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Can you Facebook live from a page?

Can you Facebook live from a page?

Facebook Live allows users to broadcast live video content to their followers on Facebook. This can be done from both personal profiles and Facebook Pages, making it easy for businesses, organizations, and public figures to reach their audiences in real time.

When going live on Facebook, there are a few key differences between using a personal profile and a Facebook Page. Understanding these differences can help you determine the best option for your live streaming needs.

Live streaming from a personal profile

Any Facebook user can go live from their personal profile. To do so, simply open the Facebook app on your phone and tap on the “Live” icon. You’ll be able to add a description and audience for your broadcast before going live.

When streaming from your personal profile, your live video will be visible to all of your friends and followers. It may also appear in the News Feeds of people who don’t follow you, depending on their preferences and interactions.

Your profile’s followers will receive notifications as soon as you begin broadcasting live. This can help you quickly gain viewers and engagement for your live video.

However, there are some limitations to keep in mind:

  • You cannot schedule live broadcasts in advance from a personal profile.
  • Archived live videos are only available for replay on your personal profile for a limited time.
  • Analytics and insights are more limited compared to streaming from a Facebook Page.

So while personal profiles provide an easy way to live stream, they lack some of the benefits available when going live from a Facebook Page.

Live streaming from a Facebook Page

Facebook Pages also have the option to broadcast live video. Much like profiles, Pages can go live at a moment’s notice to connect with their followers.

But streaming from a Facebook Page provides additional features and customization options, including:

  • The ability to schedule live broadcasts in advance and promote them across Facebook.
  • More control over settings like audience and post-broadcast privacy.
  • Access to multi-streaming, allowing you to stream to Facebook and other platforms simultaneously.
  • More robust analytics to understand your live video performance and audience.
  • The option to add a clickable call-to-action link during your broadcast.

Pages also benefit from expanded distribution. When you go live, your video can appear in the News Feeds of people who like and follow your Page. And it may also show up on the bookmarks bar or homepage of fans who have recently interacted with your Page.

This gives Page live videos much wider potential reach compared to personal profile live streams.

The downside is that initiating a live broadcast from a Facebook Page is slightly more complex. Here are the main steps involved:

  1. Connect your Facebook Page to a Facebook app in order to access live streaming capabilities.
  2. Assign Editor, Moderator or Admin roles to the individuals who will manage live broadcasts for your Page.
  3. Use Creator Studio or the Facebook app to schedule and configure your live video.
  4. Go live by tapping “Go Live” on the scheduled post when it’s time.

While not quite as quick and easy as personal profile live streaming, the extra effort provides important advantages. Overall, Facebook Pages offer more customization, distribution and analytics for live video.

Rules and Requirements for Facebook Live

When broadcasting live on Facebook, there are certain rules and requirements to keep in mind regardless of whether you are streaming from a profile or Page.

Some key Facebook Live guidelines include:

  • Live videos must comply with Facebook’s Community Standards policies.
  • You must be at least 18 years old to go live on your own. Teens aged 13-17 can live stream with adult supervision.
  • Copyrighted music cannot be streamed in the background without permission.
  • Live broadcasts may not exceed 4 hours for profiles and 8 hours for Pages.
  • Videos are public by default but can be limited to followers/friends or entirely private.

Violating any of these policies risks having your live video ended early or removed by Facebook. Multiple violations could lead to your profile or Page being restricted from live streaming.

When broadcasting live, keep in mind that you are responsible for your content. While viewers can report live videos that violate policies, Facebook does not pre-screen or monitor live streams.

It’s also important to follow best practices, such as:

  • Informing viewers if a live video contains flashing lights, adult themes, etc.
  • Muting music or ambient audio with copyright unless proper licenses are obtained.
  • Using clean transitions when moving between WiFi and cellular data to avoid interruptions.

Following Facebook’s rules and live streaming best practices helps ensure your broadcasts run smoothly while engaging your intended audience.

Features and Tools for Facebook Live

Once you understand the basics, it’s time to take a look at the features and tools Facebook provides to enhance your live streaming experience:


Facebook offers multi-streaming capabilities, allowing Pages to broadcast live simultaneously across Facebook and other platforms like YouTube, Twitch and Periscope.

This expands your potential reach by making it easy to share your live content with audiences across multiple sites. Just connect your additional streaming accounts in Creator Studio.

Guest Speakers

Invite guests to join your Facebook Live as speakers or co-hosts. This allows you to stream live interviews, panel discussions, Q&As and other conversational content to boost engagement.

Guests receive a request via Messenger to join your video. As the host, you control permissions like adding/removing guests and muting mics.

Live Comment Moderation

Stay on top of incoming comments during your broadcast. Page admins and editors can hide inappropriate comments in real-time and block troublesome viewers.

You can also turn comments on/off whenever needed. This prevents unwanted disruptions to your live stream.

Polls and Q&A

Polls and Q&A features allow you to directly interact with viewers during your Facebook Live. Launch polls to survey your audience in real-time. Or field questions submitted via comments to have a two-way discussion.

This type of engagement helps build a connection with your viewers and provides instant feedback. Use insights gained to shape future live streams.

Live Reactions

See in real-time when viewers react to moments in your broadcast with emojis like hearts, thumbs up, laughter, etc. Monitoring Live Reactions helps gauge what resonates with your audience.

You can also disable reactions if you find them distracting. Reactions get overlaid directly onto the live video, so keep this visual factor in mind.

Call-to-Action Buttons

Add clickable Call-to-Action buttons that pop up during your Facebook Live broadcast. For example, prompt viewers to visit your website, sign up for a webinar, register for an event, subscribe to your email list and more.

Call-to-Actions provide a seamless way to convert viewers into leads and customers as part of your live stream.

Feature Description
Multi-Streaming Simultaneously stream live to Facebook and other platforms like YouTube.
Guest Speakers Add co-hosts and guests to your Facebook Live broadcast.
Live Comment Moderation Hide, delete or disable comments in real-time during live streams.
Polls and Q&A Interact with viewers by launching polls and answering questions.
Live Reactions See emoji reactions from viewers overlaid on your live video.
Call-to-Action Buttons Prompt viewers to take actions like visiting a website or signing up.

Best Practices for Facebook Live

Now that you’re familiar with the capabilities of Facebook Live, let’s cover some best practices for creating captivating broadcasts your viewers will love:

Test Your Setup

Always test your tech setup, WiFi/cellular signal, lighting, sound and camera framing before going live. Preview your broadcast to catch any issues.

This helps avoid technical problems disrupting your live stream or impacting quality.

Promote in Advance

Build buzz by promoting your Facebook Live event in advance across your other marketing channels. Create graphics and teasers to generate interest.

Promoting ahead of time can significantly boost viewership once you go live.

Engage With Comments

When viewers comment during your broadcast, read and respond to their questions and reactions. This builds an interactive, two-way conversation with your audience.

Regularly engaging commenters keeps them invested in your live stream.

Watch the Camera Angle

Position your camera at eye level and frame yourself properly within the shot. Avoid awkward angles like pointing up at the ceiling or down at the floor.

Maintain eye contact with the camera when speaking to give the feel of a face-to-face conversation.

Bring Your Energy

Match the energy level and tone of your live video to the content and your goals. Be lively and engaging for tutorials, upbeat and fun for events, somber and serious for eulogies, etc.

Bringing the right energy helps set the mood for viewers.

Optimizing Facebook Live Videos

To maximize views and impact for your Facebook Live broadcasts, be sure to optimize each part of the video lifecycle:


Fill out detailed titles, descriptions and tags when configuring your live streams. This optimization is especially key for on-demand viewers who find your archived videos via search.


Once your broadcast ends, download the archived replay and re-upload as a proper video file. This improves playback quality and consistency compared to the original live encoding.


Edit your replay video to pull out short highlights that are easy to consume. Post these across your social channels and add captions to make them accessible.


Update the generic cover image for your completed live stream with an eye-catching custom thumbnail. A compelling visual makes your content more clickable in News Feeds.


Share your live stream replay and highlights across all relevant social media profiles, websites, email lists and other distribution channels.

Repurpose your content to maximize impact long after the original broadcast.


Facebook Live provides an interactive way for both individual users and business Pages to connect with their audiences in real time. While personal profiles offer a quick and easy live streaming option, Pages unlock more customization, promotion and analytics capabilities.

When going live on Facebook, be sure to follow the platform’s rules and live streaming best practices. Take advantage of built-in features like guest speakers, polls and call-to-actions to boost engagement. And don’t forget to optimize your video before, during and after broadcasting to maximize the reach and impact of your live stream.

By understanding these Facebook Live streaming best practices, you can produce compelling broadcasts that engage viewers and achieve your goals. So grab your phone, get on camera, and start live streaming your ideas out to the world!