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Can you export comments from Facebook group?

Can you export comments from Facebook group?

In the opening paragraph, to quickly answer the title question – yes, it is possible to export comments from a Facebook group. Facebook provides a tool to export comments, which allows group admins to download comments into a file for record keeping or analysis. There are some limitations with the exporter tool, but overall it does enable exporting comments.

Details on Exporting Comments from a Facebook Group

Exporting comments from a Facebook group can be useful for several reasons. As a group admin, you may want to analyze member engagement over time, spot trends in the commentary, or keep records for moderation purposes. The Facebook exporter tool allows you to download comments into a CSV file or JSON file. Here are some key things to know about using the Facebook comments exporter:

  • Only group admins can use the exporter tool. Regular group members cannot export comments.
  • You can export all comments from a group, or filter the export by date range, key words, specific members, and more.
  • The download will contain basic info like the comment text, date/time, and commenting member’s name and ID.
  • Parent-child comment relationships are maintained in the export file.
  • Photos, videos, emoji, and other media attached to comments are not exported.
  • Deleted or removed comments will not appear in the export.
  • The maximum timeframe you can export comments for is 1 year.

Overall, the Facebook comments exporter provides a useful way for group admins to analyze and keep records of community discussions over time. But there are limitations in what data is captured and how far back you can retrieve comments.

Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting Comments

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to use the Facebook comments exporter for a group:

  1. Go to the Facebook Group page and click on “Settings” in the menu.
  2. In the left sidebar, click on “Export Data”.
  3. In the Export Data tool, click on “Comments” as the data type to export.
  4. Select the date range you want to retrieve comments from using the start and end dates.
  5. Optional: Filter the comments by keywords, specific members, post content types, and more using the advanced filters.
  6. Select “CSV” or “JSON” for the export file type.
  7. Click the “Request Export” button to begin generating the export file.
  8. The export may take some time to process depending on the amount of data. You can come back later to download the file when ready.
  9. Once available, click the “Download” button to save the comments file to your computer.

And that’s it! You now have a file with all the comment data from the Facebook group over your specified time period. You can open the CSV file in a spreadsheet program like Excel for analysis and record keeping.

Limitations of Facebook’s Comment Exporter

While the comments exporter is useful, there are some limitations to be aware of:

  • Only available for Facebook group admins – regular members cannot export comments.
  • Maximum 1 year timeframe for exports.
  • Does not export deleted or removed comments.
  • No media like photos or videos in the comments is captured.
  • Parent-child commenting relationships may be difficult to analyze in the CSV format.
  • No metadata like number of reactions on comments exported.

If you need to capture more detailed data or comments older than 1 year, the Facebook exporter will not be sufficient. You may need to consider a third-party Facebook analytics tool or script to scrape comments from the group pages.

Why Exporting Comments is Useful for Group Admins

Here are some of the main reasons a Facebook group admin may want to export and analyze comments from their community:

  • Track member engagement over time – Analyze trends in commenting volume to see growth and engagement.
  • Improve moderation – Review comment content to watch for harmful posts that need removing.
  • Spot engagement issues – If comments drop, it may indicate problems needing attention.
  • Run sentiment analysis – Check positive/negative sentiment in discussions.
  • Find influencers – See who posts most high quality comments.
  • Set up autoremoval rules – Filter on certain keywords to have those posts removed automatically.

Having access to a group’s comment history via the exporter can provide valuable insights for an admin seeking to manage the community more effectively.

Other Ways to Export Facebook Group Data

Beyond just exporting comments, group admins can export other data from Facebook groups as well using the Export Data tool:

Data Type What’s Included
Member list Names, Facebook IDs, join dates, etc for members.
Posts The content, images, videos, and data on all group posts.
Member requests Details on all pending member requests.
Admin logs Log of all admin actions like removals.

Analyzing this additional data can provide a broader view of your Facebook group’s growth, activity, and moderation history beyond just comments. The exports can help track the overall health and trends of your community.

Third-Party Tools to Export Facebook Comments

The built-in Facebook exporter has limits for comment exports as noted. If you need more powerful comment extraction capabilities, third-party tools are available. Here are some options:

  • Social Insiders – Provides admins a dashboard to export, back up, and analyze comments. Offers more filters than the native tool.
  • Social Data Exporter – Can scrape all historical comments with no 1 year limit. Provides sentiment analysis.
  • PageSense – Exports comments to Excel with tons of filters and analytics built-in.
  • Quintly – Social media analytics suite with Facebook comment exporter functionality.

The main advantages these third-party tools offer include the ability to get historical comments beyond 1 year, added filters and metrics on the extracted comments, and integration with analytics and reporting dashboards. They provide more robust comment mining capabilities compared to Facebook’s native exporter.

Best Practices When Exporting Comments

Here are some recommendations to ensure you are making effective use of Facebook’s comment exporter tool:

  • Export comments regularly (e.g. monthly) to catch issues and monitor engagement.
  • Use filters to narrow down big exports for clean spreadsheets.
  • Have a plan for organizing the data before exporting.
  • Look at sentiment trends over time, not just volume.
  • Watch for spikes or drops in commenting that could indicate problems.
  • Review top commenters who drive discussions.
  • Blend comment exports with other group data for full picture.

Analyzing the export files on a dashboard can make trends easier to spot. Focus on actionable insights vs. just exporting lots of data. Regular comment exports will help you stay on top of member engagement and moderator needs in your Facebook group.


Facebook provides group administrators with a useful exporter tool to download comments into CSV or JSON files. While the built-in exporter has limits, it enables some analysis of member engagement and moderation needs based on comment data. Group admins should export comments regularly to monitor community health over time. Third-party tools can also provide more advanced Facebook comment extraction and analytics capabilities beyond the native exporter. Overall, exporting comments from a Facebook group can provide valuable insights – group admins should take advantage of this feature.