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Can you get a virus off Facebook?

Can you get a virus off Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of the second quarter of 2022. While Facebook offers many benefits for connecting with friends, family, and communities, there are also potential risks such as exposure to viruses and malware.

What is a computer virus?

A computer virus is a type of malicious software program designed to spread from host to host and disrupt computer operation. Viruses often infect systems surreptitiously and then either employ a payload that changes or damages the system or reproduces itself to spread further.

Some of the most common things computer viruses are designed to do include:

  • Corrupt or delete data files
  • Slow computer performance
  • Spam email contacts
  • Gain unauthorized system access
  • Enable computer hacking

Viruses can spread through infected software downloads, email attachments, infected external storage devices, and compromised websites. Many viruses today are designed to take advantage of Internet connectivity to spread rapidly to new host systems.

Can you get a virus directly from Facebook?

It is extremely unlikely that you would get a virus directly from Facebook. As a major technology company, Facebook has robust cybersecurity measures and protections in place to prevent viruses from impacting their platform and users.

Facebook’s infrastructure is not conducive to the proliferation of viruses. Viruses generally require executable files to run and infect a system. However, Facebook primarily hosts and displays non-executable file types like images, videos, and text. Any executable files uploaded directly would be blocked and prevented from executing by Facebook’s security controls.

Facebook also employs advanced automated threat detection capabilities such as machine learning algorithms to identify and remove suspicious content containing malware before it ever reaches users. Pages or groups attempting to distribute viruses are quickly discovered and blocked.

How you could get a virus related to Facebook

While extremely unlikely to get a virus from Facebook’s platform itself, there are some potential vectors a virus could use related to Facebook:

Clicking links on Facebook to malicious sites

One of the risks of Facebook is that some links posted to timelines or sent via Messenger can direct to external malicious websites. These sites aim to infect visitor systems with viruses through tactics like:

  • Drive-by downloads that run malicious scripts
  • Infected files masquerading as desirable downloads
  • Exploiting browser or application vulnerabilities

Only clicking links from known, reputable sources can help mitigate this threat.

Opening infected Facebook message attachments

Facebook Messenger allows sending files and documents. Viruses can potentially spread through infected attachments.

Types of dangerous attachments that may contain embedded viruses or scripts include:

  • Executable files like .exe or .scr files
  • Office documents with malicious macros
  • PDFs with exploits
  • Zip or RAR archive files containing malware

Users should avoid opening unsolicited attachments from unknown parties. Scanning attachments with antivirus software can also help detect infections.

Fake viruses spread through Facebook scams

Fake virus alerts are sometimes used in scams on Facebook. For example, a post may claim that a video contains a virus and instruct users to share the post to spread the warning.

In reality, the post is just trying to go viral and there is no virus. Still, these types of viral hoaxes can lead to misinformation and fear about viruses.

Browser extensions and apps with viruses

Some browser extensions claim to enhance the Facebook experience but actually install malware. Only downloads from the official Chrome or Firefox extension sites can be trusted.

On mobile devices, compromised third party Android and iOS apps falsely claiming Facebook connection might also drop viruses or spyware. Stick to official app stores like Google Play and Apple App Store.

How to remove a virus

If you happened to contract a virus related to Facebook, here are some steps to try and remove it:

  1. Run a full system antivirus scan. Antivirus software can detect and quarantine many common viruses.
  2. Try antimalware programs like Malwarebytes to detect more complex infections.
  3. Revert to a restore point before infection if System Restore was enabled.
  4. Wipe the system completely and reinstall the operating system for severe infections.
  5. Replace infected files or reimage the hard disk drive as a last resort.

Avoiding suspicious links, emails, and downloads can prevent the need for virus removal in the first place. Using secure browser settings, firewalls, antivirus software, and safe computer practices is key as well.

Tips to avoid Facebook viruses

Here are some top tips to avoid getting infected by a virus through Facebook:

  • Don’t open unsolicited attachments from Messenger
  • Don’t follow links to sketchy external sites
  • Ignore fake virus alerts spread through posts
  • Only get apps and extensions from official sources
  • Run reputable antivirus and anti-malware software
  • Keep software updated and use firewall protection
  • Enable security options like multifactor authentication
  • Avoid pirated or unlicensed software downloads


While Facebook itself is an unlikely source of viruses, users should be cautious about suspicious links, attachments, and downloads related to Facebook. Using security software and practices can help identify and remove any malware. Avoiding shady downloads and websites and not opening unsolicited attachments can prevent infection in the first place.