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Can you delete someone’s reply on Facebook?

Can you delete someone’s reply on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to post comments and replies on posts, photos, videos, and other content shared on the platform. While you have control over deleting your own comments and replies, you cannot directly delete someone else’s reply to your content. However, there are a few options to essentially “delete” or hide someone else’s reply on Facebook.

Can you delete someone else’s comment or reply on Facebook?

No, regular Facebook users cannot directly delete another user’s comments or replies. Only the original commenter can delete or edit their own comment. Page admins and group admins have slightly more privileges when it comes to managing comments on their pages and in their groups.

Options for “deleting” someone else’s reply on Facebook

While you cannot technically delete another user’s comment or reply, you do have some options to essentially hide or minimize visibility of unwanted replies on your own posts and pages.

Delete the entire post that the reply is on

If someone replies to your post or content on Facebook, you have the option to delete the entire post. When you delete your original post, all comments and replies on that post will be deleted as well.

To delete a post:

  • Go to the post you want to delete
  • Click the three dots in the upper right hand corner
  • Select “Delete post”
  • Confirm that you want to delete the post

Once you confirm deleting the post, the entire post along with all comments and replies will be removed.

Hide the reply from your view

You can essentially “hide” a reply on Facebook so that you no longer see it, even though it will still be visible to others.

To hide a reply:

  • Hover over the reply you want to hide and click the “Hide” option
  • Confirm that you want to hide the reply

This will remove the reply from your view, but it will still be visible to others who did not hide it.

Report the reply to Facebook

If a reply contains offensive, abusive, hateful, or otherwise inappropriate content that violates Facebook’s community standards, you can report the reply to Facebook.

To report a reply:

  • Click the three dots next to the reply
  • Select “Report post or reply”
  • Choose the option that best describes why you are reporting the content

Facebook will review the reported reply and may delete it if it violates their policies. However, there is no guarantee that reporting a reply will get it removed.

Restrict the user who replied from your page

If someone repeatedly replies to your posts in a harassing, abusive, or unwelcome manner, you can restrict them from your Facebook page.

To restrict a user:

  • Go to your page and click “Settings”
  • Click “Restricted List”
  • Enter the name of the user you want to restrict
  • Click “Restrict”

This prevents the user from being able to comment on or interact with any of your posts. However, it does not delete any existing comments or replies they have already made.

Options for deleting replies as a Facebook page admin

If you manage a Facebook page, you have additional options for deleting or hiding unwanted replies and comments from your page posts.

Delete individual replies

Page admins can delete individual replies on their page posts. Simply hover over a reply, click the three dots, and select “Delete reply.”

Turn off commenting on a post

Page admins can turn off commenting on a post entirely. This prevents anyone from being able to reply to that post from that point forward.

Hide comments from view

Similar to hiding a reply as a regular user, page admins can hide an entire comment thread from their view so they no longer see the replies.

Ban a user from page

If someone repeatedly leaves unwelcome replies, page admins can ban the user from the page. This completely prevents them from interacting with the page.

How to delete your own replies on Facebook

While you cannot delete someone else’s comments or replies, you do have full control over managing your own replies.

To delete your reply:

  • Go to the post where you replied
  • Hover over your reply and click the three dots
  • Select “Delete reply”
  • Confirm that you want to delete your reply

Your reply will be deleted. You can also edit your own replies at any time.

Limits of deleting replies on Facebook

It’s important to keep in mind that none of these options will permanently erase a reply from Facebook’s servers. The original commenter can still see and access their own reply, even if you hide or report it.

Deleted replies may also be cached in search engines or third party sites that access Facebook data. And other users may have seen the reply before it was hidden or deleted.

So while you have some options to essentially hide or limit visibility of unwanted replies, you cannot fully delete or remove a reply posted by another user.


To recap, here are the options for managing another user’s reply on Facebook:

  • Delete the entire post (deletes all replies)
  • Hide the reply from your view
  • Report the reply to Facebook
  • Restrict the replying user from your profile

Page admins have additional moderation capabilities like deleting individual replies. However, no user can completely delete or permanently erase another user’s comment or reply.

The best options are to delete the original post, hide unwanted replies from your view, or report policy-violating replies to Facebook. Be careful not to engage with trolls or abusive commenters, as this often encourages unwanted replies.

User Type Options for Managing Replies
Regular user
  • Delete original post
  • Hide reply
  • Report reply
  • Restrict replying user
Page admin
  • Delete original post
  • Hide reply
  • Report reply
  • Delete individual replies
  • Turn off commenting
  • Ban user from page

While Facebook gives you some degree of control, you ultimately cannot force the removal of another user’s content. Manage your interactions wisely, follow Facebook’s rules, and disengage from toxic situations.

For more help managing comments and replies on Facebook, refer to Facebook’s Help Center. Make use of the moderation tools available to create a positive environment for discussion on your posts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I delete someone’s comment on my Facebook post?

No, regular users cannot directly delete another person’s comment on their post. You can only delete your own comments. However, you can delete the entire post which removes all comments, or hide the comment from your view.

What happens when you delete a comment on Facebook?

When you delete your own comment, it is removed from public view on Facebook. However, deleting a comment does not completely erase it. It may still be visible in cached versions or to the original commenter.

Can someone delete your comments on their Facebook post?

No, only you can delete or edit your own comments on Facebook. Other users cannot delete your comments posted on their content. The only way your comment can be deleted is if the original post is deleted.

Who can delete comments on Facebook posts?

The original commenter can always delete or edit their own comment. Page admins can delete comments and replies from others on their page posts. Group admins can delete comments in their groups. But regular users cannot directly delete other comments.

Can Facebook delete comments?

Yes, Facebook can delete comments that get reported and found to violate Facebook’s Community Standards. Abusive, offensive, spam, and policy-breaking comments can get deleted by Facebook even if the original poster does not delete them.

How to prevent unwanted replies on Facebook

Here are some tips to help prevent getting unwelcome or unwanted replies on your Facebook posts:

  • Be thoughtful about who you allow to see your posts – use friend lists and privacy settings
  • Don’t post provocative, controversial things designed to get engagement
  • Turn commenting off for some posts if it’s likely to attract toxicity
  • Be proactive about blocking, restricting, hiding profiles who repeatedly post unwanted replies
  • Moderate conversations by deleting abusive comments
  • Report harassing or abusive behavior to Facebook

Thoughtfully managing your privacy settings, friends list, and post visibility can limit your exposure to unwanted replies. Avoid antagonizing conversations that invite trolling. Use tools to hide or restrict problematic commenters when necessary. Seek help from Facebook if the situation escalates to harassment.

Dealing with harassing or abusive replies

If someone is repeatedly replying to your posts in a harassing, threatening, or abusive manner, take steps to report them and disengage from the interaction:

  • Report harassing messages to Facebook
  • Block the abusive user
  • Restrict them from viewing your profile or posts
  • Refrain from responding or engaging with the harasser
  • Document and collect evidence of harassment
  • Consider reporting threats of harm to legal authorities

Do not get drawn into arguments or exchanges with online bullies or harassers. Cut off their access to interacting with you, report them through proper channels, and disengage from the conversation. Seek help from Facebook, law enforcement, or authorities if you feel unsafe or threatened.

Best practices for engaging on Facebook

Here are some best practices for having positive interactions and conversations in Facebook comments and replies:

  • Be respectful and assume good intent from others
  • Stick to constructive discussions focused on ideas
  • Avoid personal attacks or insults
  • Don’t feed trolls – disengage and move on
  • Allow differences of opinion in a civil way
  • Manage your community by deleting truly abusive comments
  • Don’t take negative interactions too personally

Following Facebook’s Community Standards, maintaining empathy, managing your expectations, and disengaging from toxicity can help ensure your Facebook interactions remain as constructive and positive as possible.

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In summary:

  • Regular Facebook users cannot delete someone else’s replies or comments
  • Page admins have more options to delete replies and restrict users
  • You can essentially “hide” unwanted replies from your view
  • Reporting rule-breaking replies may lead to Facebook deleting them
  • Focus on disengaging from negativity and fostering a positive community

While Facebook gives you limited control over other people’s comments, your best recourse is managing your own behavior, expectations, privacy, and community. Set a constructive tone, follow Facebook’s policies, and do not engage with harassers or abusive commenters. With some prudent management and boundaries, you can have more positive interactions on Facebook.

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