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Can you delete an entire Facebook chat?

Can you delete an entire Facebook chat?

Facebook Messenger allows you to have conversations with friends, family, coworkers, and more. Over time, your message threads can get cluttered and you may want to delete an entire conversation thread.

Can You Delete an Entire Facebook Chat?

Yes, it is possible to delete an entire chat thread in Facebook Messenger. This removes the conversation from your messages list and deletes the chat history and messages within that thread.

How to Delete a Facebook Chat Thread

Here are the steps to delete a Facebook Messenger chat thread:

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger app on your mobile device or navigate to on your desktop.
  2. Locate the chat thread you want to delete in your messages list and tap on it to open the conversation.
  3. Tap on the name of the person or group at the top of the chat thread.
  4. This will open a menu – tap on the Delete Chat option.
  5. Confirm that you want to delete the chat by tapping Delete in the pop-up.

The conversation thread will now be removed from your messages list and all messages within that chat will be permanently deleted.

Other Ways to Delete a Chat

Here are some other ways to delete a Facebook Messenger conversation:

Delete Chat in Group Thread

If you want to delete a group conversation:

  1. Open the group chat thread.
  2. Tap on the group name at the top of the thread.
  3. Tap on the Leave Chat option.
  4. Confirm leaving the chat in the pop-up.

This will remove you from the group chat thread and delete the messages.

Delete Chat Using a Desktop

To delete a Facebook chat from a desktop:

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Click on the chat thread you want to delete.
  3. Click on the name of the person or group at the top.
  4. Select Delete Chat from the drop-down menu.
  5. Confirm deleting the chat.

Delete Thread in Facebook App

You can also delete a Messenger thread from the Facebook app:

  1. In the Facebook app, tap on the Menu icon.
  2. Go to Messages > Message Requests.
  3. Tap to open the conversation thread you want to delete.
  4. Tap on the name of the recipient and select Delete Chat.
  5. Confirm deleting the chat thread.

Permanently Deleting a Chat Thread

When you delete a conversation thread, it is removed from your messages list and you can no longer see the chat. However, the messages may still be on Facebook Messenger’s servers.

To permanently delete a chat from existence, you need to delete the conversation thread and then report it. Here’s how:

  1. Delete the chat thread as explained above.
  2. Go to your archived messages in Messenger.
  3. Locate and open the deleted chat thread.
  4. Tap on the name of the recipient at the top.
  5. Select Report Chat at the bottom.
  6. Follow the steps to report the chat and confirm.

Reporting the chat after deleting will permanently remove all traces of the conversation from Facebook’s servers.

Important Things to Know

Here are some important things to keep in mind when deleting Facebook chats:

  • Deleting a chat removes it for you, but the other participants will still have the conversation thread and messages on their end.
  • In group chats, the conversation will still exist for the other members even if you leave or delete it.
  • If you delete a chat thread with someone, either person can still start a new chat again in the future.
  • Delete and report a chat if you want it permanently gone from Facebook’s servers.
  • You can only delete or report chats on mobile devices, not from a desktop.

When to Delete a Chat

Here are some common reasons you may want to delete a Facebook Messenger conversation:

  • To remove clutter and keep your messages organized.
  • If the conversation is with someone you no longer talk to.
  • If the chat contains sensitive or private information.
  • To permanently end conversations in a group chat that you have left.
  • To remove chats with an ex or someone causing you distress.
  • To wipe old chats that you don’t need taking up space.

Troubleshooting Chat Deletion

If you are having trouble deleting a Facebook conversation, here is some troubleshooting advice:

Chat Won’t Delete

  • Make sure you are tapping the correct option to delete the chat. This is usually located in the menu with the recipient’s name.
  • Try force quitting and relaunching the Messenger app.
  • Check if you have the latest version of the app – update it if needed.
  • Delete the conversation on desktop if you can’t remove it on mobile.

Deleted Chat Still Visible

  • The chat may still be visible if you only left a group chat and didn’t delete it.
  • Give it some time for the chat to be removed from your messages list after deleting.
  • Make sure you also delete the chat on desktop if you use Messenger there.
  • Try logging out and back into Messenger to refresh your messages.

Can’t Report Deleted Chat

  • Reporting a chat is only possible on mobile, not desktop.
  • You need to first delete the chat, then locate it in your archived messages before you can report it.
  • If reporting fails, try deleting the chat again and then report.


Deleting Facebook Messenger conversations allows you to remove chat threads you no longer need clogging up your messages list. Simply access the chat, tap the recipient’s name, and select Delete Chat to remove the thread. For permanent deletion, also report the chat after deleting it. Keep in mind chats will still exist for other participants even if you delete it. Be mindful when removing chats as they cannot be recovered.