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Can you get paid from Facebook groups?

Can you get paid from Facebook groups?

Facebook groups have become an integral part of the Facebook experience for many users. With over 1.8 billion monthly active users on Facebook, groups provide a way for people to connect over shared interests, learn new things, get support, and more. But can you actually make money from Facebook groups? Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can monetize groups on Facebook.

Selling Products or Services

One of the most direct ways to make money from a Facebook group is by using it as a platform to sell products or services. Many group administrators directly sell their own products, like online courses, ebooks, or consulting services. The engaged audience of a relevant Facebook group can provide a perfect target market to promote to. You can share your offerings in posts, pin a post with a sales link to the top of your group, or list your offerings clearly in the group description.

You can also allow and encourage members to sell relevant products and services through your group. You can set guidelines and rules around what can be sold, how often, post review and approval processes, etc. Many groups allow members to sell a certain number of items per week or month. Allowing member promotions provides value to your members as an additional platform to generate revenue.

Selling Advertising and Sponsorships

If you have a large, active Facebook group, you may be able to generate revenue by selling advertising and sponsorships. This could include:

  • Sponsored posts – Allowing brands or businesses to create posts to promote themselves or their offerings to your group audience.
  • Pinned posts – Pinning a post from a sponsor so it appears at the top of your group feed for a period of time.
  • Contests or giveaways – Having sponsors provide prizes or products for contests and giveaways you run for your group members.
  • Dedicated ads – Some groups dedicate a section of the group to ads and sponsor promotions.
  • Advertising in your group description – Allowing sponsors to have a short advertisement or mention in your group description.

The amount you can charge for sponsorships and advertising will depend on factors like your group size, engagement levels, and target audience. But this can become a significant revenue stream from your Facebook group presence.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another monetization strategy commonly used with Facebook groups. As an affiliate, you share affiliate links and product recommendations, and receive a commission when group members purchase through your links.

Here are some tips for effectively using affiliate marketing in your group:

  • Choose affiliate programs and products that are highly relevant to your group topic and audience.
  • Create dedicated posts reviewing or highlighting the affiliate products.
  • Share your affiliate links when products come up organically in discussions.
  • Have a dedicated place to list affiliate offers like a pinned post or group description.
  • Follow Facebook rules and be transparent that your links are affiliate links.

The engaged audience in Facebook groups can convert well through affiliate links, allowing you to monetize through products you genuinely recommend and discuss.

Group Funding Programs

Some Facebook group administrators directly fundraise from their group members to support their activities managing the group. There are a few ways you can do this:

  • Voluntary tips – Allow members to send you voluntary payments or tips through payment platforms like PayPal, Buy Me a Coffee, etc.
  • Membership fees – Some groups charge a small monthly or yearly membership fee in order to access the group and its content.
  • Crowdfunding – You can crowdfund for specific projects or expenses related to running your Facebook group and its community.

When doing any kind of group funding, be very transparent about why you need funds and how funds will be used. Adding value for your paying members with things like exclusive content and direct access is also important.

Facebook Monetization Programs

Facebook itself offers some monetization programs that group admins can take advantage of:

  • Facebook Stars – Fans can send virtual goods called Stars during Facebook Live videos, and creators earn money based on Star amounts.
  • Facebook Ad Breaks – Group admins can earn a 55% revenue share by allowing short ads to show during their Facebook Live videos.
  • Facebook Subscriber Groups – Admins can offer exclusive sub-groups that fans pay a monthly fee to access.
  • Facebook Paid Online Events – Charge for events, courses, and meetups held through your Facebook Group online.

These programs allow you to tap into Facebook’s monetization tools specifically designed for group creators. Just make sure your content and groups align with Facebook’s requirements.

Consulting/Coaching Services

Offering paid consulting or coaching services can be a lucrative way to monetize a Facebook group, especially if you have established expertise in your group’s focus area. You can promote your services through your group, and even offer exclusive rates or packages to group members. Some examples include:

  • One-on-one consulting calls
  • Detailed written feedback reports
  • Email/message Q&A services
  • Resume or application reviews
  • Personalized plans and recommendations

Make sure you are transparent about your services and pricing. Delivering real value is key when monetizing through consultations with your group members.

Creating Paid Content or Courses

As a group admin, you likely have extensive knowledge about your group’s niche that you can package into online courses or content. You can either sell access directly or through affiliate marketing. Here are some types of paid content you could offer:

  • Online courses and workshops
  • Digital products like ebooks, templates, or guides
  • Premium website or membership area
  • Paid newsletter or mailing list
  • Virtual summits or conferences

Let your Facebook group be your audience while you create and market any paid content offerings. Make sure to provide real value at a fair price point.

Using Your Group to Build Authority

Running a large, active Facebook group in your niche can help establish your authority and credibility. You can then monetize this authority in other ways like:

  • Securing speaking gigs
  • Landing expert interviews and features
  • Attracting freelance work
  • Promoting any books or published content

Make your group reflect your expertise, knowledge, and thought leadership. This will organically attract opportunities to monetize your industry authority in various ways.


Some Facebook group admins effectively use their groups to generate income through dropshipping. This involves:

  1. Finding trending/in-demand products people are interested in
  2. Promoting and selling these products (without holding any inventory) to your Facebook group
  3. Directing orders to a supplier who ships products directly to the customer

With dropshipping, the group admin acts as the middleman facilitating sales and earning income without physical product interaction. It takes research and effort, but can be quite profitable.

Creating Facebook Sub-Groups

Once your main Facebook group grows and is thriving, you can create paid sub-groups focused on more specific topics or delivering exclusive benefits. Ideas for premium sub-groups include:

  • Mastermind sub-group with extra interaction and accountability
  • Sub-group for local members to connect in person
  • Paid members-only sub-group with access to extra content
  • Sub-group focused on a specific niche within your broader topic

Your existing group members are ideal targets to promote your specialized sub-groups to. Make sure the sub-groups offer clear value worthy of a paid fee.

Providing Paid Mentorship

Group admins with extensive knowledge and expertise in their niche can earn revenue by offering paid mentorship programs. These can provide:

  • One-on-one mentoring and coaching
  • Access to the mentor network
  • Feedback on progress and goals
  • Help overcoming challenges

People will value personalized mentorship from an established group leader in their field. Structure your programs clearly and charge rates in line with the value delivered.

Becoming a Group Partner

Facebook offers options for eligible group creators and leaders to become formal Facebook Group Partners. As a partner you can unlock monetization features like:

  • The Partner Dashboard including analytics and monetization tools
  • Ad revenue share from ads served within your group
  • Access to Facebook Stars program for payments during Live videos
  • Ability to create paid subgroups and events

Review Facebook’s Group Partner eligibility criteria and see if becoming an official partner is the right step for monetizing your group presence.

Influencer Marketing

Active Facebook group admins can sometimes attract attention and followers from brands looking for influencer marketing. You can collaborate with brands by:

  • Promoting their products organically through your group
  • Letting them “takeover” your group for a day
  • Creating a special discount code for your group members
  • Hosting a Facebook Live with their brand team

Make sure any brand partnerships align with your group’s identity and deliver value to members. Negotiate appropriate influencer marketing compensation.

Pros and Cons of Monetizing Facebook Groups

While there are clearly many options to earn revenue from a Facebook group, there are some potential downsides to monetization that group leaders should consider:

Pros Cons
  • Can provide an ongoing income stream
  • Leverages the audience you have built
  • Lets you earn money from your expertise/knowledge
  • Members may appreciate special offers and deals
  • Can divert focus away from providing value
  • May annoy members if done aggressively
  • Difficult to balance monetization and culture
  • Time spent on revenue efforts vs group management

Try to strike the right balance between monetization and keeping your group member-focused. Avoid promotional overload or hype – be transparent and highlight true value for your audience.

Facebook Group Rules Around Monetization

When monetizing your Facebook group, keep these Facebook rules, policies and terms of service in mind:

  • Follow Facebook’s terms around paid services and commerce policies.
  • Properly disclose any paid partnerships or affiliate revenue you generate.
  • Don’t base rules or benefits on payment – don’t offer to promote posts or membership in exchange for money.
  • Enforce any group rules consistently – don’t make exceptions for people who pay.
  • Don’t require payments for participation or engagement like reacting, commenting or posting.

Violating Facebook’s rules could get your group shut down. Educate yourself on proper group monetization practices and be transparent with members.

Optimizing Your Group for Monetization

Here are some tips to optimize your Facebook group for effective monetization:

  • Grow your group audience as large as possible to maximize reach for any promotions.
  • Encourage high engagement with lots of reactions, comments and sharing.
  • Enforce rules to keep discussions on-topic and positive.
  • Frequently create new content like posts, polls and questions to keep the group active.
  • Highlight member expertise and stories to fuel peer-to-peer conversations.
  • Segment your members to understand their interests and needs.
  • Make any paid offerings clear, simple and aligned with group interests.
  • Test different monetization strategies and see what your members respond to.

An optimized, thriving Facebook group will position you much better to earn income. Focus on growth, engagement and culture to attract opportunities.


Building and monetizing a Facebook group takes significant time and effort, but the platform’s huge user base and engaged communities can make it very lucrative. From selling your own offerings to facilitating commerce between members, many avenues exist to generate revenue.

Focus on delivering genuine value as you explore monetization so member experience doesn’t suffer. Transparent communication and aligning monetization with your group’s purpose are key to long term success. With careful execution, your thriving Facebook group can become a sustainable source of income from something you enjoy creating.