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Can you edit Facebook profile picture after posting?

Can you edit Facebook profile picture after posting?

Facebook allows users to edit their profile pictures after posting. While the original uploaded photo will remain on Facebook’s servers, users have the ability to change the public-facing profile picture as often as they want.

Can you change your profile picture on Facebook after posting?

Yes, you can change your Facebook profile picture after posting. Facebook gives users the ability to update and edit their profile picture as many times as they want, even after already posting a profile photo.

How do you edit Facebook profile picture after posting?

Editing your Facebook profile picture after posting is easy to do. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile
  2. Click on your profile picture in the left column
  3. Click on “Update Profile Picture” and select a new photo from your computer or Facebook albums
  4. Crop and edit the photo as desired
  5. Click “Save” to change your profile picture

Your new profile picture will now be visible to all your Facebook friends and followers. The process is exactly the same whether you are changing your pic for the first time or the 50th time.

How often can you change your profile photo?

There is no limit to how often you can change your Facebook profile picture. You can change it as frequently as you want – daily, weekly, hourly, or even multiple times a day. Each change will override your previous profile photo.

Do all old profile pictures stay on Facebook forever?

All previous versions of your profile picture will remain on Facebook’s servers forever, even if they are no longer publicly visible on your profile. This allows Facebook to restore past profile pictures if needed. However, only the most recent profile photo you uploaded will be visible to your friends and followers.

Can you revert back to an old Facebook profile picture?

While all your past Facebook profile pictures remain on Facebook’s system, there is no simple way to revert back to an old profile photo through the user interface. However, if you really wanted to, you could contact Facebook support and request that they restore one of your old, uploaded profile pictures as your current image.

Are old profile pictures visible anywhere on Facebook?

In most cases, your old Facebook profile pictures are not visible anywhere. However, some of your past profile images may still be visible in the following places:

  • Cached in your friends’ News Feeds if any stories were generated when you changed your picture
  • Visible if you were tagged by friends in posts using your old profile pic
  • Cached in search engine indices like Google search

So while Facebook itself will only display your newest profile pic, traces of older profile pictures can still be found if you know where to look.

Do profile picture changes appear in friends’ feeds?

Usually when you update your Facebook profile picture, it will appear in your friends’ News Feeds along with a story saying you changed your profile photo. However, Facebook gives you the option to exclude that story from your friends’ feeds if you want to change your pic more privately.

Can you edit Facebook cover photo after posting?

Yes, just like your profile picture, you can edit your Facebook cover photo at any time after initially posting. You can change your cover photo as often as you want through the Facebook user interface. Simply click on your cover image to bring up the editing options.

Is there a size limit for Facebook profile pictures?

Image Type Size Limit
Square profile picture 180 x 180 pixels
Horizontal cover photo 820 x 312 pixels

Facebook resizes your uploaded profile and cover images to fit standard dimensions. For best quality, upload pictures at the recommended resolutions.

How can you tell if someone changed their Facebook profile photo?

Here are some ways to tell if a Facebook friend has changed their profile picture:

  • A story will appear in your News Feed with their new profile picture
  • Their profile picture will look different than you remember
  • Hover over their profile picture and check the date it was last updated
  • Any posts or tags from that friend will use the new profile photo

Can someone else change your Facebook profile picture?

Only you as the account holder have the ability to change your Facebook profile picture. Other people cannot manually update or alter your profile photo. However, your profile picture may automatically change if:

  • You get married and update your name, triggering a profile photo reset
  • Facebook resets profiles to the default picture as part of policy enforcement
  • Your account is memorialized after you pass away

Under normal circumstances though, only you can actively choose and update your profile photo.

Is it possible to disable the ability to change your profile picture on Facebook?

There is no built-in setting to disable the ability to change your profile picture on Facebook. The option to edit your profile photo is standard across all Facebook accounts and cannot be turned off. However, you have full control over actually uploading a new profile picture or not – you can choose not to change your profile photo if desired. But the functionality cannot be disabled.

Can you report someone for changing their profile picture on Facebook?

In most cases, simply changing a profile picture does not violate Facebook’s policies and is not grounds for reporting the activity. However, if the new profile image contains nudity, graphic violence, hate speech, or other content prohibited by Facebook’s terms, you can report the photo to Facebook for review.

Is Facebook going to stop allowing profile picture changes at some point?

Facebook has not announced any plans to remove the ability for users to change their profile pictures. The feature has been part of Facebook since the earliest days and continues to be a core part of customizing your profile. Unless Facebook issues a statement to the contrary, users should assume changing profile pictures will remain standard on the platform.


Changing your profile picture after posting on Facebook is simple, unlimited, and a great way to refresh your look. Just click on your current profile photo and upload a new image to override the existing one. All your past profile pictures will stay on Facebook’s system forever, even if they are no longer visible. So feel free to update your photo as often as you want!