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Can you delete a Facebook group without removing all members?

Can you delete a Facebook group without removing all members?

Facebook groups are a popular way for people to connect over shared interests and discuss topics in a more private setting than a Facebook page. As a group admin, you may eventually decide you want to delete a group you manage, but don’t necessarily want to remove all of the members at the same time.

Can you delete a Facebook group without removing members?

Yes, it is possible to delete a Facebook group without removing the members. When you delete a Facebook group as the admin, you have two options:

  • Delete Group: This option completely deletes the group, removing all members in the process.
  • Delete Group and Remove All Members: This also deletes the group, but gives you the option to remove all members before deleting or keep the members and just delete the group.

If you choose the “Delete Group” option, the group will be deleted but all the current members will remain intact. They simply won’t have access to the group anymore since it no longer exists.

Step-by-step guide to deleting a Facebook group only

Here is a step-by-step guide to deleting a Facebook group without removing the members:

  1. Go to your Facebook group page as the admin.
  2. Click on the “Settings” link at the top of the page.
  3. On the General Settings page, click on the “Delete Group” button.
  4. A pop-up will appear asking “Are you sure you want to delete this group?” Click “Delete Group.”
  5. A second pop-up will appear giving you two options:
    • Delete Group and Remove All Members
    • Delete Group
  6. Select the “Delete Group” option.
  7. Click “Continue” on the confirmation prompt.

That’s it! The group will now be deleted but all members will remain intact and on Facebook. They just won’t have access to view or post in the now deleted group.

What happens to the members when you just delete the group?

When you just delete a Facebook group without removing members, here is what happens to the members:

  • They will not be notified that the group has been deleted.
  • The group will no longer show up in their list of groups.
  • Any content they contributed to the group, such as posts and comments, will be deleted.
  • They will no longer have access to view or engage with the group in any way.
  • Essentially, the group disappears from their view but their profiles remain untouched.

The only way members would know you deleted the group is if they tried to access it and saw that the URL no longer works.

Pros of deleting a Facebook group only

Some pros of deleting a Facebook group without removing members include:

  • You don’t have to notify members or disrupt their accounts by removing them.
  • Members don’t lose connections they’ve made with each other in the group.
  • You can take a break from moderating the group without having to rebuild the entire member base.
  • It’s less disruptive for popular or highly engaged groups.
  • Members’ profiles remain unaffected.

This method essentially puts the group on hold while preserving the members for the future if you ever want to recreate the group again.

Cons of deleting a Facebook group only

Some potential cons include:

  • Confused members if they try to access the deleted group and it’s gone.
  • Members remain in an inactive group they are no longer engaged in.
  • No notification that the group is gone or why it was deleted.
  • Lingering inactive group on members’ profiles.
  • Can’t completely start fresh with new group or members.

While less disruptive initially, deleting a group only can cause confusion down the road if not communicated to members.

Should you remove members when deleting a Facebook group?

Whether you should remove members before deleting a Facebook group depends on several factors:

  • Size and activity level of the group – For very large or active groups, keeping members may be better.
  • Reason for deleting – If deleting temporarily vs. permanently, keeping members makes it easier to restart.
  • Engagement level of members – If low engagement, removing members may be better for a fresh start.
  • Admin resources – Keeping members saves you from re-adding down the road.
  • Purpose of the group – For support groups, keep members to preserve connections.

In general, if you want to temporarily pause a group or think you may restart it again in the future, deleting without removing members is best. However, if it’s the end for good, removing members can provide more closure.

How to remove all members when deleting a Facebook group

If you decide you do want to remove all members as part of deleting a Facebook group, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the group’s Settings.
  2. Click “Delete Group” button.
  3. In the pop-up, select “Delete Group and Remove All Members.”
  4. Click Continue to confirm.

This will permanently delete the group and remove all members in one action. Members will be notified the group was deleted and they are no longer members.

Steps to save key information from a group before deleting

Before deleting a Facebook group, you may want to save important information from it. Here are some steps:

  1. Export a member list: Go to Member List under Settings and click “Export All.” Save members list offline.
  2. Save photos/files: Download photos, videos, docs shared to the group.
  3. Screenshot descriptions: Any other text data like descriptions can be manually screenshotted.
  4. Export posts: Use a third-party tool connected to the Graph API to export posts.
  5. Record insights: Note down any key metrics under Insights like members gained.

Having this data makes it easier to pick up where you left off if recreating the group later or building a new one.

What to do if you change your mind after deleting a Facebook group

If you delete a Facebook group then change your mind shortly after, here are some things you can try:

  1. Check for a reconnect link – Sometimes Facebook will allow you to undo the deletion through a link.
  2. Contact Facebook support – Ask if they can recover the group.
  3. Recreate the group – Add your saved members back and re-post old content.

Unfortunately there is no guarantee you can recover a deleted group. Acting quickly and contacting Facebook support is your best bet to get the group restored.

Best practices when deleting Facebook groups

Follow these best practices when deleting Facebook groups:

  • Give advance notice to members when possible.
  • Export important data for the group before deleting.
  • Remove spam and inactive members periodically.
  • Have an admin takeover plan if abandoning group.
  • Have a back-up admin in case the main admin is unavailable.
  • Review Facebook’s terms around maintaining groups.
  • Delete unused groups to declutter profiles.

The takeaway on deleting Facebook groups

Here are some key points to remember:

  • You can delete a Facebook group without removing members.
  • Members will no longer have access but their profiles stay intact.
  • Evaluate group activity and future plans when deciding to remove members or not.
  • Be prepared to lose access when deleting a group.
  • Have an admin succession plan when maintaining a group long-term.

While it takes more effort initially, removing all members before deletion provides the cleanest slate for everyone. But keeping members makes restarting easier. Review options carefully when deleting any Facebook group.