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Can you find people on Facebook from your contacts?

Can you find people on Facebook from your contacts?

Yes, you can find people on Facebook using the contacts from your phone or email. Facebook has a ‘Find Friends’ tool that allows you to search for people you may know on Facebook based on the contacts and email addresses you have stored. Here are some key ways to use this feature:

SearchingContacts from Your Phone

If you allow Facebook access to your phone’s contacts, you can use the Find Friends tool to search your contacts and see if any of them have Facebook profiles. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your phone and tap the three-line Menu icon in the top right.
  2. Tap “Find Friends” > “Contacts”
  3. You’ll see a list of your phone contacts that have Facebook profiles. You can send them friend requests directly from this screen.

Facebook matches your contacts’ phone numbers to existing Facebook profiles. If any matches are found, you’ll see your contacts’ profile pictures and names from Facebook. This makes it easy to find and connect with friends who are already on Facebook.

Searching Email Contacts

You can also find Facebook friends from your email contacts. Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click “Friends” in the left menu.
  2. Click “Find Friends” at the top.
  3. Select “Email” from the menu.
  4. Choose which email account you want to search and enter your login info when prompted.
  5. Facebook will search your email contacts for matches.
  6. You can select contacts to add as friends or send messages.

This allows Facebook to search your Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo or other email contacts. Any matches found will appear so you can easily connect.

Importing Contacts

For a bulk import of all your email and phone contacts, use the “Import Contacts” option:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile.
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy” > “Settings”.
  4. Go to “Contacts” in the left menu.
  5. Click “Import Contacts”.
  6. Choose which contacts to import (Outlook, Google, phone contacts, etc).

Facebook will import the contacts into an address book. You can then search these imported contacts to find friends on Facebook.

Finding Friends Through Groups and Networks

In addition to searching your contacts, Facebook provides a few other ways to find friends:

  • Friends of Friends: Browse friends lists of your existing friends. You may find mutual connections.
  • Schools and Workplaces: Search for folks from your school or employers.
  • Groups: Discover friends through groups and events you’ve joined.
  • Location: People who have checked into places near you.

When browsing profiles, you can also see any mutual friends you may have in common to determine if you know someone.

Connecting with Possible Friends

Once you’ve searched for friends, there are a couple ways to connect with them on Facebook:

  • Send a Friend Request: Click “Add Friend” on their profile to send a friend request. They will have to confirm your request.
  • Send a Message: Click “Message” on their profile to send them a message. You can get to know them first before friending.

Keep in mind you can only interact with and connect to people who have public visible Facebook profiles. If someone’s profile is private or they have privacy settings enabled, you may not be able to find or contact them.

Things to Keep in Mind

Here are some additional pointers on finding Facebook friends from your contacts:

  • The accuracy depends on how much info your contacts have provided. Names and phone numbers must match Facebook profiles for Facebook to make a match.
  • Not everyone will have a Facebook profile. Some contacts may not use Facebook at all.
  • If your contacts have very common names, it may be difficult for Facebook to match them definitively. There may be multiple matching profiles.
  • You’ll have the best results finding Facebook friends from email contacts rather than phone contacts. Email addresses provide more unique identifiers.
  • You may find old contacts that you haven’t talked to in years! It can be a nice blast from the past.

Pro Tips

Here are some additional professional tips for finding friends on Facebook:

  • Check your imported contacts regularly for new matches as people join Facebook.
  • Start by trying to find your closest friends and family. Focus on the contacts you really want to connect with first.
  • Don’t send mass friend requests. Be selective in who you reach out to avoid looking like a spammer.
  • Personalize friend requests with a quick hello. Mention where you know them from.
  • Use the mutual friends feature to determine if a match is someone you actually know. Common friends can confirm you have the right person.


Finding friends on Facebook from your contacts is easy and a great way to connect with people you already know. Take advantage of search tools, importing contacts in bulk and browsing your extended social networks. With over 2 billion users on Facebook, chances are some of your contacts already have profiles. Just remember to be selective in who you interact with and personalize requests. Happy friending!

Pros Cons
Easily find friends from contacts Not all contacts may use Facebook
Makes connecting with existing friends simple Matching may be inaccurate for common names
Provides multiple search tools and methods You may find very old or distant contacts
Helpful for finding lost touch connections Can’t interact with private profiles

Key Takeaways

  • Use the Find Friends tool to match phone and email contacts.
  • Import contacts in bulk to make finding friends easier.
  • Personalize friend requests instead of sending mass invites.
  • Focus on finding close connections first when possible.
  • Leverage mutual friends networks to confirm you have the right match.