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Can you do videos on Facebook ads?

Can you do videos on Facebook ads?

Yes, it is absolutely possible to use videos in Facebook ads. Video ads on Facebook can be a very effective way to promote your business, products or services. In fact, video is becoming one of the most important formats for Facebook advertising.

Why Use Video Ads on Facebook?

There are several key reasons why video can be highly effective for Facebook ads:

  • Attention-grabbing – Video ads stand out in the Facebook newsfeed and grab user attention.
  • Higher engagement – Videos tend to get more engagement in the form of comments, shares and likes compared to static image ads.
  • Better storytelling – Video lets you tell an engaging story and make an emotional connection with viewers.
  • Higher conversions – Video ads have been shown to drive higher conversion rates compared to image ads alone.
  • Flexible targeting – You can tightly target your video ads to your ideal audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors and more.
  • Works across devices – Facebook video ads work seamlessly on desktop and mobile.

Types of Facebook Video Ads

There are several formats you can use for Facebook video ads:

  • In-stream ads – These autoplay videos appear right in the Facebook newsfeed. They can be up to 120 seconds long.
  • Photo ads with video – A static image ad that plays a video when clicked. The video can be up to 120 seconds long.
  • Slideshow ads – Combine still images with motion and music to create a slideshow-style video ad.
  • Canvas ads – Full-screen video ads that lead into your content or website.
  • Carousel ads – Show multiple still images or pieces of video content within a single ad.

Best Practices for Facebook Video Ads

Here are some key tips for creating effective Facebook video ads:

  • Keep it short – Videos less than 15 seconds tend to see better engagement. For the first 3 seconds, convey your main message.
  • Use captions – 85% of Facebook video is watched without sound. Add captions to enhance accessibility.
  • Align to audience interests – Tailor the video creative and messaging to connect with your target audience.
  • Highlight benefits – Focus more on how your product/service benefits customers rather than just features.
  • Add a clear CTA – Include a strong, clear call-to-action button to drive conversions.
  • Use eye-catching visuals – Vivid images and video will make your ad stand out in the newsfeed.
  • Optimize for sound off – Design the ad to convey key information even if viewed silently.

How to Make a Facebook Video Ad

Here is an overview of how to create a video ad on Facebook:

  1. Upload your video file to Facebook or host it externally.
  2. Select the video format you want to use – in-stream, slideshow, carousel etc.
  3. Set up the video ad within Ads Manager and select the video you uploaded.
  4. Write compelling ad text including a headline, body text and call-to-action.
  5. Target your audience – location, demographics, interests, behaviors etc.
  6. Set a campaign budget and bidding type.
  7. Design the ad creative – logos, images, text overlay etc.
  8. Add any necessary captions for soundless viewing.
  9. Preview how the video ad will appear in different placements.
  10. Place your order and launch the ad campaign.
  11. Monitor and optimize based on performance.

Facebook provides very detailed video ad specs and best practices to help you create truly compelling video ads on the platform.

Optimizing Your Facebook Video Ads

Here are some key tips for optimizing and improving the performance of your video ads on Facebook:

  • A/B test your videos – Test different lengths, creative elements and placements.
  • Analyze engagement metrics – Track views, 10-second views, completion rates, clicks etc.
  • Check your relevance score – This indicates how interesting your ad is to viewers.
  • Review feedback – Check comments and reactions for direct user feedback.
  • Refine your targeting – Narrow your audience focus based on responders.
  • Adjust your bids – Increase or decrease bids based on results.
  • Monitor delivering – Pause poor performing placements to improve overall efficiency.
  • Update CREATIVE – Try fresh videos, new captions and CTA options.

By regularly optimizing your video ads based on real data and testing, you can achieve stronger engagement rates, lower costs and ultimately the best results for your ad spend.


Video ads present an extremely effective way to reach and engage with your target audience on Facebook. By following best practices and continually refining your video ad strategy, you can drive great results from Facebook video campaigns. The diverse video ad formats on Facebook provide flexibility to connect with users in different placements and scenarios. If you aren’t using video already for Facebook advertising, it should be a top priority to test it out and gauge the impact on your marketing goals.