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Can you file a police report for a hacked Facebook account?

Can you file a police report for a hacked Facebook account?

Having your Facebook account hacked can be a frustrating and worrying experience. Your personal information, photos, conversations, and connections are all stored on Facebook, so a hacker gaining access to your account can feel like a violation of privacy. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to try to regain control of your account and protect yourself going forward. One option to consider is filing a police report about the hacked account. Here is some key information about filing a police report for a hacked Facebook account:

Can you file a police report for a hacked Facebook account?

Yes, you can file a police report if you believe your Facebook account has been hacked or accessed without your permission. Filing a report creates an official record of the incident, which can help in regaining control of your account from Facebook. It also aids police in investigating hacking crimes.

Should you file a police report for a hacked Facebook account?

Filing a police report is advisable if you have evidence that your Facebook account was maliciously hacked. This includes noticing posts or messages you didn’t create, account password changes you didn’t make, or login alerts from locations you haven’t accessed Facebook from. Filing a report is less useful if you simply forgot your password or accidentally logged into Facebook on a shared device. In those cases, going through Facebook’s account recovery process is likely sufficient.

What information do you need to file a police report?

When filing a report about your hacked Facebook account, having the following details will be helpful:

  • Your full name and contact information
  • Facebook username/email address associated with the account
  • Date and time you first noticed suspicious activity
  • Type of unauthorized access (posts, messages, new friend requests, etc)
  • Any changes made without your consent (password, contact email, etc)
  • Other accounts linked to Facebook that may be compromised
  • Any communication with the hacker
  • Whether you’ve reported the issue to Facebook already

Having evidence like unauthorized posts or screenshot of account changes will also help support your report.

Where can you file a police report for a hacked Facebook account?

In most cases, you’ll want to file your police report with the local law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction where you live. For example, if you live in San Francisco, you would file the report with the San Francisco Police Department. Some options for filing include:

  • In person at your local police precinct
  • By phone call to the non-emergency police number
  • Online through your police department’s website, if available

If known, you can also file with the law enforcement agency local to where the hacker lives. Facebook may be able to provide location data on account access to help determine this.

Information police need about the hack

When you file your police report about the unauthorized access to your Facebook account, the police will need key details about the hack in order to investigate. Having the following information readily available can help make the reporting process easier:

When did the hack occur?

Police will need to know when you first noticed any suspicious activity on your account, as this establishes the timeframe for the hack. Providing the specific date and time you spotted unauthorized access, any posts made, or account changes enacted can help focus the investigation.

How did the hack happen?

If possible, explain how you think the hacker gained access to your account. Did they use your password to log in? Did they get past two-factor authentication? Were they able to reset your password through your email or by answering security questions? Outlining how the account was compromised can aid efforts to prevent future hacking.

What unauthorized changes were made?

Detail specifically what the hacker did once in your account without your permission. What information did they access? What posts did they share? What messages did they send? What settings did they change? The more data points you can provide, the better. Having screenshots or other evidence of the hacker’s specific activity is very helpful.

What steps have you taken so far?

Police will want to know if you’ve taken any steps on your own so far to deal with the hack and when. Have you changed your password? Contacted Facebook to regain account access? Spoke to your email provider if your account was compromised? Providing this information helps avoid duplicate efforts.

Do you have any other related concerns?

Along with the Facebook hack, make police aware of any other related concerns or compromised accounts. For example, if your email was also hacked to facilitate the Facebook attack. Reporting all related unauthorized activity better allows police to fully investigate the situation.

How police investigate a Facebook hack

Once you’ve filed your police report about the unauthorized access to your Facebook account, here are some steps the police can take to investigate the hacking:

Review the unauthorized activity

Police will thoroughly review all of the hacking activity you reported, including unauthorized posts, messages sent, and account changes. This review helps identify clues about the hacker, their motives, and tactics.

Request login records and access location data

Your police report authorizes Facebook to provide any account records that may help with investigation. This includes login history, IP addresses, devices used to access the account, geolocation data, and more. This digital footprint often provides significant evidence.

Attempt to trace online activity

With the records and evidence from Facebook, investigators can attempt to digitally trace the hacker’s online movements. Things like linking IP addresses to physical locations, tracking logins, and analyzing how accounts were compromised can all provide pieces of the puzzle.

Contact other impacted parties

Police may reach out to anyone else impacted by the hack, such as those you may have sent messages to or whose accounts the hacker contacted. This helps in gathering evidence and notifying other potential victims.

Connect similar cases

Investigators will check for other recent cases with similarities, which could reveal larger hacking networks at work. Linking cases together makes unraveling complex hacking schemes easier.

Consult hacking experts

For sophisticated cyber attacks, law enforcement may collaborate with technical experts, ethical hackers, analysts, and others with specialized expertise that can enhance the investigation.

Refer case to appropriate agency

If there are indications the attack came from overseas or sophisticated parties, police may hand off the case to appropriate state or federal agencies for further investigation, such as the FBI or Secret Service.

What happens after filing a police report

Here’s what typically happens following up on filing a police report about your hacked Facebook account:

Ongoing communication

The investigating officer will stay in regular contact with you to provide updates on the case status, request any further needed information, and discuss next steps. Be sure to return calls or emails promptly to aid investigation.

Securing your account

Police will advise you on steps to further secure your Facebook account, such as changing passwords across all linked accounts and enabling two-factor authentication. Vigilance against future unauthorized access is key.

Case forwarded to prosecutors

If the investigation yields a likely perpetrator, police will forward the case details to local prosecutors to evaluate criminal charges, which depend on factors like state law, hacker identity, and type of access.

Hacker identification

Positive identification of the hacker can take significant time and effort. Investigators may have to navigate incomplete digital footprints, pseudonyms, foreign jursidiction, and more complexities before naming a suspect.

Hacker apprehension

For identified perpetrators, police obtain warrants leading to the hacker’s arrest and charges. However, hackers adept at anonymity evasion may permanently avoid capture. Extradition can also be complex if they reside abroad.

Internal Facebook measures

In addition to criminal penalties, Facebook may impose civil punishments against verified hackers like account termination, loss of service access, or lawuits seeking monetary damages.

Case closure

Once all investigatory avenues are exhausted, the police will close the case and notify you. Reopening is possible if new substantial evidence emerges later.

Preventing Facebook account hacks

While filing a police report can help react to a Facebook account hack, taking preventative measures proactively keeps your account secure:

Use a strong password

Always opt for a long, complex password for your Facebook account. Avoid easily guessed words, names, or dates. Consider a password manager app to facilitate unique passwords.

Enable two-factor authentication

Activate Facebook’s two-factor login feature, which requires both your password and a secondary one-time code sent your phone when logging in. This adds an extra layer of protection.

Check login notifications

Carefully review any emails or alerts about logins to your Facebook account from unknown devices or locations. Change your password immediately if unauthorized access is suspected.

Limit linked applications

Reduce the number of third-party apps connected to your Facebook account, which minimizes avenues of potential compromise. Review permissions regularly.

Exercise caution on public Wi-Fi

Be extra vigilant when accessing your Facebook account on public networks in coffee shops, airports, etc. Use a VPN if possible to enhance security.

Monitor account settings

Periodically check your Facebook account settings for any unauthorized changes, like to contact email addresses, password recovery options, or profile details.

Recovering from a hacked Facebook account

If your Facebook account is hacked, here are some best practices for recovering access and restoring security:

Report hacking to Facebook

Use Facebook’s reporting process to notify them your account was compromised. Provide details like unauthorized activity and when possible. Facebook can help resecure or disable the account.

Regain control of email

If your email was hacked in conjunction, immediately work to recover that account first. Email access enables wider account control. Reset the password and enable enhanced security.

Change Facebook password

Once you regain access to your Facebook account, immediately change your password. Make it long, strong, and entirely new. Enable two-factor authentication as well.

Remove unauthorized content

Scour your Facebook activity for any unauthorized posts, messages, or changes made by the hacker. Delete any content they created. Also remove any unknown contacts.

Alert friends and connections

Let your Facebook friends and contacts know about the hack, in case they received suspicious messages or friend requests. Have them report anything concerning.

Review linked accounts

Thoroughly check any other accounts linked to your Facebook for signs of unauthorized access, like compromised emails, payment methods, or profiles. Reset passwords as needed.


Having your Facebook account hacked can certainly be disruptive and upsetting. But moving quickly to file a detailed police report, enact preventative measures, and employ best practices for regaining account control can help mitigate the damage. Be sure to notify Facebook as well and cooperate fully with any law enforcement investigation. And going forward, proactively maintaining rigorous account security helps keep hackers at bay long term. With vigilance and prompt response, you can protect both your Facebook profile and your wider online presence.