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Can you get in trouble for sending a friend request on Facebook?

Can you get in trouble for sending a friend request on Facebook?

Facebook friend requests are a common way for people to connect with each other on the platform. However, sometimes sending a friend request can cause issues or even get you in trouble in certain situations. In this article, we’ll explore the potential risks and repercussions of sending friend requests on Facebook.

When friend requests may be inappropriate

In most cases, sending a friend request is harmless. Connecting with people you know and want to stay in touch with is one of the main purposes of Facebook. However, here are some scenarios where sending a friend request could be considered inappropriate or even harassment:

Sending requests repeatedly to someone who has ignored them

If someone declines your friend request or simply ignores it, continually sending repeat requests could be seen as harassment. Sending more than one or two follow-up requests is not advised.

Requesting people you don’t know personally

Unless you have a specific professional or social reason for connecting, friend requesting strangers is not recommended. Even if you have acquaintances in common, someone may be uncomfortable connecting with people they don’t know.

Requesting contacts from dating sites

Some people use their Facebook to keep in touch with dating contacts. However, friending someone on a dating site before meeting in person or without any conversational foundation could come across as invasive.

Requesting youth with romantic intentions

Adults friending minors on Facebook with romantic motivations is inappropriate and predatory behavior.

Requesting someone who has blocked you

If someone has proactively blocked you on Facebook, sending them requests from other accounts will be unwanted and could constitute harassment. Respect their wishes and keep your distance.

Potential consequences of inappropriate requests

So what could happen if you send inappropriate friend requests on Facebook? Here are some potential repercussions:

Being blocked or reported

Someone could block you so you can no longer send requests or interact with their profile. They could also report your behavior to Facebook as harassment.

Restricted account privileges

If you are reported, Facebook may limit your account privileges or posting/messaging abilities for a period of time. Severe or repeat offenses could get you banned entirely.

Damaged reputation

Word could spread about your invasive friending behavior, damaging your reputation personally or professionally.

Legal action in extreme cases

Law enforcement may get involved in cases of clear predatory behavior, especially towards minors. Sending sexually explicit messages alongside requests could constitute criminal harassment.

Offense Potential Consequence
Repeated requests to someone who declines Being blocked or reported for harassment
Requesting strangers without cause Rejection and uncomfortable reactions
Requesting dating site contacts too soon Damaged reputation and rejection
Requesting minors inappropriately Legal prosecution

When are friend requests appropriate?

Most of the time, sending and accepting friend requests on Facebook is completely harmless. Here are some appropriate situations for sending and accepting friend requests:

Connecting with close friends and family

Friending people you know well in real life and want to stay updated with is what Facebook is designed for. Close friends and family members are perfectly appropriate friend request recipients.

Reconnecting with old friends/acquaintances

If you’ve lost touch with someone from your past like a childhood or high school friend, sending them a request to reconnect is often welcome. Getting back in touch can be rewarding for both parties.

Following public figures you admire

Many celebrities, influencers, artists, thought leaders and other public figures have public Facebook profiles. Following their pages is a great way to support their work and stay in the loop.

Connecting with peripheral social connections

We all have peripheral friends of friends, coworkers, community members, etc. that we want to stay loosely connected to. Friending these acquaintances is often mutually appreciated.

Networking professionally

If you meet someone that you’d like to network with for professional reasons, sending a friend request with a message can help build that relationship. Just be sure your intentions are clear.

Best practices for sending friend requests

To avoid misunderstandings and clearly convey your intentions, keep these tips in mind when sending Facebook friend requests:

Personalize request messages

Write a quick note explaining who you are, how you know each other, and why you want to connect. This gives helpful context.

Send from your personal profile

Don’t send friend requests from secondary Facebook profiles or ones representing your business. Use your real personal account.

Don’t take rejection personally

Not everyone will want to accept your request for various reasons – don’t take it to heart! Politely move on.

Give dating site contacts time

Wait until you’ve talked extensively and preferably met in person before friending romantic interests from dating sites.

Limit professional requests

Only send networking requests if you have an established professional relationship or they are open to being contacted. Avoid spamming strangers.

Consider your existing connection

Make sure requests align with the type of relationship you have. Random strangerequests without context will seem odd.


Sending an occasional friend request to genuinely connect with someone is totally normal and unlikely to cause issues. However, repeatedly contacting people who have shown no interest, making requests without context, or asking minors/strangers inappropriately can constitute harassment. As long as your friend requesting follows general social norms and is done respectfully, you should face no negative consequences. Consider context and existing relationships, personalize messages, and don’t take rejection personally. With good judgment, you can avoid trouble and use Facebook friend requesting to build meaningful connections.