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Can you do a poll on a Facebook group page?

Can you do a poll on a Facebook group page?

Yes, it is possible to create and conduct polls on Facebook group pages. Polls can be a great way to get feedback, opinions and insights from members of your Facebook group.

Facebook’s native polling feature allows group admins and moderators to easily create polls. The poll questions and options can be customized, and the polls are visible to all members of the group. Results and insights can be viewed for each poll, providing valuable data.

Polls are just one of several features that enable engagement within Facebook groups. Other options include creating posts, events, files and more. Utilizing polls occasionally can add diversity to your group, stimulating conversation among members.

Benefits of Conducting Facebook Group Polls

There are many benefits to running polls in your Facebook groups:

– Get feedback from members – Polls allow you to survey members and get their opinion on topics relevant to your group. The feedback can inform decisions about the group.

– Understand member preferences – Ask poll questions about features members would like to see, types of content they prefer, ideas for events, etc. Use the results to tailor the group to their interests.

– Increase engagement – Well-crafted poll questions can spark lively discussions in comment threads as members explain their voting choice.

– Quickly assess opinions – Running polls can provide an immediate snapshot of where your audience stands on a particular topic or issue.

– Break the ice – Polls can be a friendly, non-intimidating way for new members to start participating in the group.

– Learn more about members – Demographic poll questions help you get to know more about who is in your audience. This allows you to serve them better.

– Mix up your content – Polling gives variety alongside other types of posts, keeping your audience interested.

How to Create a Poll in a Facebook Group

Creating polls is easy and accessible to any admin or moderator of the Facebook group. Here are the steps:

1. Access the group where you manage admin or moderator privileges.

2. Click the “Write Post” box at the top to start a new update.

3. Click the “Poll” icon from the formatting options bar.

4. In the poll box that opens, enter your poll question.

5. Add at least 2 answer options that members can choose from. You can include up to 6 choices.

6. (Optional) Click the 3 dots next to each answer to change the choice order.

7. Adjust poll duration if you don’t want the default 1 day length.

8. Hit “Post” to publish the poll or “Preview” first.

Once posted, members will be able to view the poll, vote for their chosen option, and see overall results.

Tips for Creating Effective Facebook Group Polls

Here are some tips to create polls that successfully engage your audience and provide meaningful insights:

– Keep poll questions short, clear and specific. Avoid vague or confusing phrasing.

– Limit the number of answer options to no more than 4-6. Too many choices overwhelm respondents.

– Make answer options complete sentences for clarity. Don’t use “Yes” or “No” choices if not needed.

– Consider your audience’s interests and perspectives when wording poll choices.

– Use neutral language, avoiding wording that skews toward a particular response.

– Occasionally include a fun, lighthearted poll to mix it up. But focus mainly on useful topics.

– Spice it up by using poll images or GIFs to catch attention. Just ensure they illustrate the question.

– Use polls sparingly. Every few days or once a week is sufficient for most groups.

– Review poll insights and summarize key takeaways after posting results.

Facebook Group Poll Ideas and Examples

Here are some example poll topics and questions to spark ideas for your own Facebook group polling:

Audience research

– What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to [topic]?

– Which format of content do you prefer: videos, blog posts, infographics?

– How long have you been a member of this group?

Content and features

– What topic would you like to see covered in a weekly Q&A?

– Should we host a monthly Facebook Live on our page?

– Which new group feature would you find most valuable?

Product and service feedback

– On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend [product] to a friend?

– What addition would most improve your experience with [service]?

Event interest

– Which day works best for you to attend a live webinar?

– What type of in-person meetup would you be most interested in attending?

Group decisions

– Should we make the group private or keep it public?

– Which charity should we spotlight for our fundraiser this quarter?

Best Practices for Facebook Group Polling

Use these tips to get the most out of polls for your Facebook group:

– Limit polls to 2-4 times per month maximum. Over-polling members leads to fatigue.

– Use polls strategically when a question can’t be answered any other way. Don’t poll just for the sake of it.

– Polls work best when members feel invested in the question and care about the outcome.

– Always analyze poll results rather than just posting them and moving on. Summarize key takeaways.

– Consider running some polls anonymously if you want candid feedback on sensitive topics.

– Encourage poll participation by promoting new polls in your group feed. Send email or messenger reminders as well.

– Be responsive to any discussions sparked by your polls. Reply to comments and answer questions.

– Review poll data and tweak low performing polls. For example, rephrase confusing questions.

– Compare anonymous vs. public poll results to see if anonymity changes responses.

– Thank members who participate and share poll results. This motivates future engagement.

Facebook Poll Rules and Moderation

To keep your Facebook polls productive, minimize conflict and stay compliant, keep these rules in mind:

– Disallow options that attack individuals or include offensive, abusive or harassing language. Moderate if necessary.

– Delete polls if necessary to avoid conflict or tangents unrelated to the group.

– Specify whether members can select multiple poll answers or just one. Choose what fits best.

– Remain impartial if polls relate to group decisions. Don’t use wording that favors a particular outcome.

– For sensitive topics, use anonymous polls or moderate closely for respectful discussion.

– Specify poll voting rules like whether members can change votes or vote multiple times. Enforce consistently.

– Ensure polls comply with Facebook’s Terms of Service and Community Standards policies.

– Delete polls and accompanying discussions once the poll expires to avoid confusion.

With prudent poll moderation and smart design choices, your Facebook polls can positively engage members while yielding actionable insights. Follow Facebook’s best practices along with the guidance in this article to optimize your group polling.


Facebook polls provide a quick, convenient way to survey your group members and spur engagement. Carefully crafted poll questions lead to useful data that guides decisions about your group. Make the most of Facebook’s native polling feature by limiting overuse, moderating effectively and analyzing results. Keep polls focused on serving your audience rather than the sole purpose of driving interaction. With strategic polling practices, you can gain valuable member feedback and increase participation within your thriving Facebook community.