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Can you edit a Facebook Live video before posting?

Can you edit a Facebook Live video before posting?

Facebook Live is a feature on Facebook that allows users to broadcast live video streams to their followers. Once a Facebook Live video ends, it will be posted on the user’s Facebook page or in Facebook Groups automatically. This means that Facebook Live videos are usually broadcast in real-time, without any editing.

However, Facebook does give users some options to edit their Facebook Live videos before posting them more permanently on their Facebook page or in Facebook Groups.

Can You Edit a Facebook Live Video While Broadcasting?

No, you cannot edit a Facebook Live video while you are still broadcasting live. Facebook Live streams must be broadcast in real-time, without any editing or manipulations. Anything you broadcast via Facebook Live will be shown to your viewers immediately as you record it.

This means you must be careful not to make any mistakes while broadcasting live. Unlike pre-recorded videos, you cannot fix or edit anything after it has been streamed on Facebook Live.

Can You Edit a Facebook Live Video Before Posting?

Yes, you can edit your Facebook Live video within 4 hours after you finish broadcasting. Once you end your Facebook Live stream, you have a 4 hour window to trim and make edits to the video before it is posted on your Facebook page or in Facebook Groups.

To edit your Facebook Live video before posting:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page or Profile
  2. Click on the ‘Videos’ tab in the left sidebar
  3. Find your Facebook Live video and click on the three dots icon next to it
  4. Select ‘Edit Video’

This will open up Facebook’s video editing tool, where you can trim the beginning and end of the video, add a cover image, or enable/disable sound. You can cut out any unwanted parts or mistakes from your Facebook Live stream during this stage.

However, keep in mind you only have up to 4 hours after you ended your Facebook Live broadcast to edit the video. After 4 hours, the video will be posted on your Facebook page and you can no longer make edits.

Can You Delete a Facebook Live Video?

Yes, you can delete a Facebook Live video within 4 hours after you finish broadcasting it live. This gives you a window to delete the video completely if you decide you do not want it posted.

To delete a Facebook Live video:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page or Profile
  2. Click the ‘Videos’ tab in the left sidebar
  3. Find your Facebook Live video and click the three dots icon next to it
  4. Select ‘Delete Video’ to permanently delete it

After deleting the video, it will no longer appear on your Facebook page or in Facebook Groups. However, just like editing, you only have up to 4 hours after ending the Facebook Live broadcast to delete it before it gets posted.

Can You Replace a Facebook Live Video?

No, there is no option to replace a Facebook Live video with a different video after broadcasting. The video that you stream while live will be the video that gets posted on your Facebook page or in Facebook Groups.

If you want to post a different video, you would need to delete the Facebook Live video completely within 4 hours, and then upload a new pre-recorded video separately.

Can You Download Your Facebook Live Video?

Yes, you can download your Facebook Live video to have a copy saved on your computer or device:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page or Profile
  2. Click ‘Videos’ in the left sidebar
  3. Click the three dots next to your Facebook Live video
  4. Select ‘Download Video’

Downloading the video will save it to your computer or device as an MP4 file. This can be useful if you want to re-upload or share the video elsewhere after broadcasting it via Facebook Live.

Can You Edit a Facebook Live Video After Posting?

Unfortunately no, you cannot edit a Facebook Live video after the 4 hour window to make edits before posting. Once the video has been posted publicly on your Facebook page or in Facebook Groups, there is no way to edit or modify it.

The only option after posting would be to delete the entire video. However, deleting the video after it has already been viewed publicly means your audience may have seen the original version.

Tips for Editing Facebook Live Videos

Here are some tips to make the most of the 4 hour editing window you have for Facebook Live videos before they get posted:

  • Watch your Facebook Live video back immediately after finishing the broadcast to identifying any unwanted sections or mistakes you want to edit out before posting.
  • Trim the beginning and end of the video to remove any dead air or irrelevant sections.
  • Cut out any long pauses, technical difficulties, or mistakes that happened while broadcasting live.
  • Enhance the audio by normalizing the sound levels if needed.
  • Add graphics or text captions over the video to highlight key points.
  • Change the cover image and title to make them descriptive and eye-catching.
  • Preview how the video will appear on your Facebook page before the 4 hour window ends.

Mistakes to Avoid with Facebook Live Videos

Here are some common mistakes to avoid with Facebook Live to ensure your videos turn out well:

  • Don’t start broadcasting before you’re fully set up and ready. Doing an intro after going live looks unprofessional.
  • Check your video framing, lighting, and audio ahead of time to ensure good quality.
  • Be careful not to reveal anything you don’t want shown. Facebook Live has no editing during broadcasts.
  • Don’t go over your planned time. Keeping live videos short and concise is best for engagement.
  • Stay focused on your topic and talking points during the broadcast.
  • Interact with viewers by responding to comments and questions during the live stream.
  • Have a strong ending rather than trailing off. Wrap up with a final thought to leave viewers satisfied.


While you cannot edit a Facebook Live video during the actual broadcast, you do have up to 4 hours after finishing the live stream to edit the video before it is posted on your Facebook page or in Facebook Groups. You also have up to 4 hours to delete the video completely if needed. However, once the 4 hour window has passed, the Facebook Live video can no longer be edited or deleted and will remain viewable in its original form. Using best practices and avoiding common mistakes with Facebook Live will ensure you have professional quality videos to share with your audience.