros of Streaming Prerecorded Video as Live

While tricky to pull off, there are some pros to using prerecorded video in your Facebook Live streams:

  • You avoid technical issues or streaming interruptions.
  • Can augment live stream with high-quality B-roll video footage.
  • Creates a more polished professional stream.
  • Provides flexibility to incorporate pre-produced content.
  • Allows you to mix in different camera angles and views.

Cons of Streaming Prerecorded Video as Live

However, there are also some downsides to be aware of:

  • Violates the authenticity and real-time nature that viewers expect.
  • Requires more complex technical setup and editing.
  • Pre-recorded footage might seem less relevant or timely.
  • Excessive reused content could alienate your audience.
  • Facebook guidelines discourage the reuse of entire pre-recorded broadcasts.

Tools to Integrate Live & Prerecorded Video

If you want to incorporate prerecorded videos into your Facebook Live streams, here are some of the tools you can use:

Tool How It Works
OBS Studio Free screen capture software that mixes live and prerecorded video sources.
vMix Video production tool that combines live HD camera inputs with prerecorded footage.
Wirecast Allows switching between live cameras and prerecorded media during broadcasts.
StreamYard Web-based production suite for streaming live shows with pre-recorded clips.
Ecamm Live Mac software for blending live commentary with prerecorded video content.

Tips for Seamless Integration

To seamlessly blend live and prerecorded footage, keep these tips in mind:

  • Use multiple camera angles and varied shots for both live and prerecorded footage.
  • Switch between live and prerecorded content frequently, at least every 5-10 minutes.
  • Match lighting, color tones, and audio quality across footage types.
  • Rehearse switching between video sources and use good transitions.
  • Incorporate motion graphics, lower thirds, logos to create cohesive branding.

Facebook Guidelines on Reusing Live Video

Here are some key parts of Facebook’s guidelines on reusing and repurposing Facebook Live video:

  • You cannot reuse an entire live stream directly on Facebook again.
  • Short clips, up to 45 seconds, may be reused in new videos or posts.
  • Each clip can be reused up to 2 times on Facebook itself.
  • Clips can be reused extensively on other platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn.
  • Downloaded live streams can be edited into new video content.

So you have flexibility repurpose segments of live video after the fact across your different social channels.

Risk of Having Content Rights Removed

If you heavily incorporate prerecorded video into live streams, there is some risk of Facebook flagging your content or removing rights to go live. This is especially true if you violate their guidelines by rebroadcasting full prerecorded videos.

Facebook’s terms state they can revoke access to Live “if we determine that your live streaming presents safety or copyright concerns”. To minimize risk, follow their guidelines closely and focus on shorter prerecorded clips.

Best Practices for High Quality Live Streams

To deliver professional, engaging Facebook Live broadcasts, make sure to follow these best practices:

  • Have a strong internet connection and use a hardwired ethernet cable.
  • Use a multi-camera setup for different views and angles.
  • Engage viewers through comments and have a moderator.
  • Promote your live streams extensively for high viewership.
  • Test equipment thoroughly before going live.
  • Optimize video and audio quality as much as possible.

Investing in quality equipment, internet, design, and promotion is key to broadcast-level Facebook Live streams.

Top Examples of Brands Using Prerecorded Live Streams

Some brands execute prerecorded live streams extremely well. Here are a few top examples:

  • Nike – Their #YouCantStopUs campaign used extensive prerecorded athlete footage cut together as a “live” stream.
  • Product Launch Formula – Used OBS Studio to mix founder Jeff Walker on webcam with his prerecorded presentation slides.
  • Marie Forleo – Integrated prerecorded B-roll footage into her live course launches and events.
  • ContraPoints – YouTube star who blends high-quality prerecorded segments into her pseudolivestreams.
  • Cisco Live 2020 – Conference live streams combined speaker commentary with polished prerecorded presentations.

These demonstrate creative ways top brands are augmenting live video with integrated high-quality prerecorded content.

Other Ways to Repurpose Facebook Live Videos

In addition to reusing short clips, there are a few other ways you can repurpose Facebook Live videos after you finish broadcasting:

  • Download the full video while it is still live to edit into future videos.
  • Post the entire prerecorded Live video to an external site like YouTube.
  • Edit highlights into a compilation video to share across social media.
  • Turn clips into animated GIFs or short video ads.
  • Extract the audio from Live videos to use for podcasts.

You have a lot of creative options to repurpose your finished Facebook Lives into new content formats. Just follow the platform guidelines.


While you cannot stream an entirely prerecorded video as a Facebook Live, there are ways to incorporate some prerecorded elements into your broadcasts. Using a multi-camera setup with screen capture software allows you to seamlessly blend live and prerecorded footage.

This can improve production quality and give you more flexibility. However, avoid overusing prerecorded content and make sure your live interactions remain authentic. Follow Facebook’s guidelines, and repurpose clips from finished Live videos into future content where possible.

With the right strategy, integrating some prerecorded video can take your Facebook Live streams to the next level.