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Can you delete a Facebook post that has been shared?

Can you delete a Facebook post that has been shared?

Quick Answer

Yes, it is possible to delete a Facebook post that has been shared, but the process and results depend on how many times it has been shared. If your post has only been shared a few times, you can likely delete it entirely. However, if it has been widely shared, deleting it will only remove it from your timeline – copies shared by others will still exist on Facebook.

How Many Times Has Your Post Been Shared?

The number of times your post has been shared is the key factor determining whether you can fully delete it from Facebook.

  • If it has been shared less than 10 times, you can likely delete the entire post and all traces of it.
  • If it has been shared 10-100 times, deleting it will remove it from your timeline, but some copies may still exist.
  • If it has been shared 100+ times, copies will still widely exist even if you delete it.

Facebook does not provide an exact count of how many times a post has been shared. But you can gauge it based on reactions, comments, and your own knowledge of who may have shared it.

How to Delete a Post on Facebook

Here are the steps to delete a post you’ve made on Facebook:

  1. Log into your Facebook account in the mobile app or on a computer.
  2. Go to your timeline and locate the post you want to delete.
  3. Click the three dots in the upper right corner of the post.
  4. Select “Delete Post” from the dropdown menu.
  5. Confirm that you want to delete the post when prompted.

The post will immediately be removed from your timeline. If it was only shared a few times, it will likely disappear entirely from Facebook.

What Happens When You Delete a Shared Post?

When you delete a post that has been widely shared, here is what happens:

  • It is removed from your timeline immediately.
  • The comments, reactions, and shares on the original post are also deleted.
  • Any shares of your post remain on the timelines of those who shared it.
  • The copy of the post on other people’s timelines will say “Post unavailable” where your name originally was.

So deleting a heavily shared post does not remove it from Facebook entirely. But it does eliminate the original and stops it from spreading further.

Can You Delete Posts Shared by Others?

You cannot delete copies of your post that have been shared by other people. Even if you delete the original, the copies remain on the sharers’ timelines.

Your only option is to ask the individual users to delete their shares of your post if you want them removed entirely. For widely-shared posts, this is often impractical.

How Long Does a Deleted Post Stay on Facebook?

When you delete a Facebook post, it is removed from your timeline immediately. However, it may persist in other locations:

  • Deleted posts remain in Facebook’s servers for 90 days before permanent deletion.
  • Posts can still show up in News Feed for a short time until updates propagate.
  • Deleted posts could remain in Facebook backups or archives indefinitely.

So don’t count on a deleted post disappearing entirely right away. It can take up to 90 days before it is purged from Facebook’s systems.

Can You Recover a Deleted Facebook Post?

It is not possible to recover a deleted Facebook post through the interface. Once you confirm deletion, the post is marked for removal from Facebook’s servers within 90 days.

However, you may be able to recover the post through:

  • Your own Facebook data archive – posts remain for 90 days after deletion.
  • Web archives like may have indexed an old copy.
  • Facebook backups or cached versions stored by other users or apps.

But these methods are not guaranteed. So assume any post you delete is very difficult to recover, especially if more than 90 days have passed.

How to Minimize the Reach of an Embarrassing Post

If you made an embarrassing post on Facebook that you now regret, here are some damage control tips:

  • Delete the post immediately to stop it spreading further.
  • Update your post privacy settings to limit who can see your posts.
  • Temporarily deactivate your Facebook account until it blows over.
  • Apologize and ask others to delete any shares of your post.
  • Issue a follow-up post explaining or apologizing for the content.

While you can’t erase widespread shares, you can minimize the impact by acknowledging mistakes and moving forward. Most temporary embarrassments on social media blow over quickly when handled properly.

Can You Get in Legal Trouble for a Facebook Post?

Yes, a Facebook post can generate legal troubles or get you sued in certain situations, such as:

  • Defamation – Spreading false information about someone that damages their reputation.
  • Hate speech or threats of violence against protected groups.
  • Sharing copyrighted material or trademarks without permission.
  • Violating non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements.

These types of Facebook posts can lead to civil or criminal charges. Deleting the posts does not necessarily protect you from legal liability.

If you believe a post of yours could get you in legal trouble, consult a lawyer immediately. Merely deleting it is likely insufficient. You may need to publish retractions or institute other remedies.

How to Prevent Damaging Posts in the Future

To avoid publishing Facebook posts you later regret or that cause problems, follow these best practices:

  • Pause and think carefully before posting anything potentially inflammatory or controversial.
  • Avoid posts involving confidential information protected by contracts.
  • Fact check your statements to avoid unintended misinformation.
  • Limit political or religious posts that may offend certain audiences.
  • Review social media guidelines from your school or workplace.

Exercising restraint, discretion, and caution goes a long way in social media. Seek advice if unsure about a potential post. It’s much easier to avoid incidents than try to reverse them.


While deleting widely shared Facebook posts is challenging, the original can still be removed from your profile. This eliminates it from continuing to spread. Though copies may persist elsewhere, deleting is an important first step if you regret something you shared. Learning how to post responsibly remains the best way to maintain your online reputation.