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Can you get Facebook on BlackBerry?

Can you get Facebook on BlackBerry?

BlackBerry devices were once the most popular smartphones on the market. They were beloved for their top-notch security, physical keyboards, and business-focused tools. However, as iOS and Android rose to prominence, BlackBerry slowly faded into obscurity.

In recent years, BlackBerry has transitioned to making Android-based smartphones. So for most modern BlackBerry devices, getting Facebook is straightforward — you can simply download the Facebook app from the Google Play Store, just like on any other Android phone.

But what about older BlackBerry models that run BlackBerry OS instead of Android? Can you get Facebook on those? Let’s take a look.

Can You Get the Official Facebook App on BlackBerry OS?

Unfortunately, there is no official Facebook app available for devices running legacy BlackBerry operating systems like BlackBerry 7, BlackBerry 10, etc.

Facebook did initially develop a native app for BlackBerry OS and released it in 2009. However, as BlackBerry’s market share declined and the company pivoted to Android, Facebook stopped supporting the BlackBerry OS version of the app.

The last compatible version was released in 2013. There have been no updates since then.

So in summary:

No, there is no official Facebook app that you can install on BlackBerry smartphones running BlackBerry OS versions older than Android.

Why Doesn’t Facebook Support BlackBerry OS Anymore?

There are a few reasons why Facebook halted development of the BlackBerry OS app:

  • Declining market share – By 2013, BlackBerry had fallen far behind iOS and Android in terms of market share. Continuing to devote resources to the BlackBerry OS app was no longer worth it for Facebook.
  • Unsupported APIs – Newer versions of Facebook’s mobile apps leverage modern smartphone APIs that older BlackBerry OS versions do not support.
  • Focus on Android – BlackBerry’s pivot to Android aligns with Facebook concentrating their mobile development on Android and iOS.

In short, dedicating engineering resources to an outdated operating system like BlackBerry OS was simply not a priority for Facebook anymore. The user base was too small to warrant the investment.

What Are Some Alternatives for Getting Facebook on BlackBerry OS?

While you can’t get the official app anymore, there are some alternative options for accessing Facebook from a non-Android BlackBerry device:

Use the Mobile Website

The Facebook mobile website ( is optimized for smartphones. So you can simply access it using the web browser on your BlackBerry device.

The interface is similar to the mobile app, though without all the same features. But for basic Facebook access, it gets the job done.

Try a Third-Party App

There are unofficial third-party Facebook apps developed specifically for BlackBerry OS devices. Examples include Friendly for Facebook and Face10.

These apps mimic some of the official app’s functionality. However, they are not supported by Facebook and may have bugs, privacy issues, or miss out on newly-added Facebook features. Use at your own risk.

Use the Android Runtime

On BlackBerry 10 devices, you can leverage the Android Runtime feature to sideload and run Android apps like the official Facebook app. Performance may not be great, but it’s doable if you really want the official app.

This approach will not work on older BlackBerry OS versions before 10 though.

Use the Built-In Social Feeds App

BlackBerry OS 6 onwards includes a Social Feeds app that aggregates content from Facebook, Twitter, RSS feeds, etc. It has limited functionality but does allow you to view your News Feed and post status updates.

What Features Will I Miss Without the Official Facebook App on My BlackBerry?

The biggest drawback to using a mobile web or third-party Facebook experience on a legacy BlackBerry device is that you’ll be missing out on some of the official app’s key features. For example:

  • Push notifications – Can’t get real-time alerts for messages, events, etc.
  • Messenger – Standalone Messenger app not available.
  • Latest UI design – Interface will look outdated.
  • Newer features – No access to newer things like Facebook Stories, Reels, etc.
  • Performance issues – Potential lagging, crashing, or bugs.

You’ll still be able to do basic tasks like reading your News Feed, commenting on posts, and updating your own status. But the overall user experience will feel dated and limited compared to the official Facebook app.

Should I Upgrade to a BlackBerry Android Device to Get Full Facebook Access?

If having the best Facebook experience possible on a BlackBerry device is important to you, upgrading to one of BlackBerry’s newer Android models is recommended.

For example, the BlackBerry KEY2 released in 2018 runs Android 8.1 and can download the official Facebook app from the Google Play Store. You’ll get full access to the latest Facebook features plus the BlackBerry-style physical keyboard.

Upgrading to Android essentially future-proofs your ability to use Facebook and other popular apps. BlackBerry OS simply isn’t supported anymore by most major tech companies.

BlackBerry Model Operating System Official Facebook App Available?
Classic BlackBerry OS 10 No
Passport BlackBerry OS 10 No
KEYone Android 7.1 Yes
Motion Android 8.1 Yes
KEY2 Android 8.1 Yes

As you can see, the Android-powered BlackBerry devices can all run the latest official Facebook app, while the legacy BlackBerry OS models cannot.


While you can access a limited Facebook experience on old BlackBerry OS devices, the official Facebook app is no longer supported. To get full Facebook access on a BlackBerry today, your best option is to upgrade to a newer model running Android.

The Android-powered BlackBerry devices allow you to download Facebook and any other apps from the Google Play Store. So you get the security and physical keyboard of BlackBerry combined with the app support of Android.

Of course, you can also just use Facebook through the mobile browser on your legacy BlackBerry OS device. But the experience will be compromised compared to the native app.

At the end of the day, Facebook’s lack of BlackBerry OS support reflects the platform’s loss of market share and decline into obscurity. For the ideal Facebook user experience on a BlackBerry today, Android is the way to go.