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Can you edit scheduled posts on Facebook?

Can you edit scheduled posts on Facebook?

Yes, it is possible to edit scheduled posts on Facebook before they are published. Facebook’s native scheduling tool allows you to make changes to posts that you have scheduled for future publication.

Overview of Scheduling Posts on Facebook

Facebook has a built-in feature that allows page admins to schedule posts in advance. This can be useful for planning content and ensuring posts go out at optimal times when your audience is most engaged.

To schedule a post on Facebook:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click on “Publishing Tools” in the left sidebar
  3. Click on “Scheduled Posts”
  4. Click on the blue “+ Schedule Post” button
  5. Select the date and time you want your post to publish
  6. Enter your post content – text, images, videos, etc.
  7. Click “Schedule” to schedule the post

Once a post is scheduled, it will appear in your list of scheduled posts in the publishing tools section. From here, you have the ability to edit, delete, or reschedule pending scheduled posts before they are published.

Editing Scheduled Posts

To edit a scheduled Facebook post before it publishes:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click “Publishing Tools”
  3. Click “Scheduled Posts”
  4. Find the scheduled post you want to edit in the list
  5. Click the three dots beside the post and select “Edit”
  6. Make your desired changes to the post content, image/video, scheduling date/time, etc.
  7. Click “Schedule” to save your edits

The scheduled post will now be updated with your revised content, image, date, or other changes. The post will still publish at the scheduled time, but will reflect the edits you made.

Things You Can Edit

Here are some of the specific things you can edit on a scheduled Facebook post before it goes live:

  • Text content
  • Images or videos
  • Tags
  • Date and time it is scheduled to publish
  • Which Facebook page it will post to
  • Post privacy settings
  • Call to action button

Essentially, anything about the post can be changed when editing a scheduled post up until the moment it actually publishes to your page timeline. The key is just accessing the scheduled post and selecting “Edit” before the scheduled date arrives.

Things You Cannot Edit

There are a couple limitations around editing scheduled Facebook posts:

  • You cannot edit a post that already published – only pending scheduled posts can be edited
  • Audience targeting for paid boosts cannot be edited – you would need to delete and recreate a new scheduled post with updated targeting

However, in most cases, you have complete flexibility to modify scheduled posts as needed up until the publish date.

Tips for Editing Scheduled Facebook Posts

Here are some tips to keep in mind when editing your scheduled Facebook posts:

Review Regularly

Get in the habit of regularly reviewing your list of scheduled posts. This allows you to monitor upcoming content and make tweaks as needed.


When making edits, double check that your changes don’t introduce any typos, grammatical errors or other issues.

Check Images

If you update the image or video, make sure the new file meets Facebook’s specs and looks good.

Confirm Settings

Double check date, time, page selection, and privacy settings to ensure correct.

Monitor Performance

Watch how your edited posts perform after publishing and continue refining.

Why Edit Scheduled Posts?

There are a few key reasons you may want to take advantage of the ability to edit pending scheduled posts on Facebook:

Fix Mistakes

If you notice an error in your post text, you can quickly fix it prior to the post going live.

Update Content

Make changes to keep your post content, imagery, or messaging up-to-date and relevant.

Optimize Timing

Adjust scheduled date/time to re-align with performance trends or other updates.

Change Offer or Promotion

If you need to change an offer or link being promoted, easily update your posts.

Manage Current Events

Adapt messaging or tone if world events necessitate changes to remain appropriate.

Best Practices

To take full advantage of the ability to edit scheduled Facebook posts, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Proofread thoroughly before scheduling posts initially to minimize need for edits
  • Avoid last minute edits to reduce rush mistakes
  • Test edited posts to confirm they still appear as intended
  • Review older scheduled posts in case they need updating
  • Adjust scheduling if you change frequency of posting cadence
  • Develop a consistent editing workflow and schedule

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you edit an already published post?

No, once a scheduled post has published to your Facebook page timeline, it can no longer be edited. You can only edit pending scheduled posts that have not yet been published.

Do edited posts retain their initial scheduled date/time?

Yes, by default editing a scheduled post will not change the original scheduled publish date and time. You can manually update the date/time if desired when editing.

Can you tell if a post was edited before publishing?

No, once a scheduled post publishes, there is no indication to viewers that the post had been edited prior to publishing. The edits are seamlessly incorporated.

Will editing a post bump it back to the top of the queue?

No, editing has no impact on the post’s position in the publish queue order for your scheduled content.

Can you edit posts scheduled through third-party apps?

It depends. Some third-party scheduling tools may allow editing of pending posts, while others may not. You will need to check capabilities of the specific app.


Editing scheduled Facebook posts is simple and straightforward – access the post in your Scheduled Posts list, click “Edit”, make your changes, and confirm. This provides flexibility to optimize your content and ensure it’s timely and relevant at the moment of publishing. Just be sure to give yourself enough advance notice to thoughtfully edit and proofread, and avoid making last minute changes. Proper planning and review will ensure your scheduled content flows seamlessly and effectively engages your audiences.