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Can you delete watched video history on Facebook?

Can you delete watched video history on Facebook?

Yes, it is possible to delete your watched video history on Facebook. Facebook keeps track of all the videos you have watched while logged into your account. This allows Facebook to use your viewing history to recommend other videos and ads that may interest you. However, you can delete your Facebook video watch history if you want to remove this information from your account.

Why would you want to delete your Facebook video watch history?

Here are some common reasons why someone may want to delete their Facebook video watch history:

  • Privacy – To prevent Facebook from using your viewing history for ad targeting or recommendations
  • Embarrassing videos – To remove videos you don’t want others to see you’ve watched
  • Irrelevant history – To clear out old watch history you no longer need
  • Recommendation quality – To reset your recommendations if they seem off-base
  • Data minimization – To limit the amount of data Facebook stores about you

Clearing your video watch history can help give you more control over your Facebook experience. It’s a good option if you feel your current video recommendations or ads don’t align with your actual interests or if you want Facebook to store less information about your viewing habits.

How to delete your Facebook video watch history

Deleting your Facebook video watch history is a simple process that can be done right from the Facebook website. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the Facebook website and log into your account
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right and select “Settings”
  3. On the left sidebar, click “Videos”
  4. Under “Your Watch History” click “Edit”
  5. This will bring up your full watch history. Click the checkboxes for any videos you want to remove.
  6. Click “Delete” at the top to remove the selected videos from your history.
  7. To delete your full history, click “Clear Watch History” at the bottom

And that’s it! The videos you deleted will be removed from your account’s watch history. Facebook won’t use them to inform your future video recommendations or ads.

Does deleting Facebook video history also delete likes and comments?

No, deleting your Facebook video watch history does not also delete any likes, comments, or other interactions you’ve made on Facebook videos. Here’s what happens when you delete video history:

  • The videos are removed from your watch history
  • Facebook will not use those videos for recommendations
  • Any likes, comments, or shares you made are preserved
  • Your interactions with friends related to those videos remain intact

So you can safely delete videos from your history without losing engagement with friends or pages. The only thing that changes is Facebook’s recommendations to you.

Is Facebook video history deleted forever?

Yes, when you delete a video from your Facebook watch history it is permanently removed from your account’s data. The deletion is final – Facebook does not store those videos in your history any longer. However, there are a few caveats:

  • If you rewatch a deleted video it could get added back into your history
  • Facebook may still have analytics data on your viewing habits
  • Any engagement on the video like comments remains on Facebook’s servers

So while the videos are deleted from your personal account history, Facebook likely still has data related to them for analytics purposes. And they could get re-added if you watch them again later on.

Should you delete your Facebook video history?

Whether you should delete your Facebook video history depends on your specific reasons and privacy concerns. Here are a few pros and cons to weigh:


  • More relevant video recommendations from Facebook
  • Prevents embarrassing videos showing in your history
  • Limits Facebook’s data collection on your viewing habits
  • Can help clean up and organize your account history


  • Have to manually find videos again to rewatch
  • Lose ability to easily pick up where you left off
  • Could affect Facebook’s video suggestions negatively
  • Doesn’t limit all data Facebook has collected on you

In general, it’s reasonable to delete your video history every so often for privacy and to improve recommendations. But deleting too frequently can limit Facebook’s ability to show you personalized content. Consider your specific reasons and balance the pros and cons.

How often should you delete your Facebook video history?

Most people don’t need to delete their Facebook video history too often. Here are some recommended guidelines on frequency:

  • Once every 3-6 months – This gives you a regular clean slate while still allowing Facebook to collect some viewing data for recommendations.
  • After finishing a TV series or other videos – Clear history when you’ve viewed something you won’t watch again.
  • Before a life event – Consider deleting before others may view your account like job searches.
  • Never – If you want maximum personalized recommendations and don’t care who sees your history.

Aim to clear your video history a few times a year minimum. More frequent deletions can limit Facebook’s usefulness. And less often may expose your data. Find a frequency that balances privacy and your preferences.

Does deleting Facebook video history also delete Watch Parties?

No, deleting your personal Facebook video watch history does not affect your Facebook Watch Parties. Here’s what happens when you delete video history:

  • Your personal video watch history is deleted
  • Video recommendations may change
  • Your previous Watch Parties remain intact
  • Friends can still see videos you’ve watched together

Watch Parties are considered social interactions, not just video views. So Facebook preserves them even when your own watch history is cleared. You don’t have to worry about losing your shared video experiences.

Can you delete video history for a specific period of time?

Unfortunately Facebook does not allow you to delete video watch history for just a specific time period. When you delete video history, the options are:

  • Delete specific individual videos
  • Delete all video history entirely

There is no way to mass delete by a date range or time period. You cannot, for example, delete just your video history from last month. It’s all or nothing when it comes to deleting Facebook video histories.

Is there a browser extension to automatically delete Facebook video history?

There are several browser extensions that offer the ability to automatically delete your Facebook video watch history. Here are some popular options:

Extension Browser Frequency
Video Eraser for Facebook Chrome Daily
FB Video Remover Firefox Weekly or monthly
WebX Video Eraser Chrome / Firefox Daily, weekly, monthly

These extensions automatically clear your video watch history in the background without you having to do it manually. They offer scheduling options from daily to monthly based on your preferences.


Facebook does provide the ability to delete your video watch history. Clearing your history can improve recommendations, privacy, and prevent showing unwanted videos you’ve seen. It’s generally recommended to delete Facebook video history every few months. Just be aware the deletions only apply to your personal account history, and not other analytics data Facebook stores.

Use Facebook’s video history page to selectively delete videos or clear your entire history. And consider a browser extension if you want to automate the process on a regular basis. With a small amount of regular maintenance, you can maintain control over your Facebook video profile.