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Can you deactivate a Facebook page without deleting it?

Can you deactivate a Facebook page without deleting it?

Facebook pages allow businesses, brands, organizations, and public figures to establish an official presence on Facebook. Page owners can post content, interact with followers, run ads, and analyze page performance. While some page owners may eventually want to delete their Facebook page entirely, others may wish to temporarily deactivate their page instead. Deactivating a Facebook page removes it from public view without deleting all of its content and followers. Here is what you need to know about deactivating a Facebook page without deleting it completely.

Why Deactivate Instead of Delete a Facebook Page?

There are several reasons why a page owner may want to deactivate their Facebook page instead of deleting it:

  • The page owner wants to take a break from actively managing the page for a period of time. This could be due to insufficient time, resources, or interest. Deactivating the page provides a temporary solution.
  • The business, brand, organization, or public figure represented by the page is undergoing a transition period. The page owner intends to reactivate the page in the future under new management or with a new strategic direction.
  • The page was created for a specific campaign or event that has now ended. The owner wants to maintain the page history and metrics for future reference.
  • The page owner wants to consolidate multiple existing pages into one. Deactivating duplicate or outdated pages can help streamline the process.
  • The owner is concerned about the security of the page and wants to lock it down temporarily as a precaution.

In all of these cases, deactivating the page provides more flexibility than deleting it entirely. Page owners can reactivate a deactivated page at any time from the Facebook Business Suite.

How to Deactivate a Facebook Page

Deactivating a Facebook page is simple and can be done in just a few steps:

  1. Navigate to the Facebook page you want to deactivate.
  2. Click on the arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings”.
  3. On the General tab under Page Visibility, click on “Deactivate Page”.
  4. A popup will appear asking you to confirm deactivation. Select “Deactivate”.

The page will then be immediately deactivated. It will no longer be visible to the public anywhere on Facebook. The page name and URL will become unavailable to be claimed by anyone else. Existing likes and followers will remain connected to the page.

What Happens When You Deactivate a Facebook Page

Here’s an overview of what happens when a Facebook page is deactivated:

  • The page will not be visible to anyone except the admins and editors of the page.
  • No one will be able to view posts, photos, events or other content associated with the page.
  • Current likes and followers will remain, but no one new will be able to like or follow the page.
  • The page will not show up in any searches on Facebook.
  • Ads associated with the page will stop running immediately.
  • Page admins and editors will still have access to page analytics and metrics.
  • The Facebook URL for the page will remain reserved and unavailable to others.
  • Page admins and editors can still send updates and messages to current followers.

Essentially, deactivating a page removes it entirely from public visibility, but preserves the internal content and follower connections for future use.

Limitations of a Deactivated Facebook Page

While deactivating a page keeps its core structure intact, page admins should be aware of some key limitations:

  • No new content can be posted to a deactivated page.
  • Follower growth is halted. No one new will be able to like or follow the page.
  • Engagement from current followers may decrease over time.
  • Ads associated with the page cannot run while it is deactivated.
  • Analytics are limited. Detailed Insights are not available for deactivated pages.
  • Original page name and URL cannot be changed while deactivated.
  • Page merges cannot be initiated from a deactivated page.

Page owners should carefully consider these impacts before deciding to deactivate. For long term solutions, deleting the page entirely may be more appropriate in some cases.

How to Reactivate a Deactivated Facebook Page

When ready to resume using your Facebook page, reactivating a deactivated page is very simple:

  1. Go to the Facebook Business Suite and select “Pages” in the left sidebar.
  2. Locate the deactivated page and click the 3 dots next to the page name.
  3. Select “Activate” from the dropdown menu.

The page will then be immediately restored to active status and made fully visible to the public again. All previous content, followers, analytics and settings will remain intact.

Best Practices for Reactivating a Facebook Page

To ensure the best results when reactivating a Facebook page, keep these tips in mind:

  • Post an update letting existing followers know the page is active again.
  • Monitor notifications and respond to any messages that came in while inactive.
  • Consider paying to boost your first few posts to re-engage followers.
  • Analyze follower demographics to target content and advertising.
  • Review past posts and metrics to align with current marketing goals.
  • Update page info like the description, profile image and call-to-action button.
  • Run a contest or promotion to build excitement and new followers.

Following best practices for reactivation will help quickly regain momentum and give your Facebook page the best chance of future success.

Pros and Cons of Deactivating vs. Deleting a Facebook Page

If unsure whether to deactivate or delete your Facebook page entirely, considering the key pros and cons of each option:

Pros of Deactivating

  • Maintains followers, content, engagement history and metrics.
  • Original page name and URL remain reserved.
  • Option to reactivate page in the future.
  • Followers can be notified of impending deactivation.
  • Lower risk of losing brand awareness long-term.

Cons of Deactivating

  • Page remains in Facebook system using up data.
  • Analytics and Insights are limited.
  • Cannot change page name or transfer assets to new page.
  • Follower engagement may decrease over time.
  • No option for public farewell or redirection.

Pros of Deleting

  • Completely removed from Facebook’s system.
  • Page name becomes available to claim.
  • Can download data for records.
  • Option to notify followers of deletion.
  • Provides definitive end if permanently closing business.

Cons of Deleting

  • All content, followers and metrics permanently erased.
  • Original page name and URL released.
  • No ability to reactivate in the future.
  • Higher risk of long-term brand awareness loss.
  • No control over what followers see when page disappears.

Analyze the unique needs and goals of your Facebook presence to determine if deactivation or deletion is the right choice.


Deactivating a Facebook page provides page owners a flexible option to temporarily remove their page from public view without permanently erasing its content and followers. It can serve as a strategic pause, transition phase, or security measure for a variety of circumstances. While deactivated, pages retain core information but cannot accumulate new followers or insights. Pages can easily be reactivated at any time. Carefully weigh the pros and cons of deactivating versus fully deleting a page based on your specific situation and goals.