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Can you find closed groups on Facebook?

Can you find closed groups on Facebook?

Yes, it is possible to find closed groups on Facebook, even if you are not a member of them. However, since closed groups are private, you will only be able to see limited information about the group unless you join it.

What are closed groups on Facebook?

Closed groups on Facebook are groups that have been made private by their administrators. When a group is closed, only members can see the full group content and find it in search. Closed groups allow members to have discussions in a more private setting.

Here are some key things to know about closed Facebook groups:

  • Only members can see posts shared within the group
  • Only members will see the group in search results or group recommendations
  • To join a closed group, you must request to join and be approved by an admin or moderator
  • Group admins can restrict posts to only admins or moderators
  • Admins can approve or deny requests to join

Closed groups are commonly used for niche interests, communities focused on sensitive topics, local neighborhood groups, and other member-driven forums where privacy is important.

Finding closed groups as a non-member

While closed groups are hidden from search, there are still a few ways to find and identify closed groups on Facebook without joining them first:

  • Browsing the groups your friends have joined – If you have friends in a closed group, you may see it listed under the groups section of their profile.
  • Looking at group recommendations – Facebook’s algorithms may recommend closed groups to join based on your interests, even if you can’t fully access them.
  • Using Facebook search operators – You can search for phrases like “closed group” or use modifiers like “groups” and “private” to surface closed groups.
  • Using Google search operators – Search Google for “ [interest]” to find closed groups focused on certain topics.
  • Following links to closed groups – You may come across links leading to closed groups around the web even if you can’t fully see the group.

When you land on the page of a closed group you aren’t a member of, you will see limited information including:

  • Group name
  • Profile photo
  • General group description
  • Approximate number of members
  • Request to join button

However, you won’t be able to see any posts or full information about the group unless you join it.

Joining closed groups on Facebook

If you come across a closed group you want to join, you will need to request to join and be approved:

  1. Click the “Request to Join” button on the group’s page.
  2. Answer any membership questions that may be required by the admins.
  3. Wait for an admin to approve your request. This may take some time.
  4. If approved, you will be notified and can begin participating in the closed group.

Here are some tips for joining closed groups:

  • Read the group description and rules before requesting to join. Groups may have specific criteria.
  • Introduce yourself in the request to join if there is a section to leave a message.
  • Be patient after requesting to join, as some groups may take days or weeks to approve members.
  • If your request is denied, don’t take it personally. Try other related groups if one group doesn’t work out.

Administering closed groups

As an admin or moderator of a closed group, you have control over membership and privacy settings. Here are some best practices for managing closed groups:

  • Carefully review all join requests and deny spammers or bad fits for your group.
  • Set strict content guidelines and remove members who don’t follow the rules.
  • Appoint reliable moderators to help manage membership requests and posts.
  • Regularly check group analytics to ensure engagement and growth are on track.
  • Add new admins only selectively to avoid control disputes.
  • Announce any changes to settings, privacy or rules to members promptly.

Admin privileges for closed groups allow you to:

  • Approve or deny requests to join
  • Remove existing members
  • Promote members to moderators
  • Demote or remove moderators
  • Change group privacy settings
  • Edit group description, rules, and purpose
  • Delete posts and comments that violate rules

Pros and cons of closed Facebook groups

Closed Facebook groups come with certain advantages and disadvantages compared to public groups. Here is an overview of the key pros and cons:


  • Increased privacy and exclusivity
  • Vetted membership
  • Reduced noise and irrelevant content
  • Stronger sense of community
  • Ability to discuss niche or sensitive topics


  • Difficult to attract new members organically
  • Requires manual approval of new members
  • Excessive exclusivity could limit growth
  • May foster gatekeeping or elitist mentality
  • Harder to monitor and moderate all content

Group admins should weigh these factors carefully when deciding whether to make a group closed or public.


While closed Facebook groups are hidden and hard to find for non-members, there are still techniques to locate them based on search tools, browsing friends’ profiles, and external links. Joining closed groups requires sending a request and being approved by admins. As an admin, managing privacy settings, membership, and content moderation takes on greater importance for closed groups.

The benefits of privacy and exclusivity in closed groups must be balanced with potential limitations on growth. Overall, closed Facebook groups can be a useful option for people wanting to discuss certain topics in a more controlled setting.