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Can you get a Facebook group removed?

Can you get a Facebook group removed?

Getting a Facebook group removed is possible, but can be challenging depending on the situation. There are a few key factors that determine whether Facebook will remove a group:

Violation of Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards

If a Facebook group violates Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards, you can report it to Facebook for review. Some examples of violations that could get a group removed include:

  • Promoting hate speech, bullying, harassment, or threats
  • Sharing graphic, sexual, or violent content
  • Coordinating harm or illegal activity
  • Impersonating others
  • Infringing on intellectual property rights

To report a group for violating policies, go to the group’s About section and select “Report Group”. Provide details on how the group violates Facebook’s standards.

Inactive or Unmoderated Groups

Facebook may remove groups that are completely inactive or unmoderated. If a group has no admin, has seen no posts or engagement in a long time, or is overrun by spam, it is more likely to get shut down.

You can report inactive or unmoderated groups to Facebook, but the bar for removal is typically high. Facebook prefers giving group admins a chance to revive or take back control of groups when possible.

Fake, False, or Misleading Information

Facebook has been cracking down more on groups that promote misinformation, especially related to politics, health, and current events. If a group consistently spreads provably false or misleading claims, it could get removed.

You can report groups that share false information, but Facebook won’t necessarily remove every group that posts questionable content. It depends on the extent and specifics of the misinformation being spread.

Abuse of Group Features

Facebook may disable groups that abuse group features for purposes like spamming, phishing scams, or rapidly creating groups or events. For example, if an account creates multiple groups very quickly that share the same spammy posts, Facebook may delete those groups and disable the account.

You can report a group if you notice suspicious activity like unusually high volumes of group creation, events, or posts in a short period of time.

Illegal Activity

Any groups used to coordinate unambiguously illegal activity will likely get removed from Facebook. This includes things like planning a crime, drug sales, and human trafficking.

You should report to Facebook and the relevant legal authorities any group facilitating illegal activities in the real world. Facebook works with law enforcement agencies who can request data on these groups when investigating crimes.

Who can report and request a group removal?

Anyone can report a Facebook group for removal, but Facebook prioritizes reports from:

  • Group members
  • Page admins/moderators affected by the group
  • People directly negatively impacted by the group
  • Facebook itself based on automated policy detection

Standard group members do not have the power to directly remove groups. Only Facebook administrators can actually disable groups after a review process.

Steps to report a group

Here are the steps to report a problematic Facebook group for removal:

  1. Go to the group’s About section
  2. Click on the three dots in the top right corner
  3. Select “Report Group”
  4. Choose the option that best describes the issue, like “Hate Speech” or “False Information”
  5. Explain in detail what content in the group violates Facebook policies and why it should be removed
  6. Submit the report to Facebook for review

Facebook does not notify group admins when groups get reported, so it can be helpful to directly message the admins as well explaining issues with the group’s content.

What happens after reporting a group?

When you report a group, here’s an overview of how Facebook handles it:

  1. The report goes to Facebook’s Community Operations team for review
  2. Facebook inspects the group’s content, activity, admin, and history
  3. If Facebook finds policy violations or issues, they may disable the group and notify the admin
  4. The admin can appeal the removal if they believe it was a mistake
  5. If no violations are found, Facebook may send a warning to group admin about content or take no action

Facebook does not directly notify users who submit reports about the results. You’ll only know if a group got removed by checking if it is still accessible on Facebook.

The review process can take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks depending on the severity, complexity, and volume of reports.

What happens when a group gets disabled?

If Facebook disables a group after a policy violation report, here’s what happens:

  • The group stops showing up in searches or recommendations
  • Current members can’t see posts or interact with the group
  • New members can’t join the group or see any content
  • The group admin receives a notification explaining why it was disabled

Disabled groups typically remain inaccessible indefinitely, unless the admin successfully appeals the removal.

Can a group admin appeal after removal?

Yes, a group admin can appeal a group removal in a few cases:

  • If they believe the removal was a mistake
  • If they fixed the policy violations that got the group disabled
  • If the removal seems inconsistent with how Facebook enforced policies

To appeal, the admin must contact Facebook support and explain why the group should be reinstated. They may need to provide evidence showing the issues were resolved.

However, appeals are not always granted. If the violations were severe or intentional, Facebook may reject the appeal to keep the group disabled.

Can you get personal profiles removed from Facebook?

While Facebook allows reporting groups, it is generally not possible to get someone’s personal Facebook profile removed just by reporting it. Reasons you cannot directly get profiles taken down include:

  • Disagreeing with someone’s posts or views
  • Having interpersonal conflicts or disputes
  • Believing someone violated informal rules of a non-Facebook group/community
  • Feeling harassed or bullied by someone’s profile

For personal profiles, Facebook only disables accounts for severe ongoing violations of policies against things like spam, impersonation, and coordinated inauthentic behavior.

Instead of reporting profiles, you can unfriend or block users you don’t want to interact with anymore on Facebook.

Should you delete a group yourself instead of reporting?

As a group admin, you may want to simply delete your own group instead of reporting it to Facebook. Some reasons you may want to self-delete include:

  • The group is inactive and low value
  • You don’t have time to properly moderate it
  • Members are frequently toxic or negative
  • It’s attracting spam or scammers
  • You want to create a new improved group

Self-deleting can be a quicker and cleaner solution if the issues are relatively minor. However, for more serious violations, reporting groups alerts Facebook to investigate and disable related accounts/groups as well.

What happens when you delete your own group as admin?

When a group admin chooses to delete their own group, here is what happens:

  • The group stops showing up publicly or in search results
  • Members can no longer access any previous posts or content
  • Members stop getting notifications related to the group
  • You have 30 days to undo the deletion and reinstate the group

After 30 days, the deletion cannot be reversed. All group content gets permanently deleted.

Best practices for Facebook group admins

To reduce the likelihood of needing to report or delete groups, admins should follow these best practices:

  • Carefully vet potential members and decline suspicious join requests
  • Establish clear rules and monitor for rule violations
  • Ban or remove members who post abusive or inappropriate content
  • Moderate discussions to keep them civil and constructive
  • Watch for spam and fake accounts trying to infiltrate
  • Regularly post engaging content to keep members active

Well-run groups with attentive admins rarely need to be reported or removed from Facebook.


Getting a Facebook group completely removed is difficult, but possible in cases of severe, clearly documented violations. More minor issues can be dealt with by the admins themselves deleting or improving their own groups as needed. With proactive moderation and administration, most problems can be avoided or addressed without needing Facebook to intervene.