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Can you filter Facebook Timeline?

Can you filter Facebook Timeline?

Facebook’s Timeline allows users to share life events, photos, videos, and more in chronological order on their profile. With so much content being shared, Timeline can sometimes feel cluttered. Luckily, Facebook offers filtering options to customize what appears in your Timeline.

Can you filter posts on Facebook Timeline?

Yes, you can filter posts on your Facebook Timeline. Facebook allows you to filter posts in your Timeline by date range, post type, friends, and more. Here are some of the ways you can filter Facebook Timeline:

  • Filter by date range – Choose a custom date range like posts from last week, last month, last year, etc.
  • Filter by post type – Filter by photos, videos, links, status updates, etc.
  • Filter by friends – Show posts from specific friends or friend lists.
  • Filter by tagged friends – Show posts you’re tagged in by friends.
  • Filter by pages – Show posts from Pages you’ve liked or followed.
  • Filter by groups – Show posts from Groups you’ve joined.

To access the filtering options, click on the Funnel icon at the top of your Timeline. From there you can choose one or more filters to customize your Timeline view.

How do I filter my Facebook Timeline by date?

Filtering your Facebook Timeline by date is easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on your Timeline.
  2. Click the “Funnel” icon at the top right of your Timeline.
  3. Click “Date Range” and select your desired date range. You can choose predefined ranges like “Last Week” or “Last Year” or choose custom dates.
  4. Click “Apply” to filter your Timeline to only show posts from that date range.

Once applied, your Timeline will only display posts published within that selected date range. You can remove the date filter at any time by clicking the “x” next to the filter or edit the date range as needed.

How can I filter my Timeline to only show photos?

To filter your Facebook Timeline to only display photos, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Funnel” icon at the top of your Timeline.
  2. Under “Filters”, click on “Photos”.
  3. You can also narrow it down by selecting “You’re Tagged”, “You’re In”, or “You’ve Uploaded”.
  4. Click “Apply” to only show photos in your Timeline based on your selected criteria.

This will remove all non-photo posts from your Timeline view. You can remove the photo filter at any time to restore your full Timeline.

Can I filter Timeline posts by specific friends?

Yes, Facebook allows you to filter your Timeline to only show posts from specific friends or friend lists:

  1. Click the “Funnel” icon at the top of your Timeline.
  2. Under “Filters”, click on “Friends”.
  3. Start typing the name of the friend or click “Friend Lists” to choose an existing list.
  4. Select the friends or list you want to filter by.
  5. Click “Apply” to only show posts from those selected friends.

This will remove all posts from friends not in your filtered selection. You can edit or remove this friend filter at any time.

Can I filter my Timeline by posts I’m tagged in?

Yes, you can filter your Facebook Timeline to only display posts that you are tagged in by friends. Here’s how:

  1. Click the “Funnel” icon at the top of Timeline.
  2. Under “Filters”, click on “Tags”.
  3. Select “You’re Tagged” to only show posts you are tagged in.
  4. Click “Apply”.

Your Timeline will now only display posts where you are tagged by name. This is a great way to quickly see any posts, photos, or videos you’ve been tagged in by friends. Remove the tag filter at any time to return to your full Timeline view.

Can I filter to only see posts from Pages I’ve Liked?

Yes, you can filter your Facebook Timeline to only show posts from Pages that you have liked or followed. Here is how to do it:

  1. Click the “Funnel” icon at the top of your Timeline.
  2. Under “Filters”, click on “Pages”.
  3. Toggle on the Pages you want to see posts from.
  4. Click “Apply” to filter your Timeline.

Now your Timeline will only display posts published by those selected Pages. This lets you focus on updates from your favorite brands, artists, influencers, or other public figures. You can remove the Page filter at any time.

Is there a way to filter my Timeline by Groups?

Facebook also allows you to filter your Timeline feed by Groups that you have joined. To do this:

  1. Click the “Funnel” icon at the top of your Timeline.
  2. Under “Filters”, click on “Groups”.
  3. Toggle on the Groups you want to see posts from.
  4. Click “Apply” to show only posts from those Groups.

Filtering by Groups lets you focus on updates and discussions happening within your selected communities. Remove the Group filter at any time to return to your full Timeline view.

How do I turn off Timeline filters?

Filtered your Facebook Timeline and want to get back to your default view? It’s easy to remove filters:

  • Click the “Funnel” icon and click any filter to deselect it.
  • Click “Apply” to remove all filters.
  • Click the “x” next to any individual filter to remove just that filter.
  • Refresh your Timeline page to reset to default view.

Your Timeline will return to showing all posts chronologically once you’ve removed all filters. You can re-add filters at any time using the steps outlined above.

Can I save my custom Timeline filters?

Unfortunately Facebook does not currently allow you to save custom Timeline filter settings. Each time you want to filter your Timeline, you’ll need to re-select your desired filters.

A few workarounds if you commonly use the same filter set:

  • Bookmark the filtered Timeline view to quickly access it.
  • Use the same date range if filtering by date.
  • Create a Friend List with your frequently filtered friends.

Hopefully Facebook will add the ability to save custom Timeline filters in the future. For now, reapplying your preferred filters only takes a moment.

Can I filter Timeline on mobile app?

The Timeline filtering feature is available both on the Facebook website and in the Facebook mobile apps for iOS and Android devices.

To filter by date, friends, post type, etc. on the Facebook mobile app:

  1. Go to your profile and tap your Timeline.
  2. Tap the funnel icon at the top right.
  3. Select your desired filters.
  4. Tap “Done” to apply filters.

The process works the same as on desktop. Mobile Timeline filtering allows curating your Timeline feed on-the-go from your smartphone or tablet.

What’s a better way to organize Facebook Timeline?

While filtering is helpful, many users find it better to organize their Timeline by thoughtfully choosing what to post in the first place. A few tips:

  • Be selective in what you share publicly vs with Friends or Close Friends lists.
  • Create photo albums to group related pictures.
  • Use life events to highlight important occasions.
  • Share content related to your interests in Groups instead of your Timeline.

Taking the time to intentionally organize and post content makes your Timeline more focused for both you and visitors. Filters are still useful for temporarily viewing different slices of your Timeline content.


Filtering your Facebook Timeline allows greater control over the content shown in your feed. Date filters, post type filters, filters by friends and Pages, and more enable customizing your Timeline view at any time. While filters must be reapplied manually for now, they provide a quick way to focus your Timeline on specific people, groups, photos, time periods, and other criteria. Along with thoughtfully posting content, filters help keep your Timeline organized.