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Can you gain access to a deceased person’s Facebook?

Can you gain access to a deceased person’s Facebook?

Facebook has become an integral part of many people’s lives. It is a way to stay connected with friends and family, share life events, and leave behind a digital legacy. But what happens to someone’s Facebook account when they die? Can you gain access to a deceased person’s Facebook profile?

What happens to a Facebook account when someone dies?

When Facebook is notified that a user has passed away, the account is “memorialized”. This means that some core account settings are changed:

  • The profile picture is removed and a “Remembering” banner is placed on the account
  • Friends can still post on the timeline to express condolences and memories
  • The account will no longer show up in the “People You May Know” recommendations
  • Account can not be changed or altered in any way

However, memorialized accounts remain completely private. Only confirmed friends can see posts, photos, and other information that was shared before the date of death.

Who can request the memorialization process?

According to Facebook, immediate family members or representatives can submit a special request form to have an account memorialized. The form requires documentation such as:

  • An obituary
  • Death certificate
  • Proof of authority under local law

In addition, anyone can report a deceased person’s profile to Facebook for memorialization. Facebook reviews these reports to verify the person has passed away before taking any action.

Can you gain full access to a memorialized account?

No, Facebook does not grant anyone full access to a deceased person’s memorialized account. The privacy settings, posts, photos, videos, and messages set by the original account holder remain in place.

However, immediate family members do have two options for accessing some content from a memorialized profile:

Download an archive of the person’s Facebook information

Facebook allows immediate family members to request a download of the photos, posts, and profile information shared on the deceased’s timeline. This does not include private messages.

To do this, family must submit a special request form to Facebook with documentation proving their relationship to the deceased.

Appoint a legacy contact

Facebook users can designate a legacy contact to look after their account if it is memorialized. This person can:

  • Write a pinned post for the profile (e.g. with funeral details)
  • Respond to new friend requests
  • Update the profile picture and cover photo

The legacy contact does not have access to the person’s messages, or full account login details. And they cannot delete or deactivate the memorialized profile.

Can you have a memorialized Facebook account deleted?

Yes, immediate family members can request to have a memorialized Facebook profile completely deleted. To do so, they must submit a special request form with documentation proving their relationship.

The account and all associated data will then be permanently erased by Facebook.

What if the deceased did not designate a legacy contact?

If no legacy contact was assigned, Facebook will only memorialize the account upon request. No one will be able to manage or make posts from the profile unless they were already friends.

In rare cases, immediate family can petition to become the legacy contact by providing documentation proving their relation.

Can you reactivate a memorialized account?

No. Once an account has been memorialized, it remains that way permanently. There is no way to reactivate or reinstate access.

What about other social media accounts after death?

Platform What happens after death
Twitter Immediate family members can request account deactivation. With court order, content may be retrieved.
Instagram Account can be memorialized or permanently deleted upon request.
LinkedIn Account can be permanently closed, but content remains visible.

Key Takeaways

  • When Facebook is notified of a death, accounts are “memorialized” – profile picture removed, new posts restricted, privacy settings remain.
  • Immediate family can request the account be deleted or download an archive of timeline data.
  • No one can access private messages or gain full account access after death.
  • A designated legacy contact can pin posts and update profile photos but cannot login or delete account.
  • Other platforms like Twitter and Instagram also have account memorialization policies.


While memorialized Facebook accounts allow friends and family to preserve memories, full account access is not granted to anyone after death. The privacy choices made by an individual while alive remain in place.

Loved ones can proactively set up legacy contacts and download tools to make their digital assets available to designated people. But in general, social media accounts and data become restricted when a person passes away.

So while you can memorialize a deceased person’s Facebook profile, you cannot gain complete access unless you were friends before death. Their private account details, messages, photos, and more remain protected.