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Can you edit a reel once posted?

Can you edit a reel once posted?

Yes, it is possible to edit an Instagram reel after it has been posted. However, the ability to edit a reel is limited compared to editing a regular Instagram post. When you post a reel on Instagram, you have a 30 minute window to make edits to things like the caption, audio, effects, etc. After 30 minutes, you will no longer be able to edit the original reel post.

What can be edited on a posted reel?

During the 30 minute editing window after posting a reel, you can make the following changes:

  • Edit the reel caption
  • Change the audio track
  • Add or remove audio effects
  • Add or remove AR effects
  • Trim the length of the reel
  • Delete the reel and re-upload it

So you have quite a bit of flexibility to tweak your reel in the first half hour after posting. This allows you to fix any mistakes or make improvements before the reel gets too much engagement.

What can’t be edited on a posted reel?

There are a few things that cannot be edited on a reel once it is posted:

  • The video itself cannot be altered – no editing clips, adding/removing clips, etc.
  • Effects and filters applied to video clips cannot be changed.
  • The order of video clips cannot be rearranged.
  • The Instagram user account tagged in the reel cannot be changed.
  • Text overlays and stickers cannot be adjusted.

So the video content within the reel stays as original posted. The 30 minute window only allows editing of the caption, audio, and some effects.

Why is editing limited on posted reels?

Instagram purposely limits the editing capabilities for posted reels. Here are some reasons why:

  • To maintain the integrity of the content – Instagram wants to avoid situations where a reel gets lots of visibility and engagement, but then the user completely changes the actual content after the fact.
  • To encourage more thoughtful posting – The 30 minute window encourages creators to post content they are confident in, instead of carelessly posting and fixing later.
  • Technical/bandwidth limitations – Allowing extensive video editing of posted content requires significant technical capabilities.

The limited editing also creates a more consistent experience for viewers. What they see in the first 30 minutes remains mostly unchanged afterward.

Tips for editing reels

Here are some tips to make the most of the 30 minute editing window:

  • Preview your reel before posting to check for any mistakes.
  • Post your reel when you have time to monitor engagement and make quick edits.
  • Write your caption in a Notes app first to refine it.
  • Check audio levels and effects before posting.
  • Use the entire 30 minutes to tweak as needed.

With proper planning and reviewing, you can minimize the need for any edits after posting. But the 30 minute window remains useful for quick fixes as needed.

Deleting and re-posting a reel

If you need to make extensive edits beyond what is allowed within 30 minutes, the option remains to delete and re-post the reel. When deleting a posted reel:

  • The reel and all its views and engagement will be permanently deleted.
  • You can then make edits and re-post the reel as a new post.
  • However, it will not retain any of the previous views or likes.

So deleting and re-posting is an option, but at the cost of losing any momentum and engagement from your original post. Use sparingly and with caution.

Using Instagram Reels Manager

Instagram provides an optional browser-based tool called Reels Manager that gives expanded editing capabilities:

  • Reorder clips in a reel.
  • Trim individual clips.
  • Add or replace audio.
  • Preview changes before posting.

Reels Manager allows creating and pre-editing reels in advance. However, the 30 minute limit still applies after posting.

Third party editing apps

There are various third party mobile apps that can be used to edit Instagram reels before posting:

App Key Features
InShot Trim and reorder clips. Add effects and filters. Text overlays.
VivaVideo Speed controls. Transitions. Music library.
Adobe Premiere Rush Advanced editing tools. Color correction. Auto reframe.

These apps allow full control over video editing for reels. But again, the ability to edit after posting will still have the standard 30 minute limit.

Editing considerations

When editing a posted reel, some things to keep in mind:

  • Try to complete all edits within the 30 minute Instagram window if possible.
  • Avoid deleting and re-posting unless absolutely necessary.
  • Edit cautiously once a reel starts getting engagement and views.
  • Use Reels Manager or third-party apps for major editing before posting.
  • Proof and test a reel thoroughly before posting to minimize editing needs.

While having some editing capability for reels is useful, try to lock down content before posting whenever possible.


The ability to do some quick edits on Instagram reels within 30 minutes of posting gives useful flexibility. But major changes are limited after that point without deleting and re-posting as a new reel. Planning out content ahead of time and previewing carefully before posting will minimize the need for edits later on. Use Reels Manager or third party editing apps if you need to make significant revisions to the video content itself. But time the actual posting of the reel thoughtfully, since the editing capabilities are constrained after it goes live on Instagram.