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Can you follow people on Facebook Reels?

Can you follow people on Facebook Reels?

Yes, you can follow people on Facebook Reels, similar to how you follow people on Instagram Reels. Facebook Reels allows users to create and share short, entertaining videos just like Instagram Reels. And like on Instagram, you can follow creators on Facebook whose Reels you enjoy watching. This allows their new Reels to show up in your Facebook Feed so you don’t miss them.

How to Follow Someone on Facebook Reels

Following someone on Facebook Reels is easy. Simply find a Reel by a creator you want to follow. This could be in your main Facebook Feed, or you can search for specific creators. When watching one of their Reels, look below their name for the Follow button. Click Follow and you will now be following that person.

You can also follow someone directly from their profile. Go to their profile page and you’ll see a Follow button near the top, along with options to message them or add them as a friend. Click Follow and their Reels will start showing up for you.

Benefits of Following Creators

There are a few key benefits to following creators on Facebook Reels:

  • See more Reels from creators you like – Following means their new Reels will automatically show up in your feed so you don’t miss them.
  • Customized Reels feed – Facebook will start suggesting other Reels and creators you may like based on who you follow.
  • Support your favorite creators – Following helps creators understand what content resonates with viewers and builds their audience.

How Many People Can You Follow?

There is no limit on how many people you can follow on Facebook Reels. You can follow as many creators as you like and continue discovering new ones you enjoy. Instagram Reels has a follow limit of 10,000 accounts, but no such limit exists on Facebook Reels at this time.

Finding People to Follow

There are a few ways to find creators to follow on Facebook Reels:

  • See Reels recommended to you in your main feed and follow the creators you like.
  • Check who your Facebook friends are following for inspiration.
  • Use the search bar to find creators based on topics or interests.
  • Visit popular hashtags and browse Reels from different creators using them.

Facebook may also suggest popular creators for you to follow based on your interests and activity. So staying active liking, commenting and sharing Reels will lead to more follow recommendations.

Unfollowing People on Reels

You can easily unfollow someone on Facebook Reels at any time. This means their Reels will stop appearing in your feed. Just go to their profile and click the Following button to unfollow them. Or click the Following button on any of their Reels.

Unfollowing people can help refine your Reels feed if certain creators no longer interest you. It’s easy to follow and unfollow as needed to get the content you want from Reels.

Differences From Following on Instagram

While following people works similarly on Facebook and Instagram Reels, there are some differences:

Facebook Reels Instagram Reels
No limit on follows Limited to following 10,000 accounts
Follow buttons on Reels and profiles Follow only on profiles
See all followed Reels in feed Algorithm decides which to show

So Facebook provides more flexibility for who to follow, and more control over which followed Reels you actually see.

Following Friends Who Make Reels

If you have Facebook friends who create entertaining Reels, make sure to follow them! This will let you easily see all their new Reels in your feed and support your talented friends.

When viewing a friend’s profile, you will see a Follow button if they have posted Reels before. Click to follow and their Reels will now appear for you. You’ll be notified when they post new Reels too.

Privacy Settings for Your Followers

As a Reels creator, you can manage the privacy settings for who can see your followers list. Go to the Reels tab on your profile and click “Settings” to access options like:

  • Public: Anyone can see your followers and who you are following.
  • Friends: Only your friends can see your follower lists.
  • Only Me: Keep your followers and follows private.

Choose the option that makes you feel comfortable based on your preferences. The default setting is Public.

Analytics for Your Reels Followers

Creators can access Facebook Reels Insights to view data and analytics on their followers. This includes metrics like:

  • Total Followers Count: See your overall number of followers grow.
  • Follower Demographics: Analyze follower age, gender, location.
  • Content Analysis: See which Reels resonate best with followers.
  • Engagement: Understand comments, likes, shares.

These analytics help creators shape their content strategy and produce Reels that their unique audience loves. Followers are key for unlocking a wealth of data.


Following creators is an important part of Facebook Reels, allowing you to customize your feed with entertaining short videos. Find Reels you enjoy and tap Follow on creators to see more of their content. Take advantage of no follow limits to build a diverse feed. Consider following friends as well. For creators, followers provide valuable insights to improve content. Manage privacy settings as desired and analyze follower analytics through Facebook Reels Insights.